Romney has it locked up!

If you got the proof dickless, take it to court.

If you don't got the proof, stay on an obscure message board and let us continue to laugh at your impotence.

It happens to all guys at some point.

"If"? I posted both the video and some of her quote right here stupid! :lmao:

Are you telling me you haven't figured out how to watch the video yet?

"Everybody is screaming at us - fix it now before the election!!! Can't you see how much these people are spending" - Lois Lerner

If you got the proof, take it to court. Not some obscure message board with all of the other conspiracy whackjobs. Take it to court, file suit, and prove your case.

Oh wait, you can't do that can you dickless?

Oh well, you can't get it up...happens to all guys at some point.

Wow are you one scary stupid motherfucker. Apparently you are not aware that only the state can bring a criminal case to court. Citizens can bring civil trials junior, but NOT criminal (my God, Candyass is so amazingly ignorant it's almost like he's not real - it's just so hard to grasp that an American citizen could be this ignorant of their own laws and government :bang3:)

And sadly, voting is not the only sector that Obama has illegally abused his power. The attorney genera lEric Holder swallows almost as many of Obama's loads as you do. He will never bring a case against Obama or any member of his administration.
"If"? I posted both the video and some of her quote right here stupid! :lmao:

Are you telling me you haven't figured out how to watch the video yet?

"Everybody is screaming at us - fix it now before the election!!! Can't you see how much these people are spending" - Lois Lerner

If you got the proof, take it to court. Not some obscure message board with all of the other conspiracy whackjobs. Take it to court, file suit, and prove your case.

Oh wait, you can't do that can you dickless?

Oh well, you can't get it up...happens to all guys at some point.

Wow are you one scary stupid motherfucker. Apparently you are not aware that only the state can bring a criminal case to court. Citizens can bring civil trials junior, but NOT criminal.

And sadly, voting is not the only sector that Obama has illegally abused his power. The attorney genera lEric Holder swallows almost as many of Obama's loads as you do. He will never bring a case against Obama or any member of his administration.

So you're admitting you're totally powerless to do anything. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

God it must suck being you; so impotent, so angry, so owned, so pwned... :lol: :lol:

Wait, you could take your proof to a state AG and have him bring suit...since you have proof and everything. Right?

Oh wait, you won't do that're totally impotent.

It happens to all guys at some just seems to happen to you every day.

Of course he "won" Ryan's district - that's what rigging an election does.

Let me ask you something, stupid. If the people of that district voted Paul Ryan in (and have for many years now), why would they vote for Obama :cuckoo:

You're really so stupid as to not comprehend that crowing about that is just presenting glaring evidence of voter fraud? The same people who vote Paul Ryan into Congress because he represents what they believe in suddenly turned 180 degrees and voted for Obama :cuckoo:

Holy shit are you one dumb mother fucker to not understand you are presenting some of the BEST evidence of voter fraud (not as good as this video mind you). Then again, tons of smug attitude and little intellect is the hallmark of the Dumbocrat.

Remember, WI is the same state in which one voting district during the Scott Walker re-call election had a 110% voter turn out. You can't have a 110% turn out....ever (think about stupid - then have one of your teachers explain it to you).

Uh, the same people in that district picked Obama over Romney. They also picked Ryan over a non-entity named Rob Zebran.

Who is Rob Zebran? Good question. He's not Barack Obama.

Two different choices, two different results.

Of course he "won" Ryan's district - that's what rigging an election does.

Let me ask you something, stupid. If the people of that district voted Paul Ryan in (and have for many years now), why would they vote for Obama :cuckoo:

You're really so stupid as to not comprehend that crowing about that is just presenting glaring evidence of voter fraud? The same people who vote Paul Ryan into Congress because he represents what they believe in suddenly turned 180 degrees and voted for Obama :cuckoo:

Holy shit are you one dumb mother fucker to not understand you are presenting some of the BEST evidence of voter fraud (not as good as this video mind you). Then again, tons of smug attitude and little intellect is the hallmark of the Dumbocrat.

Remember, WI is the same state in which one voting district during the Scott Walker re-call election had a 110% voter turn out. You can't have a 110% turn out....ever (think about stupid - then have one of your teachers explain it to you).

Uh, the same people in that district picked Obama over Romney. They also picked Ryan over a non-entity named Rob Zebran.

Who is Rob Zebran? Good question. He's not Barack Obama.

