Romney has it locked up!

Why would any human (who is not a schizophrenic Dumbocrat) cast votes for two opposing and conflicting views?!? Only a desperate asshole like you could say something so absurd.
No; only an idiot like you can only see one side of an argument and think that someone must think only one way about something and not understand that what may make a person a desireable or even admired legislator would make them a weak President. It's a particularly Republican schism that has rendered you almost a non factor in the last 6 elections where you only won the popular vote..giggle...once.

Watching you back peddle because you proved voter fraud (and now regret it) is funning hilarious..... :lmao:

Even if you thought that Ryan would be a "weak president" - why would you vote for a man who is implementing socialism and pissing on the Constitution when that goes against everything Ryan voters believe in? :lmao:

Sorry chief, just because you metaphorically got caught on camera with a dick up your ass here, doesn't mean you can throw any shit in the screen and hope it sticks to cover up your ass-fucked escapade! :lol:

You slipped up in your ignorance and made the strongest case yet for voter fraud. Own it, bitch...

We lost in GOP not because of unproven voter fraud, but because we were the minority.
We lost in GOP not because of unproven voter fraud, but because we were the minority.

Jake, you're losing it. You sound like a Bodecca sock and just as unconvincing

Republican Moderates are a kiss of death in a national election
CrusaderFrank, the lunatics on election night were predicting a massive Romney landslide.

With a reactionary candidate supported by commie-loving reactionaries, the GOP would lose by 25 points.

This nonsense from the far far right has to stop if the GOP is to survive as a credible alternative to the Democrats.
CrusaderFrank, the lunatics on election night were predicting a massive Romney landslide.

With a reactionary candidate supported by commie-loving reactionaries, the GOP would lose by 25 points.

This nonsense from the far far right has to stop if the GOP is to survive as a credible alternative to the Democrats.

When did the GOP transform from the party that likes little girls to the party that acts like little girls :dunno:?

I've never seen so many "manly men" playing the poor little victim so often.

As stated, if you have proof of voter fraud, bring it to the court system and overturn the results of the election. If not, I'll take a box of thin mints there Jessica because you're nothing but a whiny little girl.
Why would any human (who is not a schizophrenic Dumbocrat) cast votes for two opposing and conflicting views?!? Only a desperate asshole like you could say something so absurd.
No; only an idiot like you can only see one side of an argument and think that someone must think only one way about something and not understand that what may make a person a desireable or even admired legislator would make them a weak President. It's a particularly Republican schism that has rendered you almost a non factor in the last 6 elections where you only won the popular vote..giggle...once.

Watching you back peddle because you proved voter fraud (and now regret it) is funning hilarious..... :lmao:

Even if you thought that Ryan would be a "weak president" - why would you vote for a man who is implementing socialism and pissing on the Constitution when that goes against everything Ryan voters believe in? :lmao:

Sorry chief, just because you metaphorically got caught on camera with a dick up your ass here, doesn't mean you can throw any shit in the screen and hope it sticks to cover up your ass-fucked escapade! :lol:

You slipped up in your ignorance and made the strongest case yet for voter fraud. Own it, bitch...


Romney has it locked up!!!
CrusaderFrank has a problem understanding the fluke nature of 2010 and the elections, and he won't admit that when given a chance because of it, the reactionary far right instead of concentrating of jobs wanted to fight about the debt ceiling. The put partisanship above patriotism, and they paid the price (and made the GOP as a whole pay the price) in 2012.

That will happen in 2014 if the mainstream of the GOP does not tell the far right, "Your time is over."
CrusaderFrank has a problem understanding the fluke nature of 2010 and the elections, and he won't admit that when given a chance because of it, the reactionary far right instead of concentrating of jobs wanted to fight about the debt ceiling. The put partisanship above patriotism, and they paid the price (and made the GOP as a whole pay the price) in 2012.

That will happen in 2014 if the mainstream of the GOP does not tell the far right, "Your time is over."
The only thing that happened in 2010 was Democrats not showing up to vote.

