Rolling Stone finally apologizes for false UVA rape story. But still conceals identity of "jackie"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Why do we protect rape hoaxers.? This monster tried to get a lot of innocent men locked up for decades but the press says "time to move on".

Rolling Stone s UVA Rape Hoax Why Don t We Know Jackie s Last Name The Daily Caller

april 6 2015
Long story short: On the evening of Easter Sunday,Rolling Stone retracted Sabrina Erdely’s 9,000-word, single-sourced article about a fraternity gang-rape at the University of Virginia. Erdely apologized to everyone affected by the lie, except for the actual victims. All involved in the publication of the lie will keep their jobs.

The single source of the false story is a UVA student known only as Jackie. The Columbia Journalism Review has done a meticulously thorough investigation of this trainwreck, exposing Rolling Stone’s bias, groupthink, shoddy journalism, stupidity, and galactic self-delusion. But at no point does CJR identify Jackie, or even question the idea that she should remain anonymous.

There’s plenty of blame to go around here, but Jackie [No last name given] isn’t an innocent bystander. She’s the perpetrator of this hoax. She lied, she went to great lengths to safeguard that lie, and she allowed it to go out to the whole world.

Now she’s being treated like a victim.

That’s the underlying assumption you’re going to see in most of the reporting about this: Yeah, this is pretty messed up, but we can’t blame this poor woman. She’s been so traumatized. Isn’t she the real victim?

No, she isn’t the real victim. She’s not a victim at all. She told a massive, cruel lie, and she’s hurt a lot of people.
I'd say 90% of rape accusations are lies. The tramps ruin men's lives to get money or fame for themselves. And the press supports the horrible scam.
There are already threads about this but -

This is inexcusable. They are not Fox and should be held to a higher standard.
I'd say 90% of rape accusations are lies. The tramps ruin men's lives to get money or fame for themselves. And the press supports the horrible scam.

Untrue, of course.

As usual, your opinion is


So now you libs are defending false rape accusers. All part of your war on men. Get help please.

Can you try to make a bigger leap or twist even harder what Luddly said?

And your 90% figure is as faulty as your O/P. Regardless of the legitimacy of the claim, journalists don't reveal their sources unless the source wishes to be revealed.

A girl in my dorm was raped my first year of college, too. Guy broke through her window. She staggered into the hallway after he left, crying and wailing. We all thought she had just gotten a hold of some bad LSD or something. But then her face started to swell and upon further investigation, she had human bite marks on her back. So, you just ask any woman if she knows of someone who has been raped and she will tell you yes. That fucks (no pun intended) your 90% bullshit.
Maybe there never was a Jackie.

The problem is that there are too many.

One of my nieces is also a statistic. Chico State, party school. Like a lot of 18-year-old girls new on campus, she used a fake ID to get into a bar. She woke up the next day in a strange bed waaaaay off campus. Someone put a roofie in her drink.
Maybe there never was a Jackie.

The problem is that there are too many.

One of my nieces is also a statistic. Chico State, party school. Like a lot of 18-year-old girls new on campus, she used a fake ID to get into a bar. She woke up the next day in a strange bed waaaaay off campus. Someone put a roofie in her drink.
The state of juisprudence today is that an exemplar composite victim cannot be created on paper which is used to charge dozens of random men with rape. There has to be an actual victim. Either there was a real Jackie that engaged in Lena Dunham level of lies and should be prosecuted or there never was a real Jackie and the paper made it up.
The only thing we know for sure about "Jackie is she is a Ditto-Head member of the Tea Bag Brotherhood.
I'd say 90% of rape accusations are lies. The tramps ruin men's lives to get money or fame for themselves. And the press supports the horrible scam.

Most of the studies I've seen put the number at between 3 and 8%.
Maybe there never was a Jackie.

The problem is that there are too many.

One of my nieces is also a statistic. Chico State, party school. Like a lot of 18-year-old girls new on campus, she used a fake ID to get into a bar. She woke up the next day in a strange bed waaaaay off campus. Someone put a roofie in her drink.

Did they, though? They can test for that for about a month after the event.

Did they?
Rolling Stone didn't want to hurt anyone. They want to end fraternities. This was just a means.
Rolling Stone didn't want to hurt anyone. They want to end fraternities. This was just a means.
At least they got a DISCUSSION going on this epidemic of on campus rape. But bigoted misogynists and shitlord frat bros are still trying to push it under the rug. Some posts here with their victim blaming expose why we need stories by brave authors like Sabrina Erdly. The fact is, the reaction to her using some artistic license in her piece is proof positive of endemic Sexism towards women in are patriarchal society. This backlash would not occur for a man.
I've been wondering the same thing ever since this story broke. Why does the press protect rape hoaxers? There always has been bogus news articles. Washington Post hired Janet Cooke, a fabricator who was hired under false pretenses and received the Pulitzer award for a fabricated story.

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