Romney, a liar or a felon?

We have no problem with candidates being vetted. We still think Obama should be. Not like they did in 2008.

Of course, vetting and making crap up are two totally different things.
If they are making it up, the why isn't Bishop Romney jumping at the chance to prove they are liars?

You wingnuts just don't do common sense, do you? :lol:

because countless media websites already have.

Heck, even the Washington Post, which the Administration has been sourcing has claimed the administration has lied on the issue.

It really is so sad to see you so scared to run on Obama's record. If what he has done is so great for America, why not run on it? Why do you have to make crap up?

Here's your major media websites, asshole:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Did Republicans forget to vet Romney? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Hey Grampa, ya old bitch: why won't you answer?


There is a huge difference between vetting and lying.

Let me demonstrate, I'm going to pos rep that is a lie. See how this works?

Ps. Enjoy the neg
Where are the Republican demands for full vetting of Romney?

Where are the Democrats demands for full vetting of Obama?
nah, gonna use see when you racist scum try and stop 5 million americans from voting, we will document it, and from that point on things will change

you do admit you can only win if you cheat, right?
You mean like this guy? I've never cheated in My life. I never will have to.

2 guys start a club, and Sean Hannity wets his pants.


People like you are at there bravest when located in a non issue setting.
If they are making it up, the why isn't Bishop Romney jumping at the chance to prove they are liars?

You wingnuts just don't do common sense, do you? :lol:

because countless media websites already have.

Heck, even the Washington Post, which the Administration has been sourcing has claimed the administration has lied on the issue.

It really is so sad to see you so scared to run on Obama's record. If what he has done is so great for America, why not run on it? Why do you have to make crap up?

Here's your major media websites, asshole:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Did Republicans forget to vet Romney? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Do you not read your own links? :lol:
Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post
Obama may be immune to court action, but his campaign staff sure isn't.

This is outright slander and libel. If they had the nads, they'd file a law suit against the campaign on this. It is an OUTRIGHT lie being told, with deliberate malice.

Can't be slander or libel if it is true.

Even if it's false, it can't be both slander and libel at the same time. :lol:
Obama may be immune to court action, but his campaign staff sure isn't.

This is outright slander and libel. If they had the nads, they'd file a law suit against the campaign on this. It is an OUTRIGHT lie being told, with deliberate malice.

Can't be slander or libel if it is true.

In 2002, facing a ballot challenge from Democrats — who contended he had moved his residence to Utah — Romney testified before the state Ballot Law Commission as a gubernatorial candidate that “there were a number of social trips and business trips that brought [him] back to Massachusetts, board meetings” while he was running the Olympics.

Romney said he remained on the boards of several companies, including the Lifelike Co., in which Bain Capital held a stake until 2001. The Huffington Post and MSNBC also carried reports Thursday night about Romney’s membership on the Lifelike board.

Barack Obama campaign accuses Mitt Romney of lying about Bain tenure based on Globe report - Politics - The Boston Globe

In his first year as governor of Massachusetts, in 2003, Romney disclosed to the State Ethics Commission that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

None of that proves anything. In fact, if you go deeper into it, the Elections Board held that Romney was NOT involved in the day-to-day operations. Being on the Board or holding the stock doesn't make him guilty of ANYTHING.
CEOs are responsible for what goes on in a company.

I thought Republicans were so business-smart? :lol:
Can't be slander or libel if it is true.

In 2002, facing a ballot challenge from Democrats — who contended he had moved his residence to Utah — Romney testified before the state Ballot Law Commission as a gubernatorial candidate that “there were a number of social trips and business trips that brought [him] back to Massachusetts, board meetings” while he was running the Olympics.

Romney said he remained on the boards of several companies, including the Lifelike Co., in which Bain Capital held a stake until 2001. The Huffington Post and MSNBC also carried reports Thursday night about Romney’s membership on the Lifelike board.

Barack Obama campaign accuses Mitt Romney of lying about Bain tenure based on Globe report - Politics - The Boston Globe

In his first year as governor of Massachusetts, in 2003, Romney disclosed to the State Ethics Commission that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

None of that proves anything. In fact, if you go deeper into it, the Elections Board held that Romney was NOT involved in the day-to-day operations. Being on the Board or holding the stock doesn't make him guilty of ANYTHING.
CEOs are responsible for what goes on in a company.

I thought Republicans were so business-smart? :lol:

Are you getting paid for this nonsense? It's been debunked. Obama's still a failure. Deal with it.
If Mittens owned 100% of Bain at the time (he did), then who is "they"?

Use your brain, but take your time.

Romney doesn't own Bain now and the statement was released now by Bain, by the 9th largest financial contributor to the democratic party.
Romney owned 100% of Bain until 2003, and was listed as CEO.

That makes him a felon or a liar.

This is not going to turn out well for Reversible Mittens!

And yet he wasnt the CEO since 1999. Are you seriously trying to argue that the man was CEO of a major company and running the 2002 Olympics? I mean i know Romney is pretty incredibly with what he's done and his work ethic, but I dont think that's physically possible to do.

If he did manage to run both a Major corporation and the Olympics at the same time, he most definitely should be President. That's amazing.

Hey Grampa, ya old bitch: why won't you answer?


There is a huge difference between vetting and lying.

Let me demonstrate, I'm going to pos rep that is a lie. See how this works?

Ps. Enjoy the neg
Where are the Republican demands for full vetting of Romney?

You idiots have been vetting him so there is no need to demand it.

