Romney did a real good job of setting up Biden, and the 2nd debate.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
When I saw how Mitt Romney did in the first debate, I knew what he did. He came off as aggressive and presenting his objectives and ideas in a poweful way. Romney won in the biggest landslide EVER!! But Romney was playing a chess game, he was thinking many moves ahead. Somehow, I truly believe he set up the VP debate exactly the way he wanted it go. That being, that the Obama regime would overcompensate and come out too aggressive in hopes of regaining ground. It worked, and it worked masterfully.

While Biden did a good job of presenting his sides views (however demented and wrong they may be), Biden did exactly what Romney wanted, coming out overly aggressive, disrepectful and like an ass. And, now the latest CNN poll is showing Ryan won.

So, does this chess match end here? No it does not. The Obama regime, Biden and DNC thought they could have pull right back in this thing with Biden acting the way he did, it failed. So, that leads to does Obama approach the 2nd debate? If he comes off overly aggressive and condescending like Biden, he will lose big. However, if he comes off about like Paul Ryan, Romney is going to eat him alive. The 2nd debate for Obama just became tougher. The Romney campaign has masterfully set this one up. No wonder Romney did so great with Bain, he knows how to win.
Excellent assessment.

When Romney ripped into a passive and weak Obama, everyone knew the Obama campaign would come out firing. That's exactly what Biden did and why Ryan sat back with a confident smile while Biden threw a temper tantrum.

So what does Obama do in the next debate?

1. Stutter and lay down like the first one?
2. Pull a Biden?
When I saw how Mitt Romney did in the first debate, I knew what he did. He came off as aggressive and presenting his objectives and ideas in a poweful way. Romney won in the biggest landslide EVER!! But Romney was playing a chess game, he was thinking many moves ahead. Somehow, I truly believe he set up the VP debate exactly the way he wanted it go. That being, that the Obama regime would overcompensate and come out too aggressive in hopes of regaining ground. It worked, and it worked masterfully.

While Biden did a good job of presenting his sides views (however demented and wrong they may be), Biden did exactly what Romney wanted, coming out overly aggressive, disrepectful and like an ass. And, now the latest CNN poll is showing Ryan won.

So, does this chess match end here? No it does not. The Obama regime, Biden and DNC thought they could have pull right back in this thing with Biden acting the way he did, it failed. So, that leads to does Obama approach the 2nd debate? If he comes off overly aggressive and condescending like Biden, he will lose big. However, if he comes off about like Paul Ryan, Romney is going to eat him alive. The 2nd debate for Obama just became tougher. The Romney campaign has masterfully set this one up. No wonder Romney did so great with Bain, he knows how to win.

I agree...the difference between the tones....was Romney looked like a guy that was in control and just acted like the CEO he is......Biden looked like a douche and unhinged......he must have had a few mint juleps (my favorite drink)......and that sucks because most places dont know what they are
When I saw how Mitt Romney did in the first debate, I knew what he did. He came off as aggressive and presenting his objectives and ideas in a poweful way. Romney won in the biggest landslide EVER!! But Romney was playing a chess game, he was thinking many moves ahead. Somehow, I truly believe he set up the VP debate exactly the way he wanted it go. That being, that the Obama regime would overcompensate and come out too aggressive in hopes of regaining ground. It worked, and it worked masterfully.

While Biden did a good job of presenting his sides views (however demented and wrong they may be), Biden did exactly what Romney wanted, coming out overly aggressive, disrepectful and like an ass. And, now the latest CNN poll is showing Ryan won.

So, does this chess match end here? No it does not. The Obama regime, Biden and DNC thought they could have pull right back in this thing with Biden acting the way he did, it failed. So, that leads to does Obama approach the 2nd debate? If he comes off overly aggressive and condescending like Biden, he will lose big. However, if he comes off about like Paul Ryan, Romney is going to eat him alive. The 2nd debate for Obama just became tougher. The Romney campaign has masterfully set this one up. No wonder Romney did so great with Bain, he knows how to win.

I think you did a great job of analyzing the strategy. Obama is in a very tough spot right now. Plus, the next two debates will cover foreign policy and we should hear from him on the poor handling and outright lying about the Libyan attack. Well, unless the moderator completely kisses butt.
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Excellent assessment.

When Romney ripped into a passive and weak Obama, everyone knew the Obama campaign would come out firing. That's exactly what Biden did and why Ryan sat back with a confident smile while Biden threw a temper tantrum.

So what does Obama do in the next debate?

