Romney overseas

To lay this out for you.

Romney didn't make the remark.

The unnamed advisor who made the comments was 100% correct in that our great country began with Anglo-Saxon colonists who shared that same heritage with Great Britain....from whence they came.

The unnamed advisor did not state that Obama did not understand....he said the White House did not understand that relationship.

Your statement that Obama has not said or done anything as "egregious" could be debated.

Someone in the White House returned the bust of Churchill that had been loaned to Bush even tho the Brits had told them that was not necessary. An embarassment. And now the WH has claimed it was never returned, calling Krauthammer a liar. They have been proved wrong and an apology has been demanded by Krauthammer.

Obama sent a collection of DVDs of his speeches to the Queen and failed to recognize that they don't operate on the same electrical system that we use. Another embarassment.

Michelle upon being presented to the Queen put her arm around her. An absolute violation of protocol. An embarassment.

These are just three of the incidents that came to mind that I would place in the "WH doesn't understand" box.
Obama trots the globe sticking his foot in his mouth and his thumb up his ass, and voters want more of his bullshit? I wouldn't give a fuck if they thew out the Cheney/Palin ticket again.
Screw that goofball excuse of a United States President.

I've not really seen evidence of this. Do you have some examples to share?
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

The statement was made. He didn't deny that it came from his camp.
What is the source of this series of unforced errors?

That's easy.
A mouth that isn't attached to a brain.
The man is a soft dick of the first order.

BBC News - Mitt Romney Poland visit stirs Solidarity

BBC News - Palestinians attack Mitt Romney for 'racist' comments

He messed up in Poland, made a total balls up of what should have been an easy gig in the UK and put Americans in greater danger with his pathetic racism in Israel.

You would have to be a total twit to vote for that numbskull.
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

Frankly, hardly anybody outside the US has noticed. This is really purely domestic politics, irrespective of the location.
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

The statement was made. He didn't deny that it came from his camp.

How can one affirm or deny something when that 'source' is 'unnamed'?
Last edited:
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

The statement was made. He didn't deny that it came from his camp.

How can one deny something when that 'source' is 'unnamed'?

I would have said "that didn't come from my camp."
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

Frankly, hardly anybody outside the US has noticed. This is really purely domestic politics, irrespective of the location.

You must be joking.

He's in news publications all over the world and very few are saying much that would be considered kind.
I'll bet even the Kiribati islanders are calling him a "buraei"
Romney's trip thuse fare has been pandering to the pro-Israeli Jewish and evangelist voters, and also to the Anglophilic voters in the USA.

It makes sense...he's playing to his base.
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

Frankly, hardly anybody outside the US has noticed. This is really purely domestic politics, irrespective of the location.

You must be joking.

He's in news publications all over the world and very few are saying much that would be considered kind.
I'll bet even the Kiribati islanders are calling him a "buraei"

Only US media are paying any real attention. This is purely domestic politics.
Frankly, hardly anybody outside the US has noticed. This is really purely domestic politics, irrespective of the location.

You must be joking.

He's in news publications all over the world and very few are saying much that would be considered kind.
I'll bet even the Kiribati islanders are calling him a "buraei"

Only US media are paying any real attention. This is purely domestic politics.

German Media Slams Mitt Romney's Tour Abroad - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Boris Johnson takes swipe at Mitt Romney after Olympic gaffe | World | News | National Post
Mitt Romney rebuked by David Cameron in London visit
Mitt Romney - Israeli News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
In Israel, Romney declares Jerusalem to be capital | The Jakarta Post
Who will Romney choose? | Trinidad Express Newspaper | Commentaries

Are you sure?

Jakarta isn't in New York state.
Do you know any geography?

Check time.
You said the world's press isn't looking at Romney.
I posted a bunch of links to world press stories about Romney.
You say the world's press isn't looking at Romney.

I sometimes wonder if the odd poster here didn't get dropped on their head when they popped out of mummy's tummy.
What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.

He did not just criticize the Olympics in Britain, he also spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK. Then, in Israel, he declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians. That encompasses several countries to which he flipped the bird. Added to that was his campaign's "Anglo Saxon heritage" bash at Native Americans, Greeks, every Hispanic nation on earth, the continent of Africa, and the rest of the world.
I think that some of the uproar created by Romney's remarks is overblown as Romney was expressing what is just standard political rhetoric. Romney visits Great Britain and makes reference to the USA's "special relationship" with that country. He then visits Israel and makes similar remarks about a "special relationship". I expect that whatever countries he (or any political figure) visits would bring forth expressions of a similar nature.
Obama trots the globe sticking his foot in his mouth and his thumb up his ass, and voters want more of his bullshit? I wouldn't give a fuck if they thew out the Cheney/Palin ticket again.
Screw that goofball excuse of a United States President.

How come every question about Romney gets a kneejerk criticism of Obama.

Can we discuss Romney by just discussing Romney?

The stuff in the UK was just bad form. The Brits have worked very hard on they Olympics and pointing out the mistakes is like criticizing the cooking when you've been invited over for Thanksgiving Dinner.

I think the stuff in Israel was actually worse, because he was so busy pandering that he's already left the Islamic world with the impression he's not going to be an honest broker, and worse, he'll back whatever foolishness the Zionists decide to engage in.

On the brighter side, when he got to Poland, he didn't tell a Polish Joke.
The last few days have not been kind to the presumptive Republican nominee; first in the UK, now in Israel, he continues to blurt out insults to various nations, worldwide. What is the source of this series of unforced errors? Is Romney in reality not ready for the world stage, or could these bizarre events be isolated mistakes?

I don't think Romney is ready for the world stage. And he appears to want to head into more war.

What was his mistake in England giving a honest answer to a question about the Olympics? And saying something that honked off the Arabs big deal saying anything other than death to Israel honks them off. Much to do about nothing.

He did not just criticize the Olympics in Britain, he also spoke about his "meeting" with MI6, off limits in the UK. Then, in Israel, he declared Israeli culture superior to that of Palestinians. That encompasses several countries to which he flipped the bird. Added to that was his campaign's "Anglo Saxon heritage" bash at Native Americans, Greeks, every Hispanic nation on earth, the continent of Africa, and the rest of the world.

Really looking forward to seeing a pic of Mittens flipping off the world!!

that's your idea of "clean debate"? just wondering.

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