Rolling Stone Exposes Bain and Romney...

A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill.


And this is where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success, the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator who revived moribund companies as a high-priced consultant for a storied Wall Street private equity firm. But what most voters don't know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain, stark reality that has somehow eluded America's top political journalists for two consecutive presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth.

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Wow...what a long brainless opinion piece, written specifically for the brainless, by the brainless.... Class warfare, Occupy Wall Street idiots...It's a conspiracy Joey and Romney is Part of it :cuckoo:
Been through the "Bain Thaing" It didn't work.

Actually, it worked very well. Romney is personally very unpopular.

So really, this election is a choice between a guy you like but don't think is very good at his job, and a guy you don't like who might be, if you can trust him... but you probably shouldn't.

What an interesting statement. We are the employers of the president. If he's not good at his job...we should let him go and get someone we think would be better. Look at the resume of Romney.. Look at his history of successes. And most of us like the man. What is not to like?
It's hard to overstate the ignorance of your statement. But when you're an angry bigot who lives in a Fog of Hate, I guess it is to be expected.

You know, a five year old asks, "Why do you hate me?" when his parents punish him...

And you have about as much credibility.

Just to clarify, when you say

Fact is, everyone involved in what was going on in Wall Street knew what was going on, saw the cliff we were heading for and did nothing about it.

You sound crazy, just like the nutter twoofers who think Bush and Cheney knew about 9/11 and let it happen. Not quite as crazy, but almost.
It's hard to overstate the ignorance of your statement. But when you're an angry bigot who lives in a Fog of Hate, I guess it is to be expected.

You know, a five year old asks, "Why do you hate me?" when his parents punish him...

And you have about as much credibility.

Just to clarify, when you say

Fact is, everyone involved in what was going on in Wall Street knew what was going on, saw the cliff we were heading for and did nothing about it.

You sound crazy, just like the nutter twoofers who think Bush and Cheney knew about 9/11 and let it happen. Not quite as crazy, but almost.

Joey's a nutjob alright:cuckoo:
Been through the "Bain Thaing" It didn't work.

Actually, it worked very well. Romney is personally very unpopular.

So really, this election is a choice between a guy you like but don't think is very good at his job, and a guy you don't like who might be, if you can trust him... but you probably shouldn't.

What an interesting statement. We are the employers of the president. If he's not good at his job...we should let him go and get someone we think would be better. Look at the resume of Romney.. Look at his history of successes. And most of us like the man. What is not to like?

No, most don't like the man. But let's look at that resume. I can do that. I have a resume business on the side, and I have to turn shit resumes into something presentable all the time.

Top count of the indictment- Batshit insane religion that wants to turn the US into a Theocracy.

Now, as someone who writes resumes professionally, I can tell you, most people would see something like that and stop reading.

Okay, then let's look at his other things on his resume. Now usually when I write a resume, the most recent thing come first, and this guy hasn't had an actual job in six years. In the resume business, that pretty much makes you unhirable.

But the last job he did have was Governor of Massachusetts. Oddly, it's probably the job closest to the one he is seeking now. He barely won it, left after one term, and polled 48 out of 50 governors in popularity when he left. BLAGO was more popular! And, oh, yeah, he's polling so badly in that state now he's not even going to try to win it.

Again- since you brought up Resumes, if the last place you worked said we hated him and we were glad when he's gone, it's usually not a good sign. Nor is it a good sign that he destroyed all the e-mail records of his time in office there.

Okay, now, prior to that, we have his Olympic Stewardship. Lots of records from that he won't release, either. And then you have the reason why he took that job. Because members of his whacky cult stepped in it, bribed Olympic Officials to get an Olympics they couldn't handle, and now were in deep shit because the venues and security wasn't in place. And at the end of the day, he still had to go hat in hand to the Federal Government for a big bailout because Mr. Wizard couldn't get his corporate buddies to bail it out completely.

So, yeah, he doesn't talk about those things. He just wants to talk about Bain. Which was 13 years ago. Or maybe 10. We don't know because he won't tell us when he really left. Or release his tax returns. What we do know is that 22% of the businesses Bain invested in went belly-up, and the ones that were successful still meant the people who worked there lost benefits, salaries and sometimes jobs.

