Rogue FBI agent Peter Stzrok gets a job at Georgetown University.

yes i've heard that....and i believed it early on...but the fact they've kept their mouths shut and have done nothing to repair the problem removes any doubt in my mind.. The whole thing stinks from the head down to the tail.
They all have to sign them.
I'll just put it this way .....The Whistleblower "protection act", is a joke.

It ain't right.
From what I understand the feds have employees also doing local police jobs too.... and everywhere else pretty much.( news board moderators) A lot of times basically earning two salaries and two pensions while,as we see.... working against the American public, under secrecy.

Think about it there are tens of thousands of FBI who are these people ? Same with c i a , n s a....DHS.
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Obama's political mentor and sometimes law partner was a domestic terrorist who blew up corporate centers and Military recruitment centers. The last bomb he made allegedly for Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance blew up prematurely and killed a couple of his gang members. Bill Ayers was guilty of about a thousand federal felonies including felony murder but he never stood trial and today he is a college professor. His wife did time for domestic terrorism and other felonies and she is also a college professor. Disgraced FBI agent Stzrok is in good (or bad) company.
It looks like if you try to interfere with the US presidential election, you not only don't get fired and don't go to jail, but land a cushy job at a DC- area university.
He's part of the D.C. insiders' Establishment crowd and he should get along really well in the Communist Party Ivy League college campus atmosphere.
I forgot he was actually fired.

Strzok, who was fired from the FBI in 2018, was one of the investigators who questioned former national security adviser Michael Flynn about his discussions with Russian officials in 2017 and believed he lied about them.

Strzok was removed from then-special counsel Robert Mueller's team once those messages were discovered. A report from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Strzok's messages were inappropriate and "cast a cloud over the FBI’s handling" of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

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