Romney, a liar or a felon?

Obama really has no low he won't venture into.

Desperation to stay off the issues is rampant.

CampaignUSA 2012: Obama Campaign Suggests Romney Either Liar or Felon, Much More! | The Nation

The Nation? Really Granpa?

I don't even know who or what the nation is. I Googled 3 words and that was the first link that was offered. Besides its about the message not the messenger.

The Nation is a far left magazine rag that should be reserved exclusively to line the floor of your bird cage, or wrap fish in.
because countless media websites already have.

Heck, even the Washington Post, which the Administration has been sourcing has claimed the administration has lied on the issue.

It really is so sad to see you so scared to run on Obama's record. If what he has done is so great for America, why not run on it? Why do you have to make crap up?

Here's your major media websites, asshole:

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated -

Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Did Republicans forget to vet Romney? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Do you not read your own links? :lol:
Do Bain SEC documents suggest Mitt Romney is a criminal? - The Washington Post

Clearly he didn't. And he doesnt think anyone else will either.

What did I say? Even the Washington Post, which Obama is claiming to be their source, says he is lying.
He is a lair.

he said one thing on an SEC document and testified under oath to something different that his SEC filing.

so he is a lair and MAY be felon

Bain has released a full statement saying that "THEY" did not keep up to date with their SEC fillings and that it is "THEIR MISTAKE"

It does not surprise me that you are so shallow that the facts stated above will be ignored by you.

Gee, they wouldn't be covering his ass now, would they?

Well, it doesn't seem logical since they are the 9th largest contributors to the democratic party. Stranger things have happened I suppose.
The Nation? Really Granpa?

I don't even know who or what the nation is. I Googled 3 words and that was the first link that was offered. Besides its about the message not the messenger.

The Nation is a far left magazine rag that should be reserved exclusively to line the floor of your bird cage, or wrap fish in.

Like I said, it's the message that counts not the messenger. Its not like its an oped piece.
There is a huge difference between vetting and lying.

Let me demonstrate, I'm going to pos rep that is a lie. See how this works?

Ps. Enjoy the neg
Where are the Republican demands for full vetting of Romney?

You idiots have been vetting him so there is no need to demand it.

Thus far we have the following ground breaking issues uncovered:

Romney is rich
Romney ran a successful company
Romney transported a dog on top of his car
Romney cut some kids hair against his will

All vital issues to the presidential office.

I would argue that number 4 on that list is unlikely when the family of the alleged victim and one of the alleged coconspirators in the hair cutting had no idea about it until the media contacted them.
I don't even know who or what the nation is. I Googled 3 words and that was the first link that was offered. Besides its about the message not the messenger.

The Nation is a far left magazine rag that should be reserved exclusively to line the floor of your bird cage, or wrap fish in.

Like I said, it's the message that counts not the messenger. Its not like its an oped piece.

That's all The Nation is, is one big far left oped piece.
robmoney made two legal assertions under penality of law that are in contrast to each other.
The Nation is a far left magazine rag that should be reserved exclusively to line the floor of your bird cage, or wrap fish in.

Like I said, it's the message that counts not the messenger. Its not like its an oped piece.

That's all The Nation is, is one big far left oped piece.

Calm down. The reason I used it was for a reference to Obama calling Mitt a liar and or a felon. Had I not included it some troll would have demanded it. It really isnt a big deal.
he testified that he went to meetings of Bain holdings while trying to become Gov

Oh my God. We can't have a felon and criminal running for President. Do you think Romney should drop out? I do.

Worked for Bill Clinton.

Exactly. TM and the other lefties don't care about law breakers or felons in politics. If they did, they wouldn't continue to back the law breakers in their own party. The left uses whatever they need. Their desperation is obvious to everyone.
Even high ranking Bain officials, that are huge Obama donors, are backing Mitt's timeline. Yet Obama released 2 more attack ads today on the matter.
Either he lied then or he's lying now. You're saying he lied when he was running for Governor then, Gramps?

Might want to go look. Your story has been debunked. Romney has done nothing wrong. We've seen the man behind the curtain. Obama is still a failure.
Either he lied then or he's lying now. You're saying he lied when he was running for Governor then, Gramps?

Im saying this is all stupid and not relevant. All these accusations are based on papers filed with the SEC. Papers that Romney didn't file.

And for the sake of arguing about it lets pretend for a second that you are right.... What damn difference does it make if he did work there longer than previously stated? Beyond it being a lie that is. I dont know a politician that hasn't lied or exagerrated about something do you? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" "It depends on what the meaning of is, is"
Even CNN can't fault him.. and we know they would if they could.

But first, is there anything other than the SEC filings to suggest a hands-on Romney role at Bain post-February 1999?
No is the word from four sources who communicated with CNN on Thursday -- all of whom have firsthand knowledge of Bain's operations at the time in question. Three of the four are Democrats, and two of the four are active Obama supporters in Campaign 2012.
All four told me Romney is telling the truth.
Only one, Bain Managing Director Steve Pagliuca, would talk on the record. The others spoke only on condition of anonymity, citing either Bain's low-key culture or the desire not to anger friends in the Obama campaign.
Pagliuca, a Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for Senate in 2010, told CNN: "Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure."
In explaining the SEC documents filed in 2000 and 2001, Pagliuca said, "Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999. Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period."
Another Bain Democrat who did not want to be identified by name said Romney had no role after taking the Olympics post

John King: Why is 1999 so important in 2012? -

Obama is STILL a reeking failure.
Either he lied then or he's lying now. You're saying he lied when he was running for Governor then, Gramps?

Im saying this is all stupid and not relevant. All these accusations are based on papers filed with the SEC. Papers that Romney didn't file.

And for the sake of arguing about it lets pretend for a second that you are right.... What damn difference does it make if he did work there longer than previously stated? Beyond it being a lie that is. I dont know a politician that hasn't lied or exagerrated about something do you? "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" "It depends on what the meaning of is, is"

Because a lot of the damage was done in that 2000-2003 window that he's made every effort to distance himself from.
Even CNN can't fault him.. and we know they would if they could.

But first, is there anything other than the SEC filings to suggest a hands-on Romney role at Bain post-February 1999?
No is the word from four sources who communicated with CNN on Thursday -- all of whom have firsthand knowledge of Bain's operations at the time in question. Three of the four are Democrats, and two of the four are active Obama supporters in Campaign 2012.
All four told me Romney is telling the truth.

Only one, Bain Managing Director Steve Pagliuca, would talk on the record. The others spoke only on condition of anonymity, citing either Bain's low-key culture or the desire not to anger friends in the Obama campaign.
Pagliuca, a Democrat who unsuccessfully ran for Senate in 2010, told CNN: "Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure."
In explaining the SEC documents filed in 2000 and 2001, Pagliuca said, "Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999. Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period."
Another Bain Democrat who did not want to be identified by name said Romney had no role after taking the Olympics post

John King: Why is 1999 so important in 2012? -

Obama is STILL a reeking failure.

Rep owed :clap2:
A swing and a miss! :lol: But ain't that just like the pathetic Obama campaign? If you've got nothing... make some crap up. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the upstanding, liberal citizens of America who bought into this fallacy, appear to have no problem supporting a candidate whose administration is responsible for ARMING MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS. But what are hundreds of dead Mexicans and a murdered border agent? This is politics, right? Who cares that Obama is still protecting his racist, partisan Attorney General? No matter that the guy is in contempt of Congress.

Here's what's amazing. Barack Obama is running for a job that he's already had for three and a half years, but clearly he has no interest in actually DOING that job. He's had plenty of time. Hell, he could be doing that job now. Instead, he plays partisan games.
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