So while you have plenty of people from GS Steel and AmPad willing to say horrid things about him, you really don't have someone from Staples coming up and saying, "I love my minimum wage job with no benefits! Thanks Mr. Romney!"

So, yeah, looking at that resume, I see a guy who is probably going to not be nearly as good as he says and will manage to piss off everyone before he's done.
It's hard to overstate the ignorance of your statement. But when you're an angry bigot who lives in a Fog of Hate, I guess it is to be expected.

You know, a five year old asks, "Why do you hate me?" when his parents punish him...

And you have about as much credibility.

Just to clarify, when you say

Fact is, everyone involved in what was going on in Wall Street knew what was going on, saw the cliff we were heading for and did nothing about it.

You sound crazy, just like the nutter twoofers who think Bush and Cheney knew about 9/11 and let it happen. Not quite as crazy, but almost.

No, actually, that sounds pretty sane to me. Hell, a lot of economists, like Krugman, were sounding the warning bells YEARS before the shit hit the fan. If you want to compare it to 9/11, (because, really, it wouldn't be a Toro Argument without a total off topic comparison to cover the fact he can't make his main point if his bonus depended on it) it would be like if the planes started off in Saudi Arabia, and took three years to get here, stating that was their intent all along.
LOL, rolling stone talking about GREED, yet they push their patheic magazine on people TO MAKE MONEY

you can't make this shit up

Yes but that is money people can and do spend because they want to. What Romney did was much more sinister than that.
The only investors who'd be scared away by that are the larcenous ones, and good riddance to them.

Wrong. Anyone who doesn't want to go to jail because the business lost money would be scared away. That means anyone with an ounce of smarts.

No, we'd have a fair investigation. If they lost money because of real market shifts, that would be taken into account.

But if they just went into a company to loot it... that'd be a different issue.

And threaten a few of the lower-level guys with jail, they'lll roll on the big boys really quick.

It's how the Mafia got put out of business...

ROFL! "Fair investigation" my ass. What's fair about prosecuting people for a "crime" that even honest people can't committing? You make it clear the prosecution will be nothing more than a witch hunt when you admit you will persecute a few so they will incriminate others. That's exactly what Stalin did during his purges.
a great article on how mitt romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill.


well look here the big government repubocrat. Defending democrats at every turn while im not........

i guess i'm having a hard time why you are upset when some welfare queen gets hundreds and romney takes millions from the taxpayer.

So if the larceny is over a certain level, you're good with it?

there isnt any truth to your words..........
That's not how the real world works, Joey. The unintended consequences would be great as lenders would restrict credit to ensure they don't violate the law. There would be less capital available for investment, jobs and growth. Such a policy would be far more destructive and damaging than anything private equity firms wrought.

Of course, the empirical evidence is that companies such as Bain don't shed jobs any more than the rest of the economy.

The empirical evidence is that Bain really wasn't any better at picking winners than doing it at random,

What "empirical evidence" is that? Please post it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

for all their larcency and evil.... YOu'd have done just as well picking stocks at random.

Horse shit. Very few people make that kind of money on stocks.

That was in the article...

As I've already demonstrated, the article is horseshit. The author doesn't even know that interest expenses are legitimate business deductions. He's a Marxist imbecile.

And frankly, given how badly you guys fucked it up in 2008, I don't think you should be lecturing anyone at this point.

Only the terminally brainwashed are buying the story that Republicans are responsible for the sub-prime mortgage debacle.
Wrong. Anyone who doesn't want to go to jail because the business lost money would be scared away. That means anyone with an ounce of smarts.

No, we'd have a fair investigation. If they lost money because of real market shifts, that would be taken into account.

But if they just went into a company to loot it... that'd be a different issue.

And threaten a few of the lower-level guys with jail, they'lll roll on the big boys really quick.

It's how the Mafia got put out of business...

ROFL! "Fair investigation" my ass. What's fair about prosecuting people for a "crime" that even honest people can't committing? You make it clear the prosecution will be nothing more than a witch hunt when you admit you will persecute a few so they will incriminate others. That's exactly what Stalin did during his purges.

Your point being?

Fact is, the asshole on Wall Street crashed the economy, and we all ended up paying for it....