This has been proven again and again: Republicans did not vote in any larger numbers than usual in 2010. They just weren't balanced by Democrats, making it look like a landslide change of public opinion in favor of Republicans.
CrusaderFrank has a problem understanding the fluke nature of 2010 and the elections, and he won't admit that when given a chance because of it, the reactionary far right instead of concentrating of jobs wanted to fight about the debt ceiling. The put partisanship above patriotism, and they paid the price (and made the GOP as a whole pay the price) in 2012.

That will happen in 2014 if the mainstream of the GOP does not tell the far right, "Your time is over."
The only thing that happened in 2010 was Democrats not showing up to vote.

This has been proven again and again: Republicans did not vote in any larger numbers than usual in 2010. They just weren't balanced by Democrats, making it look like a landslide change of public opinion in favor of Republicans.

The Dems did not lose by only 1% of Dems voters staying home.
They lost because the Majority of Americans did not want the New Health Care law.
The Majority did not want it then and they still do not want it now.
You can go ahead and post evidence if you want.

You will find that people in 2010 were pissed off about the economy not ACA or they would have sent majorities in 2010 and 2012 to finish it off.

The ACA is a done deal, unless the GOP sweeps next year but to do that, it would have to turn its back on the far right. The mainstream of the GOP is not quite that far some seem to be saying. But even with a sweep, BHO will veto.
For many on the right, perhaps. But the TPM failed all of us on the economy, and the American people have turned its collective back on the movement. The ACA will remain. I am curious to see how it will be amended in the future.
I see you are from SE Arizona. I remember from my time at Ft Huachuca how stark most of the landscape was to the eye. But Apacheria is incredibly beautiful. Tombstone and Bisbee were quite fascinating.
CrusaderFrank has a problem understanding the fluke nature of 2010 and the elections, and he won't admit that when given a chance because of it, the reactionary far right instead of concentrating of jobs wanted to fight about the debt ceiling. The put partisanship above patriotism, and they paid the price (and made the GOP as a whole pay the price) in 2012.

That will happen in 2014 if the mainstream of the GOP does not tell the far right, "Your time is over."
The only thing that happened in 2010 was Democrats not showing up to vote.

This has been proven again and again: Republicans did not vote in any larger numbers than usual in 2010. They just weren't balanced by Democrats, making it look like a landslide change of public opinion in favor of Republicans.

Remember these are the geniuses that said that Romney had it locked up.
I was listening to these 'geniuses' here at party HQ on South Temple on election day and night. "Oh, it is going to be a Romney landside."

The far right will not listen to common sense, cannot critically think, will not objectively evaluate empirical data.

Well, no more. The Salt Lake County chair talked stupidly about the Democratic district attorney two weeks ago and got his ass kicked by GOP leaders: rightfully so.
I was listening to these 'geniuses' here at party HQ on South Temple on election day and night. "Oh, it is going to be a Romney landside."

The far right will not listen to common sense, cannot critically think, will not objectively evaluate empirical data.

Well, no more. The Salt Lake County chair talked stupidly about the Democratic district attorney two weeks ago and got his ass kicked by GOP leaders: rightfully so.

Well, it's about time that the adults in the GOP take control again. Here in Oregon, it is going in the opposite direction. Our present GOP chair is a total fruitloop, head of the OISM. Very strange phenomonem considering the GOP gave us one of our most beloved govenors, Tom McCall.
I was listening to these 'geniuses' here at party HQ on South Temple on election day and night. "Oh, it is going to be a Romney landside."

The far right will not listen to common sense, cannot critically think, will not objectively evaluate empirical data.

Well, no more. The Salt Lake County chair talked stupidly about the Democratic district attorney two weeks ago and got his ass kicked by GOP leaders: rightfully so.

Well, it's about time that the adults in the GOP take control again. Here in Oregon, it is going in the opposite direction. Our present GOP chair is a total fruitloop, head of the OISM. Very strange phenomonem considering the GOP gave us one of our most beloved govenors, Tom McCall.

That may be because Oregon U is affectionately and not so affectionately called Earth Mother University, and the leaders of that way leftist group is disdained by all GOP there but really hated by the far reactionary right, so anything Dem is wrong and anything not extreme is not Republican enough.

Good luck.
The far right truly does that: "Romney was not really a conservative."

The reactionary right has it backwards of course: the mainstream GOP abhors the far right.

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