Two different choices, two different results.

Actually, it looks like Ryan was installed due to voter fraud since Wisconsin is a blue state. <sarcasm off>

The GOP seems to have a problem with people with multi-track minds and those who can have two thoughts in their head at the same time.

If you got the proof, take it to court. Not some obscure message board with all of the other conspiracy whackjobs. Take it to court, file suit, and prove your case.

Oh wait, you can't do that can you dickless?

Oh well, you can't get it up...happens to all guys at some point.

Wow are you one scary stupid motherfucker. Apparently you are not aware that only the state can bring a criminal case to court. Citizens can bring civil trials junior, but NOT criminal.

And sadly, voting is not the only sector that Obama has illegally abused his power. The attorney genera lEric Holder swallows almost as many of Obama's loads as you do. He will never bring a case against Obama or any member of his administration.

So you're admitting you're totally powerless to do anything. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

God it must suck being you; so impotent, so angry, so owned, so pwned... :lol: :lol:

Wait, you could take your proof to a state AG and have him bring suit...since you have proof and everything. Right?

Oh wait, you won't do that're totally impotent.

It happens to all guys at some just seems to happen to you every day.

We now see why you are so angry all the time.... :eusa_whistle:

Of course he "won" Ryan's district - that's what rigging an election does.

Let me ask you something, stupid. If the people of that district voted Paul Ryan in (and have for many years now), why would they vote for Obama :cuckoo:

You're really so stupid as to not comprehend that crowing about that is just presenting glaring evidence of voter fraud? The same people who vote Paul Ryan into Congress because he represents what they believe in suddenly turned 180 degrees and voted for Obama :cuckoo:

Holy shit are you one dumb mother fucker to not understand you are presenting some of the BEST evidence of voter fraud (not as good as this video mind you). Then again, tons of smug attitude and little intellect is the hallmark of the Dumbocrat.

Remember, WI is the same state in which one voting district during the Scott Walker re-call election had a 110% voter turn out. You can't have a 110% turn out....ever (think about stupid - then have one of your teachers explain it to you).

Uh, the same people in that district picked Obama over Romney. They also picked Ryan over a non-entity named Rob Zebran.

Who is Rob Zebran? Good question. He's not Barack Obama.

Two different choices, two different results.

Actually, it looks like Ryan was installed due to voter fraud since Wisconsin is a blue state. <sarcasm off>

The GOP seems to have a problem with people with multi-track minds and those who can have two thoughts in their head at the same time.

And again we see Candyass trying desperately to explain away voter fraud and failing (like his cock apparently :lmao:) miserably.

Can you explain how a voter can have "multi-track" minds and "two thoughts"? If you voted for Paul Ryan, you voted for a man who represents small, limited government, low taxes, and maximum freedom. Barack Obama represents the exact opposite of that.

Why would any human (who is not a schizophrenic Dumbocrat) cast votes for two opposing and conflicting views?!? Only a desperate asshole like you could say something so absurd.

Face it, you're pissed off because in your frustration (not to mention profound ignorance), you went off half-cocked and made one of the strongest cases yet for voter fraud... :lol:
If you have the proof, you be a man, stand up, take it to court, file suit instead of whining like a little bitch on a message board at 11:00 at night.

Why would I do that when it's much easier, much cheaper, and above all else - way more FUN to post the facts on USMB and watch you become the unhinged, ranting, dick-obsessed, lunatic that it has turned you into?

Facts cause Dumbocrats to become completely unhinged. I'm so close to pushing you over the edge and having you spend the rest of your useless life where you belong - in an asylum (just think though - they will have professionals there around the clock that can help you learn to cope with that erectile dysfunction issue you've apparently been dealing with it).


Actually, it looks like Ryan was installed due to voter fraud since Wisconsin is a blue state. <sarcasm off>

The GOP seems to have a problem with people with multi-track minds and those who can have two thoughts in their head at the same time.

Very true.

That there really could be people in the first district who wanted Ryan in Congress bringhing home the pork but not really wanting him anywhere near the nuclear weapons.

I drive through that district a couple times a year. It's mostly farms and people who need government handouts worse than any inner city dweller.
Uh, the same people in that district picked Obama over Romney. They also picked Ryan over a non-entity named Rob Zebran.

Who is Rob Zebran? Good question. He's not Barack Obama.

Two different choices, two different results.

