Romney Impeachment Speech... WOW

It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I think he has convinced himself that his vote has nothing to do with any of those things, but of course people convince themselves of all manner of things that are untrue.
It is widley known Mitt does not like Trump. He has not hid that fact. I do believe he is jealous of Trumps win, and probably has a difficult time understanding how did someone like Trump win and he did not.
I agree with that. An perhaps it’s that dislike of Trump that allows him to be critical of his actions. I’d be willing to bet that others in the republican party see the case the same way but don’t want to face the political implications. Either way, it took some balls for Romney to do what he just did.
The Cowardly thing is to try to railroad an innocent man when you are under pressure to get a conviction by any means necessary. Mueller did it multiple times in his life. Putting Agenda over Country is the easy way out, and cowardly John Kerry did it with Iran. Obama did it with Iran, Russia, and well, just terrorism in general.

The hard thing to do is to do what is right when others are trying to dissuade you because it benefits them to side with you.

Mitt Romney is No Hero, and neither was John McCain.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

If a monkey named Mitt votes to convict does anyone care?

Care? I don’t know, I guess it depends on what you mean by care. I think it’s a rather significant and historical statement. I thought it was a compelling speech too. Did you watch it?

The really compelling speech will be the one that Barr gives uncovering Romney's connection to the Ukraine money laundering scheme.


It’s amazing to me that so many are behind this notion of criminalizing political opponents. You know that’s exactly what Putin and the commies have done through history right?!

What the hell are you talking about? Romney criminalized himself. Whether or not he gets caught remains to be seen. As far as using criminality to attack political opponents please check with the previous administration and feel free to shut the fuk up until you grow up and stop spouting a double standard.

It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I do. He is making a calculated yet emotional decision, hoping he comes out on the right side of it. Dems have probably said they will welcome him with open arms. His speech sounded so much like Pelosi’s.
Really?! So you honestly think the fall out from this will be positive for Romney and his family... really?!
I said he is hoping it can be turned around. And do remember Rep’s don’t go looking to attack a politicians family like the Dem’s do. And all his kids are grown adults.
Was that a joke? Do you know who Hunter Biden is? I’m already hearing calls to go after Mitts son... they are in this very thread!
Romney's only chance is re-establishing the Republican party of yore.

It's over. It's Trump's party now.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a yes, on impeachment. I’ll post a video once one becomes available.
/——/ What do you expect from a RINO who puts his dog on top of the car and drives to Canada, keeps a book of women and doesn’t pay any taxes? He’s the perfect democRAT lap dog.
yep. any mofo mistreating animals like that gets zero respect from me on much of anything.
do you think he intentionally did that to his dog?
/---/ Hey Dim Bulb, I was quoting the democRATs who attacked Mitt for doing that when he ran against Obama. At the time, democRATs cut Mitt no slack.
So what? What does that have to do with this topic?
/----/ Seriously? Check your clock, it's time for your meds.
Do also remember he is not up for re election this year. He is also calculating it won’t be a factor by the time he actually is.
It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I think he has convinced himself that his vote has nothing to do with any of those things, but of course people convince themselves of all manner of things that are untrue.
It is widley known Mitt does not like Trump. He has not hid that fact. I do believe he is jealous of Trumps win, and probably has a difficult time understanding how did someone like Trump win and he did not.
I agree with that. An perhaps it’s that dislike of Trump that allows him to be critical of his actions. I’d be willing to bet that others in the republican party see the case the same way but don’t want to face the political implications. Either way, it took some balls for Romney to do what he just did.
The Cowardly thing is to try to railroad an innocent man when you are under pressure to get a conviction by any means necessary. Mueller did it multiple times in his life. Putting Agenda over Country is the easy way out, and cowardly. John Kerry did it with Iran. Obama did it with Iran and well, just terrorism in general.

The hard thing to do is to do what is right when others are trying to dissuade you because it benefits them to side with you.

Mitt Romney is no Hero, and neither was John McCain.

All of the best quotes about Romney come from 2012 when he was trying to beat Obama and they were all offered by the very same people who are now holding him up as a hero today. Back then they even knew about his high school they refuse to look at the fact that Romney and son may get indicted for involvement in the Ukraine money laundering scheme.... instead they accuse us of being communists and criminalizing political opponents.

Personally I am beginning to think he is jealous of Trump. He accomplished what he couldn’t. Even his niece called him out at one point.

Trump and Romney have a mutual hatred that goes back a bit. Mitt doesn't take criticism well nor does Trump. However, Trump will do the smart thing, be patient and wait as revenge is a dish best served cold. Leftards are typically not smart enough to control their emotions enough. It's an over all indication of a shallower mind.
The Difference between Romney, McCain and Trump, is that Trump will duke it out with you and make apologies later, and invite you back in to the fold, if you are willing to patch things up with him, but if not, it's see yah later, and he figures you are unreasonable, and just can't handle losing.




Trump is not a guy you want to get in to a battle with, but if you can bury the hatchet he is a guy you'd want to be in a foxhole with.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

If a monkey named Mitt votes to convict does anyone care?

Care? I don’t know, I guess it depends on what you mean by care. I think it’s a rather significant and historical statement. I thought it was a compelling speech too. Did you watch it?