1. Stutter and lay down like the first one?
2. Pull a Biden?

I think you can be aggressive, and Fight with out looking like a smug prick. But clearly Biden Can't
When I saw how Mitt Romney did in the first debate, I knew what he did. He came off as aggressive and presenting his objectives and ideas in a poweful way. Romney won in the biggest landslide EVER!! But Romney was playing a chess game, he was thinking many moves ahead. Somehow, I truly believe he set up the VP debate exactly the way he wanted it go. That being, that the Obama regime would overcompensate and come out too aggressive in hopes of regaining ground. It worked, and it worked masterfully.

While Biden did a good job of presenting his sides views (however demented and wrong they may be), Biden did exactly what Romney wanted, coming out overly aggressive, disrepectful and like an ass. And, now the latest CNN poll is showing Ryan won.

So, does this chess match end here? No it does not. The Obama regime, Biden and DNC thought they could have pull right back in this thing with Biden acting the way he did, it failed. So, that leads to does Obama approach the 2nd debate? If he comes off overly aggressive and condescending like Biden, he will lose big. However, if he comes off about like Paul Ryan, Romney is going to eat him alive. The 2nd debate for Obama just became tougher. The Romney campaign has masterfully set this one up. No wonder Romney did so great with Bain, he knows how to win.

I think it's a leap of faith to think that Romney was thinking about the VP debate during his own. The VP debate is peanuts compared the presidential ones, especially the first one.

Rather, Romney came out passionate and aggressive because it was the smart thing to do to get people behind him. I'm betting Romney was as surprised as anyone that Obama was as listless as he was. To think that it was intended to set Ryan up for the VP debate though: nope.
Interesting analysis. I dont think Romney was really thinking that far ahead. I think he was just trying to do his best against Obama in the first one and succeeded beautifully. This is just a nice bonus.
Well I think the point was....Obama came out too soft....Biden is getting hammered for being too now what does Obama do?....he's gotta thread the Romney is in the drivers seat in that regard......amd I correct on that Locke?
Well I think the point was....Obama came out too soft....Biden is getting hammered for being too now what does Obama do?....he's gotta thread the Romney is in the drivers seat in that regard......amd I correct on that Locke?


yes, that is correct. There is more to it, though. All one has to do is look at Obama and look at his very sheltered life, the way he throws a baseball, the way he carries himself to realize he is not spite of his booming voice, he is nothing more than an empty can that rattles the most. Romney knows this, this is why in the 1st debate you saw what happened. I believe the Romney campaign has this whole thing strategized and the Democrats have played right into it.

Obama failed miserably in the first debate, so the the Obama campaign thought they would test things by seeing how the public took to more aggression and even condescension by having Biden act in this manor. It failed, and as more people are polled it failed miserably. So now that leaves the Obama campaign in the dilemma of just how to approach debate #2, and after tonight's test run with Biden, they have no answers. Romney is in complete control while the Obama campaign is still trying to find answers.

The only hope for Obama at this point is to grant amnesty to more illegal aliens and to make sure voter ID laws are struck down by radical marxist justices.
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Obama had it so easy with McCain because he wasn't being challenged and the hopey changey shit sounded good in light of the mess we were in. McCain handled him with kid gloves for fear he'd look bad for attacking the first mixed race presidential candidate. He blew it and Obama got away with speeches and rehearsed statements. For the last 4 years, Obama has slid through without anyone trying to pin him down by asking tough questions.

Obama won't be able to get momentum because he isn't tough and he can't get away with his pat answers anymore. Now he has a record he should be running on and he had bashed others for not running on their record in the past. He can't just pick out the things he thinks are positive and leave all the negative things out. Most of it is negative. The broken campaign promises, the unpopular Obamacare, the worsened economy, the misrepresented unemployment numbers and the disasterous way the Libyan attacks were handled by the administration. There are many other things that he failed at and doesn't want to talk about them. Even though the media has let him off the hook, Romney won't and that poses a major dilemma.

He can't just keep talking about killing bin laden or pretending that things are better than they were when he took office.

Foreign policies, in particular, haven't been defined by the administration and he can't pass off apologies, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, increased foreign aid to enemies, sending our troops to become sitting ducks and the slap in the face to our allies as efforts to strengthen our ties with the rest of the world. I think the media finally gave up on the whole "the world loves us now" fairytale.

If the moderator at the debate asks the tough questions, Obama will be put in the hot seat. He is the one that must defend his actions the last 4 years and I don't think he can do it without lying.

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