Thus far we have the following ground breaking issues uncovered:

Romney is rich
Romney ran a successful company
Romney transported a dog on top of his car
Romney cut some kids hair against his will

All vital issues to the presidential office.
Thus far we have the following ground breaking issues uncovered:

Romney is rich
Romney ran a successful company
Romney transported a dog on top of his car
Romney cut some kids hair against his will

All vital issues to the presidential office.

Yeah, but the big issues are right around the corner:

Romney was born in Guatemala
Romney secretly became a Scientologist because Mormonism was too mainstream
Romney secretly fathered the world's first same-sex-pregnancy child, and named him Sue
Romney is actually Ann Coulter in disguise

Just you wait, that stuff is going to grab headlines.
There is a huge difference between vetting and lying.

Let me demonstrate, I'm going to pos rep that is a lie. See how this works?

Ps. Enjoy the neg
Where are the Republican demands for full vetting of Romney?

You idiots have been vetting him so there is no need to demand it.

Thus far we have the following ground breaking issues uncovered:

Romney is rich
Romney ran a successful company
Romney transported a dog on top of his car
Romney cut some kids hair against his will

All vital issues to the presidential office.

HE WHAT????!!!! cUT SOME KIDS HAIR AGAINST THEIR WILL? Where's the OWS???!!! This should be headline news!!!! Oh wait. MSNBC will have it Breaking News anytime now...
There is a huge difference between vetting and lying.

Let me demonstrate, I'm going to pos rep that is a lie. See how this works?

Ps. Enjoy the neg
Where are the Republican demands for full vetting of Romney?

You idiots have been vetting him so there is no need to demand it.

Thus far we have the following ground breaking issues uncovered:

Romney is rich
Romney ran a successful company
Romney transported a dog on top of his car
Romney cut some kids hair against his will

All vital issues to the presidential office.

Actually, the Republicans have done a nice job vetting Romney. Here are the top 10 comments about Bain from Romney’s Republican rivals:

1. “The idea that you’ve got private equity companies that come in and take companies apart so they can make profits and have people lose their jobs, that’s not what the Republican Party’s about.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/12/12]

2. “The Bain model is to go in at a very low price, borrow an immense amount of money, pay Bain an immense amount of money and leave. I’ll let you decide if that’s really good capitalism. I think that’s exploitation.” — Newt Gingrich [New York Times, 1/17/12]

3. “Instead of trying to work with them to try to find a way to keep the jobs and to get them back on their feet, it’s all about how much money can we make, how quick can we make it, and then get out of town and find the next carcass to feed upon” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

4. “We find it pretty hard to justify rich people figuring out clever legal ways to loot a company, leaving behind 1,700 families without a job.” — Newt Gingrich [Globe and Mail, 1/9/12]

5. “Now, I have no doubt Mitt Romney was worried about pink slips — whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out because his company, Bain Capital, of all the jobs that they killed” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/9/12]

6) “He claims he created 100,000 jobs. The Washington Post, two days ago, reported in their fact check column that he gets three Pinocchios. Now, a Pinocchio is what you get from The Post if you’re not telling the truth.” — Newt Gingrich [1/13/12, NBC News]

7. “There is something inherently wrong when getting rich off failure and sticking it to someone else is how you do your business, and I happen to think that’s indefensible” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]

8. “If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he’s earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years, then I would be glad to then listen to him” — Newt Gingrich [Mediaite, 12/14/11]

9. “If you’re a victim of Bain Capital’s downsizing, it’s the ultimate insult for Mitt Romney to come to South Carolina and tell you he feels your pain, because he caused it.” — Rick Perry [New York Times, 1/8/12]

10. “They’re vultures that sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick and then they swoop in, they eat the carcass. They leave with that and they leave the skeleton” — Rick Perry [National Journal, 1/10/12]
Obama really has no low he won't venture into.

Desperation to stay off the issues is rampant.

CampaignUSA 2012: Obama Campaign Suggests Romney Either Liar or Felon, Much More! | The Nation

The Nation? Really Granpa?

I don't even know who or what the nation is. I Googled 3 words and that was the first link that was offered. Besides its about the message not the messenger.

Exactly! Thank you. I've never seen anybody whining about the Nation before.
Obama really has no low he won't venture into.

Desperation to stay off the issues is rampant.

CampaignUSA 2012: Obama Campaign Suggests Romney Either Liar or Felon, Much More! | The Nation

Why is the Rightwing so against the vetting of Bishop Romney?

I keep wondering that myself.

Tragic, really.

I agree. It's really pathetic that no one knows who Romney really is. Romney is the one we need to examine closely instead of making this election a referendum on the past 4 years. America needs at least 4 more years of this. Carry on.
He is a lair.

he said one thing on an SEC document and testified under oath to something different that his SEC filing.

so he is a lair and MAY be felon

Bain has released a full statement saying that "THEY" did not keep up to date with their SEC fillings and that it is "THEIR MISTAKE"

It does not surprise me that you are so shallow that the facts stated above will be ignored by you.

Gee, they wouldn't be covering his ass now, would they?
he testified that he went to meetings of Bain holdings while trying to become Gov
He is a lair.

he said one thing on an SEC document and testified under oath to something different that his SEC filing.

so he is a lair and MAY be felon

Bain has released a full statement saying that "THEY" did not keep up to date with their SEC fillings and that it is "THEIR MISTAKE"

It does not surprise me that you are so shallow that the facts stated above will be ignored by you.

Gee, they wouldn't be covering his ass now, would they?

Yes, I'm sure they are. Romney is a very bad man. Obviously a deranged crook.

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