The really compelling speech will be the one that Barr gives uncovering Romney's connection to the Ukraine money laundering scheme.


It’s amazing to me that so many are behind this notion of criminalizing political opponents. You know that’s exactly what Putin and the commies have done through history right?!

What the hell are you talking about? Romney criminalized himself. Whether or not he gets caught remains to be seen. As far as using criminality to attack political opponents please check with the previous administration and feel free to shut the fuk up until you grow up and stop spouting a double standard.


I never stood up for anything the Obama administration did in that respect. You’re just making that up trying to making this a partisan thing. That’s what people do when they lose the argument.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I do. He is making a calculated yet emotional decision, hoping he comes out on the right side of it. Dems have probably said they will welcome him with open arms. His speech sounded so much like Pelosi’s.
Really?! So you honestly think the fall out from this will be positive for Romney and his family... really?!
I said he is hoping it can be turned around. And do remember Rep’s don’t go looking to attack a politicians family like the Dem’s do. And all his kids are grown adults.
Was that a joke? Do you know who Hunter Biden is? I’m already hearing calls to go after Mitts son... they are in this very thread!
Romney's only chance is re-establishing the Republican party of yore.

It's over. It's Trump's party now.
Sad but true
It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I do. He is making a calculated yet emotional decision, hoping he comes out on the right side of it. Dems have probably said they will welcome him with open arms. His speech sounded so much like Pelosi’s.
Really?! So you honestly think the fall out from this will be positive for Romney and his family... really?!

I think Romney made a deal with the devil and I think the devil is standing right behind him on that podium showing him a vision of his son in a pinstripe suit.

It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
I do. He is making a calculated yet emotional decision, hoping he comes out on the right side of it. Dems have probably said they will welcome him with open arms. His speech sounded so much like Pelosi’s.
Really?! So you honestly think the fall out from this will be positive for Romney and his family... really?!

I think Romney made a deal with the devil and I think the devil is standing right behind him on that podium showing him a vision of his son in a pinstripe suit.

explain that logic. Why do you think Romney did what he did?
If a monkey named Mitt votes to convict does anyone care?
Care? I don’t know, I guess it depends on what you mean by care. I think it’s a rather significant and historical statement. I thought it was a compelling speech too. Did you watch it?

The really compelling speech will be the one that Barr gives uncovering Romney's connection to the Ukraine money laundering scheme.

It’s amazing to me that so many are behind this notion of criminalizing political opponents. You know that’s exactly what Putin and the commies have done through history right?!

What the hell are you talking about? Romney criminalized himself. Whether or not he gets caught remains to be seen. As far as using criminality to attack political opponents please check with the previous administration and feel free to shut the fuk up until you grow up and stop spouting a double standard.

I never stood up for anything the Obama administration did in that respect. You’re just making that up trying to making this a partisan thing. That’s what people do when they lose the argument.

Funny I don't remember accusing you of anything.... Why would you even bring it up?

I am accusing Romney of being a criminal.
I'm accusing him of trying to protect his son who was involved in the Ukraine money laundering scheme; And I'm calling you out on your phony position that uncovering Romney's criminality is a communist style smear tactic.

If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Fuck Romney. Fuck him and his little dog Patches. He's a POS. I couldn't care less what he says or thinks about anything. Like McCain, he is driven by nothing but craven hatred because Trump embarrassed him by reminding the world what an abject failure he was. If you want to hear something REALLY good, you should have listened to what Lindsay Graham had to say just a few minutes ago.
It is an interesting vote, he likely just ended his career. The majority of Utah Democrat and Republican, are against the impeachment. And over half of the population support Trump. With Republicans that percentage obviously is quite different.
Personally I believe his vote has a lot more to do with his overall dislike of Trump than anything else. I do believe that.
Do you think Romney knows the abuse of power charge is bogus but is voting for it anyways and sacrificing his career just because he doesn’t like Trump?
Yep. (See McCain Thumbs Down)
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Fuck Romney. Fuck him and his little dog Patches. He's a POS. I couldn't care less what he says or thinks about anything. Like McCain, he is driven by nothing but craven hatred because Trump embarrassed him by reminding the world what an abject failure he was. If you want to hear something REALLY good, you should have listened to what Lindsay Graham had to say just a few minutes ago.

Fortunately for you Romney doesn't work for you. He works for the voters of Utah. So you're off the hook.

Fun facts:
Romney won his Senate seat with 62½% of the Utah vote. Rump won his electoral votes with 45½% of the same state's vote.
If you didn’t catch Romney’s senate speech about impeachment I suggest you take a few minutes and watch it. That was incredible. He’s a YES, on the abuse of power article and a No on obstruction of congress.

Fuck Romney. Fuck him and his little dog Patches. He's a POS. I couldn't care less what he says or thinks about anything. Like McCain, he is driven by nothing but craven hatred because Trump embarrassed him by reminding the world what an abject failure he was. If you want to hear something REALLY good, you should have listened to what Lindsay Graham had to say just a few minutes ago.
thats a weak ass response... oh he just hates Trump. That means nothing. He has voted with trump on policy the majority of the time and he could hate trump and not flush his political career down the toilet.

I think he took his oath seriously and believes what he said in his speech. Do you agree?

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