Romney-Obama Debate Thread

It's important to me to hear both sides sue me.

Then watch a credible source.... Msnbc is not one. Shit CNN would have been a far better choice for that and with less race baiters and gay mafia people lying.

Gay Mafia? :eusa_eh:

Yes gay mafia ..... Those who do nothing but try and intimidate others about them being gay..... You know like you. A person who thinks who they fuck is the most important thing and attacks any who thinks otherwise.
now the media gets to look at everything Mitt said and destroy him with his own words on just how liberal he really is. That will be the big killer, not the bullshit in a debate, but what is talked about for days and days after it.

Admit it, most you "conservatives" were only happy Mitt was talking, on a very shallow level you know he was not talking in a strait line and you prolly hated a good deal of what he said... That will be all over the news.

Dude most of the "conservatives" on this board don't care as long as Willard has an (R) next to his name he could read the communist manifesto while taking a shit on the Bill of rights and they would still cheer him on
But duke, dear, we've heard so much about the communist manifesto of spreading the wealth around, we'd know it instantly if we saw it in Mitt Romney's speech. It just wasn't present. ;)
It's important to me to hear both sides sue me.

Then watch a credible source.... Msnbc is not one. Shit CNN would have been a far better choice for that and with less race baiters and gay mafia people lying.

I channel flip bud, I do catch CNN too,, but when I want to, not because you tell me I have to, I like hearing Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz come apart at the seams. Morning Joe should be a hoot too. :lol::lol:

Just saying media will never change if we keep feeding it.
You are correct. That's why Obama pinged him on taxes, Medicare and healthcare. Romney said the opposite of what his plan says and the media will fact-check his every word. The second debate is foreign and domestic issues and the topics will come up again.

Romney is going to get shit on by the fact-checkers.

Rightly so...

What specifically did you think Romney lied about? :confused:

Taxes, Medicare, his healthcare plan. I didn't watch it all I switched with about 30 mins left. I switched to watch the replay of Miguel Cabbrera get a standing ovation, in Kansas City, after winning the Triple Crown.
Romney reminded me of Nixon.

Nervous and arrogant.

No, he appeared educated. When it comes to business and economy he knows what the fuck he's talking about.
I agree, WillowTree. He was all business, but in a good and understanding way for all his acumen in the business field, which our country needs so much right now with highly-indebted European countries like Greece and Italy in trouble up to their eyeballs. :thup:
Obama showed he has no depth beyond the few talking points he's memorized. Romney destroyed him.

hes rarely been challenged like that, he doesn't like being questioned we all know that, he has a short fuse and frustration with folks that don't buy his rap, and it showed.

at the end of the day obama really cannot defend his policies, we are where we are....
Then watch a credible source.... Msnbc is not one. Shit CNN would have been a far better choice for that and with less race baiters and gay mafia people lying.

I channel flip bud, I do catch CNN too,, but when I want to, not because you tell me I have to, I like hearing Al Sharpton, and Ed Schultz come apart at the seams. Morning Joe should be a hoot too. :lol::lol:

Just saying media will never change if we keep feeding it.

I hear ya. But again, I think it's important to hear it all. Then and only then can you make an informed decision. I will never be like the liberals and try to get one sided communication.
Romney is going to get shit on by the fact-checkers.

Rightly so...

What specifically did you think Romney lied about? :confused:

Taxes, Medicare, his healthcare plan. I didn't watch it all I switched with about 30 mins left. I switched to watch the replay of Miguel Cabbrera get a standing ovation, in Kansas City, after winning the Triple Crown.

suuuuurrrrrreeee you didnt
First Debate.....I have to give to Romney

I didn't see the promised zingers from either side

Good job by Romney, but far from the home run that he needed

I agree... Romney took this one. I wonder what happened to all the zingers we were told Romney has been practicing? I guess he was too bust with substance. ;)

While I agree this was not a home run for Romney, I'd say it was a triple.

He had one home run...When Obama chided Romney on the $2.8 Billion subsidy for oil and Romney responded with the $90 Billion Subsidy to green industry, mentioning Solyndra and others that went bankrupt, ending with some may say "picking winners and losers, my friend said, picking losers!"

no the classic for the night was obama saying the workers in detriot sacrificed to make the worlds best automobile

joking of course
Romney was ready and energetic. Credit for that. But how does he expect to magically do all those cuts and balance the budget. Wow

It's called Economic growth sweet pea, Something Obama hasn't a fucking clue how to create.

I think Romney won hands down.

Especially liked how he contrasted how he put Romneycare through an 87% Democrat Mass State Legislature by working with the other side, and Obama pushed Obamacare through with almost not GOP input or support.

Also the Total Home run when Obama complained about the 2.8 Billion Oil and Gas Tax Break, and Romney pointed out that Obama spent 50 Years worth of that on "green energy" and picked a bunch of losers, and coincidentally many big Obama Donors to give it to.
The debate was a stalemate Romney supporters will say Romney won...No surprise there

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