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Romney is done

Nobody knows for certain how September's jobs report will look, but while August's numbers were much worse than expected, all other indicators were that it would be better. I am thinking that the jobs numbers may be lagging by a month, and if so, the timing could not be better. Taken that Obama is already building a lead in the polls, a good jobs report at the end of September/early October would be huge.[/QUOTE]

The unemployment rate is determined based off of the amount of determined workers in america. If you look up the rate for those who have lost there jobs and settled for a entry level part-time job you will be troubled as it is somewhere around 16%. between august and september the amount of undevoted job seekers decreased making the rate seem more good possibly to the point were no jobs were gained.
Romney is done

He never got ‘started’ to begin with.

He backed into the nomination as the least objectionable candidate – and the least regarded – forced on a significant number of republicans and conservatives who believe Romney doesn’t represent their interests, and has continued to maintain a poorly orchestrated and managed campaign.

Indeed, he has little in the way of actual ‘support,’ as those planning to vote for Romney are motivated by hate for Obama only – which alone won’t carry the election.
He now considers foreign policy and our troops fighting and dying in Afghanistan "a distraction" and "a shiny object".

He is not fit to be POTUS or CiC.

I can't wait for the next round of ads from Obama.

I suppose he should be apologizing to shithead terrorists instead, the way Obama is doing.

When terrorists kill people because they are "offended", the libs act like they are justified and apologize, in Arabic. The latest attack just happened to be on 9/11, but a film maker gets the blame. Unreal. The Muslim Brotherhood, whom Obama treats like friends, are nothing but terrorists. Romney has a right to criticize Obama's foreign policies, especially after his support of the Arab Spring, which has come home to roost in a bloody way.

Some liberal professor is saying the film maker is to blame for the attack on the embassy and wants charges pressed. The Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk are still worshipping Osama bin laden and saying they are all Osama now. Didn't stop the speakers at the DNC from mentioning the killing of Osama 21 times. Gee, spiking the football so much couldn't have insulted them, could it?

Obama's foreign policy seems to amount to apologizing to enemies and kicking our allies in the teeth.

Romney is right to criticize, but Obama acts just as sensitive as the Muslims when insulted. Now he'll sic his henchmen on Romney and come up with more lying ads. Can't wait.
But aside from the politics of this, what does it say about a candidate who would issue a statement based on incomplete information and then double down on it even after it’s been disproven? What does it say about a candidate who actually accuses the President of openly siding with those who would harm U.S. diplomats? What does it say about a candidate who would, in a moment of grief over the death of U.S. personnel serving overseas, take the opportunity to cravenly engage in a dishonest political attack?
Romney's reprehensible reaction to the violence in Libya and Egypt | New York Daily News

It says that Romney is a piece of shit who will lose the election and as per Rush, Ingram et al, cause the demise of the republican party.

Make no mistake about Rush Limbaugh: he wants Obama to win. Nothing is better for him than to have a Democrat in the Oval Office. Even better for him to have Democrats control Congress.

Only his brain-dead followers actually believe he's one of them.

It says that Romney is a piece of shit who will lose the election and as per Rush, Ingram et al, cause the demise of the republican party.

Make no mistake about Rush Limbaugh: he wants Obama to win. Nothing is better for him than to have a Democrat in the Oval Office. Even better for him to have Democrats control Congress.

Only his brain-dead followers actually believe he's one of them.

Rush who ?

It says that Romney is a piece of shit who will lose the election and as per Rush, Ingram et al, cause the demise of the republican party.

Make no mistake about Rush Limbaugh: he wants Obama to win. Nothing is better for him than to have a Democrat in the Oval Office. Even better for him to have Democrats control Congress.

Only his brain-dead followers actually believe he's one of them.

oh boy, :eusa_shifty:
Actually, I suspect he'll maintain about a 4 point lead on Romney all the way to the end, on average.

And then Obama will win, and you'll get to come back here and tell us Romney lost because he wasn't a "real conservative".

Actually I won't, if Romney doesn't win I'll leave the board.
You are in trouble already, Bammy dropped from 4 to 3.3 just today sorry....

If Romney doesn't win, you will leave the board?



But he'll probably come back with another name...
Ohio, New Hampshire, and Nevada are all trending away from Romney, and Pennsylvania no mystery, it will go Obama easily.

You are whistling your way past the graveyard.

Now I really AM laughing at you :)

I am an ex champion wrestler who at 55 still lifts 4 times a week and does cardio the other 3, I shit bigger than you and have 40 years of Political experience, we play the game for a reason and the polls don't support a Bammy victory at the moment...he may well win but your silly posturing simply makes you look stupid :)

Do you realize how stupid you sound? What swing states will Romney win? I didn't know playing the board game "Life" counted as political experience.

Romney will win VA and NC. He has a legitimate shot in MI and OH is a tossup....FL will go to Romney. Seniors have had enough of Obama. WI is teetering away from Obama. PA is a mystery. Depends on how many liberals go to the polls in the Philadelphia metro area which is where most of PA's liberal voters reside.
NJ could fall to Romney based on Gov Christie's popularity there.
All other states are pretty much decided.
Actually I won't, if Romney doesn't win I'll leave the board.
You are in trouble already, Bammy dropped from 4 to 3.3 just today sorry....

The bounce is fading......

Lybia is another nail in the coffin.

Obama could not have done a worse job in the last four years if he tried.

You would have more credibility if you spelled Libya correctly.
you would have more credibility if you would not lie about who and what you are......right Mr...."Independent"......your a joke Chris....
Lets hope you don't choke on those words

He's not FIT to be President or CIC..

But a Junior Senator of less than TWO years in Congress was..:lol:


So... the kenyan is knocking off muslims by the hundreds including their supreme leader obama... errr... osama, and yet his administration can't bring themselves to say "terrorist?" Seems to me that if the muslims are so pissed off, they ought to be pissed off at obama for killing their main man and so many thousands of others.

Seems to me that if the muslims are so pissed off, they ought to be pissed off at obama for killing their main man and so many thousands of others.

i would assume they are....i havent seen any parades thrown in his honor over there....has he been invited to speak at the Al Qaeda convention next month?.....
obama got Bin Laden. Which is why the protesters were screaming "obama obama we are all Osama" instead of Romney Romney we are all Osama.
We are not going to put ground units in Libya, period: neither party will tolerate it much less the host country.

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