Romney could best Obama in fundraising

I can already hear the stuttering.

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Are you guys really that partisan?

The fact that there's so much money behind both candidates is a scary thing, not something to be proud of your candidate for.
Wow, you just made a great case against Mitt.... So what SF is really saying is Obama WAS the most owned politician in the history of the world until Mitt Romney came along. That is of course if enough "people" buy Mitt this election.

Why would I want Mitt to win anyways, at some point he literally supported every big policy Obama has passed...
Why would I want Mitt to win anyways, at some point he literally supported every big policy Obama has passed...

Just driving by with your normal stupid shit, I see.

Day one he gives waivers on Obamacare for all 50 states, for starters.
Why would I want Mitt to win anyways, at some point he literally supported every big policy Obama has passed...

Just driving by with your normal stupid shit, I see.

Day one he gives waivers on Obamacare for all 50 states, for starters.

Do you really need me to posta video of Mitt supporting a federal mandate on HC? Really? Reeeaaaallllly?

Let me put it like this, if you think it's bad with me owning your ass here, wait until Obama makes sure every American has seen that video enough times to make them sick.

Do you also need me to post a link showing that Mitt's HC system gets around 500 million a year from the Federal Government still? Of course Mitt didn't need to raise taxes in his state, all the other states help pay for his HC system.
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Are you guys really that partisan?

The fact that there's so much money behind both candidates is a scary thing, not something to be proud of your candidate for.

I don't care how much money is behind any given candidate if it is within reasonable limits from specific donors. No one should be able to donate millions of dollars toward any candidate. What is hilarious is that they make it illegal to donate more than $2500 directly to any candidate, but if you want to give to a Super Pac, sky's the limit. What the fuck is the difference in the end?
Why would I want Mitt to win anyways, at some point he literally supported every big policy Obama has passed...

Just driving by with your normal stupid shit, I see.

Day one he gives waivers on Obamacare for all 50 states, for starters.

Do you really need me to posta video of Mitt supporting a federal mandate on HC? Really? Reeeaaaallllly?

Let me put it like this, if you think it's bad with me owning your ass here, wait until Obama makes sure every American has seen that video enough times to make them sick.

Do you also need me to post a link showing that Mitt's HC system gets around 500 million a year from the Federal Government still? Of course Mitt didn't need to raise taxes in his state, all the other states help pay for his HC system.

You're just butt hurt now that Paul has dropped out.
Are you guys really that partisan?

The fact that there's so much money behind both candidates is a scary thing, not something to be proud of your candidate for.

I don't care how much money is behind any given candidate if it is within reasonable limits from specific donors. No one should be able to donate millions of dollars toward any candidate. What is hilarious is that they make it illegal to donate more than $2500 directly to any candidate, but if you want to give to a Super Pac, sky's the limit. What the fuck is the difference in the end?

COntrinutions represent votes of confidence in a candidate by the public. Anyone who thinks we can "get money out of politics" is blind or stupid. You might as well talk about getting money out of business.
As long as the contributions are accounted for and disclosed I have no issue with anyone getting any contribution of any size. The present system is an unworkable patchwork of unconstitutinal crap that needs to be struck down entirely.
Why would I want Mitt to win anyways, at some point he literally supported every big policy Obama has passed...

Just driving by with your normal stupid shit, I see.

Day one he gives waivers on Obamacare for all 50 states, for starters.

Do you really need me to posta video of Mitt supporting a federal mandate on HC? Really? Reeeaaaallllly?

So that we have you on record, you are framing your ENTIRE position on what you think in one 'gotcha' moment generalization on a talk show in 2009 versus the perhaps thousands of EXPLICIT, detailed statements Romney has made otherwise, detailing himself to be a Federalist on the healthcare issue and EXPLICITEDLY arguing it to be a matter for the States?

Please tell the board you are that incredibly weak and fragile. On second thought, no need to do that. And put some ice on that Paulbot butthurt. It might help you think clearer.

Avorysuds is a typical narco-libtard: everything that contradicts his world view gets explained away. Whatever maybe kind of supports it gets stretched to fit.
It is just like liberals. Really there is very little difference between leftists and narco-libertarians.

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