Actually, it looks like Ryan was installed due to voter fraud since Wisconsin is a blue state. <sarcasm off>

The GOP seems to have a problem with people with multi-track minds and those who can have two thoughts in their head at the same time.

And again we see Candyass trying desperately to explain away voter fraud and failing (like his cock apparently :lmao:) miserably.

Can you explain how a voter can have "multi-track" minds and "two thoughts"? If you voted for Paul Ryan, you voted for a man who represents small, limited government, low taxes, and maximum freedom. Barack Obama represents the exact opposite of that.

Why would any human (who is not a schizophrenic Dumbocrat) cast votes for two opposing and conflicting views?!? Only a desperate asshole like you could say something so absurd.

Face it, you're pissed off because in your frustration (not to mention profound ignorance), you went off half-cocked and made one of the strongest cases yet for voter fraud... :lol: DO realize that under a Republican named Bush Jr. (and his puppet master Cheney) that government grew to quite a large size?

Let's not forget all the regulations (for drug testing for welfare, for abortion clinic regulations, etc.) that the current teabaggers are trying to force on us?

Sorry, but the GOP is more about large government than the Dems ever thought about being.

But...................I guess that legislating morality takes a lot.
Uh, the same people in that district picked Obama over Romney. They also picked Ryan over a non-entity named Rob Zebran.

Who is Rob Zebran? Good question. He's not Barack Obama.

Two different choices, two different results.

Actually, it looks like Ryan was installed due to voter fraud since Wisconsin is a blue state. <sarcasm off>

The GOP seems to have a problem with people with multi-track minds and those who can have two thoughts in their head at the same time.

Can you explain how a voter can have "multi-track" minds and "two thoughts"?
The ability to see both sides of an issue is the sign of a mature wouldn't understand there short-stack?
If you voted for Paul Ryan, you voted for a man who represents small, limited government, low taxes, and maximum freedom. Barack Obama represents the exact opposite of that.
Yeah, there was probably a lot of GOP voter fraud considering that Obama wins the state everytime he wants to....something must be keeping Ryan employed.

Or it could be that the voters in his district like him right where he is or knew that Romney was a disaster you couldn't trust.

Why would any human (who is not a schizophrenic Dumbocrat) cast votes for two opposing and conflicting views?!? Only a desperate asshole like you could say something so absurd.
No; only an idiot like you can only see one side of an argument and think that someone must think only one way about something and not understand that what may make a person a desireable or even admired legislator would make them a weak President. It's a particularly Republican schism that has rendered you almost a non factor in the last 6 elections where you only won the popular vote..giggle...once.

Face it, you're pissed off because in your frustration (not to mention profound ignorance), you went off half-cocked and made one of the strongest cases yet for voter fraud... :lol:

As stated, if you have the proof, file suit. If not, join the 9/11 truthers in their marginal place in the world.

You have to come to grips that a black man is president at some point...why not today?

Poor ol' Rotten, just cannot accept the fact that as a prognosticator, he is unemployable.

Face up to it, ol' boy, your side lost, and in all probability, will lose again.

Yep. Sorry to tell the GOP, but if they keep going with the tea baggers, they're gonna lose a bunch in 2014.

Saved for posterity. :lmao:

[MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION]....I cant say this enough. YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE A MORON HERE. You really do.

Thanks for the laugh. USMB, thank you for keeping all these idiotic threads for us to laugh at.

Again, [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION], you look dumb here. Really really really dumb. :cool:

I look "dumb" for sharing FACTS? :lmao:

That was the EXACT report shared by the media that morning. Only a libtard (like [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION]) would consider sharing accurate information to be "dumb".

Again - [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION] - you really come across as a MORON here!

What media was that? There were never any polls showing Romney up in PA or WI.
[MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION]....I cant say this enough. YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE A MORON HERE. You really do.

Thanks for the laugh. USMB, thank you for keeping all these idiotic threads for us to laugh at.

Again, [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION], you look dumb here. Really really really dumb. :cool:

I look "dumb" for sharing FACTS? :lmao:

That was the EXACT report shared by the media that morning. Only a libtard (like [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION]) would consider sharing accurate information to be "dumb".

Again - [MENTION=20497]Zona[/MENTION] - you really come across as a MORON here!

What media was that? There were never any polls showing Romney up in PA or WI.

IIRC, over the last 45 polls in PA, Obama was leading in 44 and 1 was tied.

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