A few show trials would be immensely satisfying.
That's not how the real world works, Joey. The unintended consequences would be great as lenders would restrict credit to ensure they don't violate the law. There would be less capital available for investment, jobs and growth. Such a policy would be far more destructive and damaging than anything private equity firms wrought.

Of course, the empirical evidence is that companies such as Bain don't shed jobs any more than the rest of the economy.

The empirical evidence is that Bain really wasn't any better at picking winners than doing it at random,

What "empirical evidence" is that? Please post it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

Horse shit. Very few people make that kind of money on stocks.

That was in the article...

As I've already demonstrated, the article is horseshit. The author doesn't even know that interest expenses are legitimate business deductions. He's a Marxist imbecile.

And frankly, given how badly you guys fucked it up in 2008, I don't think you should be lecturing anyone at this point.

Only the terminally brainwashed are buying the story that Republicans are responsible for the sub-prime mortgage debacle.

Actually, BOTH Parties were responsible, but the people most responsible were the ones who actually did it. Who made bad loans, bundled them and sold them off as investments, and continued to let the housing market run amok.
No, we'd have a fair investigation. If they lost money because of real market shifts, that would be taken into account.

But if they just went into a company to loot it... that'd be a different issue.

And threaten a few of the lower-level guys with jail, they'lll roll on the big boys really quick.

It's how the Mafia got put out of business...

ROFL! "Fair investigation" my ass. What's fair about prosecuting people for a "crime" that even honest people can't committing? You make it clear the prosecution will be nothing more than a witch hunt when you admit you will persecute a few so they will incriminate others. That's exactly what Stalin did during his purges.

Your point being?

Fact is, the asshole on Wall Street crashed the economy, and we all ended up paying for it....

A few show trials would be immensely satisfying.

Democrat politicians crashed the economy. They are the ones who should be in prison.

The day losing money becomes a crime, this country is doomed. It's probably already doomed, as a matter of fact, because there are far too many imbeciles like you who can vote.
well look here the big government repubocrat. Defending democrats at every turn while im not........

i guess i'm having a hard time why you are upset when some welfare queen gets hundreds and romney takes millions from the taxpayer.

So if the larceny is over a certain level, you're good with it?

there isnt any truth to your words..........

So you think Welfare for the Rich is good, then?

I'm just trying to clarify this..

But the way Romney most directly owes his success to the government is through the structure of the tax code. The entire business of leveraged buyouts wouldn't be possible without a provision in the federal code that allows companies like Bain to deduct the interest on the debt they use to acquire and loot their targets. This is the same universally beloved tax deduction you can use to write off your mortgage interest payments, so tampering with it is considered political suicide – it's been called the "third rail of tax reform." So the Romney who routinely rails against the national debt as some kind of child-killing "mortgage" is the same man who spent decades exploiting a tax deduction specifically designed for mortgage holders in order to bilk every dollar he could out of U.S. businesses before burning them to the ground.

minus that tax break, Romney's debt-based takeovers would have been unsustainably expensive. Before Lynn Turner became chief accountant of the SEC, where he reviewed filings on takeover deals, he crunched the numbers on leveraged buyouts as an accountant at a Big Four auditing firm. "In the majority of these deals," Turner says, "the tax deduction has a big enough impact on the bottom line that the takeover wouldn't work without it."

Thanks to the tax deduction, in other words, the government actually incentivizes the kind of leverage-based takeovers that Romney built his fortune on. Romney the businessman built his career on two things that Romney the candidate decries: massive debt and dumb federal giveaways. "I don't know what Romney would be doing but for debt and its tax-advantaged position in the tax code," says a prominent Wall Street lawyer, "but he wouldn't be fabulously wealthy."

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Democrat politicians crashed the economy. They are the ones who should be in prison.

The day losing money becomes a crime, this country is doomed. It's probably already doomed, as a matter of fact, because there are far too many imbeciles like you who can vote.

No, the reason why it's doomed is that instead of capitalists like Henry Ford and Bill Gates, who built businesses on making things, guy like Mitt romney made money on destroying things, and profiting greatly from the destruction.

And dumb people like you get your pink slip and say, "Thank you sir, May I have another?"

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