Romney-Obama Debate Thread

now the media gets to look at everything Mitt said and destroy him with his own words on just how liberal he really is. That will be the big killer, not the bullshit in a debate, but what is talked about for days and days after it.

Admit it, most you "conservatives" were only happy Mitt was talking, on a very shallow level you know he was not talking in a strait line and you prolly hated a good deal of what he said... That will be all over the news.

Dude most of the "conservatives" on this board don't care as long as Willard has an (R) next to his name he could read the communist manifesto while taking a shit on the Bill of rights and they would still cheer him on
But duke, dear, we've heard so much about the communist manifesto of spreading the wealth around, we'd know it instantly if we saw it in Mitt Romney's speech. It just wasn't present. ;)

Touché I might of overreacted in that post but after that debate I still don't see how Romney would be better than Obama so in the end I'm still voting for Gary Johnson
I channel flip bud, I do catch CNN too,, but when I want to, not because you tell me I have to, I like hearing Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz come apart at the seams. Morning Joe should be a hoot too. :lol::lol:

Just saying media will never change if we keep feeding it.

I hear ya. But again, I think it's important to hear it all. Then and only then can you make an informed decision. I will never be like the liberals and try to get one sided communication.

Oh I don't wish to silence him I just won't support msnbc because if it wants to be a news org they can't be as dishonest as they are.
Obama showed he has no depth beyond the few talking points he's memorized. Romney destroyed him.

hes rarely been challenged like that, he doesn't like being questioned we all know that, he has a short fuse and frustration with folks that don't buy his rap, and it showed.

at the end of the day obama really cannot defend his policies, we are where we are....

Obama and his people have been trying for about a week to say the debate was not about the past 4 years, but about the future. Trouble with that line of reasoning is, the last 4 years sucked, and another 4 years will suck more... and people are realizing that.
I give this debate to Romney. I think he's a clear winner. However the whole debate has been a bit slow and ramblely, no wow moments, or a-ha moments, no big flops... I don't think it's been anything anyone will be discussing past tomorrow.

The only thing it confirms to me is that the moderator, and the candidates avoided any issue of real significance.

It was interesting that the streaming Youtube censored Romney's final remarks so people couldn't watch them. Interesting. Frankly, I think Romney is in the tank for Obama.

Last year, all the independent candidates had a coalition, where they all put forth a platform that they agree on which the Mainstream candidates were suppressing. The two major candidates were and are against the best interests of the American people. I was interested to see if any of these issues, the most important issues facing the American people, would be addressed at all. NOPE. Not a peep.

1. An end to WAR.

2. An end to Threats of War (belligerence) against other countries.

3. Safe Guarding of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of Americans.

4. No increase in the Federal Debt and a thorough and complete investigation of the Federal Reserve System.

This whole system is a charade, and anyone that is taken in by this snow job should re-evaluate what is going on and how they participate in this years elections.

United States Budget Dilemma.wmv - YouTube

How come they weren't talking about this AT ALL ?!? Where's fucking Ross Perot when you need him? :blowup:

n many ways, the effort itself is extraordinary. Since running twice for the presidency -- his 19% showing in 1992, despite temporarily dropping out of the race, was the strongest third-party candidacy since Theodore Roosevelt's a century ago -- Perot has gradually receded from the public square. His rare interviews have sidestepped both policy and politics.

He's still avoiding one thing: an endorsement in this year's campaign. Though members of his family have donated almost exclusively to Republicans in recent years, Perot is an equal-opportunity critic, unimpressed with both Obama and Romney when it comes to addressing the nation's red ink.

"We're on the edge of the cliff, and we have got to start fixing it now. Otherwise, we're leaving a disaster to our children's and our grandchildren's future," he says in the East Texas twang that spiced up the presidential debates 20 years ago. "Nobody that's running really talks about it, about what we have to do and why we have to do it. They would prefer not to have it discussed."
Obama showed he has no depth beyond the few talking points he's memorized. Romney destroyed him.

hes rarely been challenged like that, he doesn't like being questioned we all know that, he has a short fuse and frustration with folks that don't buy his rap, and it showed.

at the end of the day obama really cannot defend his policies, we are where we are....

Tonight proved that Obama's a good teleprompter reader- and that's about it. He doesn't have the answers, because he really doesn't know the answers! He had a set number of memorized answers that he repeated endlessly; "help the middle class" "investments in education" " a ladder up" "ask to pay a little more" . He looked like a child being scolded by his parents.

The Emperor truly has no clothes...
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I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.
Just saying media will never change if we keep feeding it.

I hear ya. But again, I think it's important to hear it all. Then and only then can you make an informed decision. I will never be like the liberals and try to get one sided communication.

Oh I don't wish to silence him I just won't support msnbc because if it wants to be a news org they can't be as dishonest as they are.

This is true, but you have to watch them to know how really dishonest they are. But, having said that their meltdowns tonight were quite honest. I thought Ed would need the waaaaaambalance.. :D
Obama is an academician. A man who's experience is theoretical.

Romney is a leader. A man who's experience is ACTUAL.

We've got a VERY clear choice....
And on the third hand ...

Obama has to actually work for a living. Mittens hasn't had a job in what? 20+ years?

And, Obama has a way of making very quiet points. He's as good at that as he is of bringing down the house.

President Obama didn't hit it out of the park but it was Mitt who told a couple of his usual lies AND, he backed down on the tax plan he's been hawking for weeks now. Was that just his usual flip flopping?
I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.

I found it odd that Obama did not vehemently deny that figure at all. For weeks, his people claimed there was no 700 billion cut in Medicare, that Romney was miss-characterizing the number and where it came from. All Obama did each time it came up, was to look down and smile nervously. It was a little weird.
One of the things I thought Romney did well was to tie Obama to his record, in terms of UE and economic growth over the past 4 years. Best line: something about Obama not picking winners and losers, just losers.
Obama is an academician. A man who's experience is theoretical.

Romney is a leader. A man who's experience is ACTUAL.

We've got a VERY clear choice....

"ACTUAL" experience killing companies and firing people.

No thanks.

And, Obama has far more than "theoretical" experience.

Where do you rw froot loops GET this crap? You don't get to just make it up as you go along.
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Obama showed he has no depth beyond the few talking points he's memorized. Romney destroyed him.

hes rarely been challenged like that, he doesn't like being questioned we all know that, he has a short fuse and frustration with folks that don't buy his rap, and it showed.

at the end of the day obama really cannot defend his policies, we are where we are....

Tonight proved that Obama's a good teleprompter reader- and that's about it. He doesn't have the answers, because he really doesn't know the answers! He had a set number of memorized answers that he repeated endlessly; "help the middle class" "investments in education" " a ladder up" "ask to pay a little more" . He looked like a child being scolded by his parents.

The Emperor truly has no clothes...

Well, Romney did compare obama to the five Romney boys.
I thought Romney won big, he made several points about the poor economic growth and UE numbers, and thoroughly debunked Obama's claims of 5 trillion in tax cuts and 2 trillion in more defense spending. And he hammered him on the 716 billion cuts in Medicare, I didn't think Obama came out of it looking very good. BUT - we got a couple more to go, and I would expect a much more combative president next time. Can't imagine how we're going to stay anywhere near close to the time limits in future debates.

I found it odd that Obama did not vehemently deny that figure at all. For weeks, his people claimed there was no 700 billion cut in Medicare, that Romney was miss-characterizing the number and where it came from. All Obama did each time it came up, was to look down and smile nervously. It was a little weird.

Be interesting to see what the fact checkers say about who said what that was partly or totally not true. I thought that 716 billion number was true, maybe I am mistaken.

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