Romney Refuses To Apologize For Condemning Dead Americans


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Yesterday we noted that Mitt Romney, down in the polls after the convention, was throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama. Little did we know the kitchen sink would include -- on the anniversary of 9/11 -- one of the most over-the-top and (it turns out) incorrect attacks of the general-election campaign . Last night after 10:00 pm ET, Romney released a statement on the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya. After saying he was “outraged” by these attacks and the death of an American consulate worker, Romney said, “It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.” Yet after learning every piece of new information about those attacks, the Romney statement looks worse and worse -- and simply off-key. First, Romney was referring to a statement that the U.S. embassy in Egypt issued condemning the “efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” But that embassy statement, which the White House has distanced itself from, was in reference to an anti-Islam movie and anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones, and it came out BEFORE the embassy attacks began. Then this morning, we learned that the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and others died in one of the attacks

Just saw where Romney is refusing to apologize for his politically motivated statement that the Americans in the Embassy, fearing for their lives, were terrorist sympathizers.

What a pompous self righteous ass Romney is...
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You're a fucking idiot.

Yesterday we noted that Mitt Romney, down in the polls after the convention, was throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama. Little did we know the kitchen sink would include -- on the anniversary of 9/11 -- one of the most over-the-top and (it turns out) incorrect attacks of the general-election campaign . Last night after 10:00 pm ET, Romney released a statement on the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya. After saying he was “outraged” by these attacks and the death of an American consulate worker, Romney said, “It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.” Yet after learning every piece of new information about those attacks, the Romney statement looks worse and worse -- and simply off-key. First, Romney was referring to a statement that the U.S. embassy in Egypt issued condemning the “efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” But that embassy statement, which the White House has distanced itself from, was in reference to an anti-Islam movie and anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones, and it came out BEFORE the embassy attacks began. Then this morning, we learned that the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and others died in one of the attacks.

Just saw where Romney is refusing to apologize for his politically motivated statement that the Americans in the Embassy, fearing for their lives, were terrorist sympathizers.

What a pompous self righteous ass Romney is...
Last time I heard Terry Jones wasn't a Coptic. That's the movie they were protesting and killing over.

Have you got a link to Terry Jones producing the Coptic film?
He shouldn't apologize, he's right as usual. Not surprizing to me that a obama kool aid drinker like yourself would try to spin it otherwise.

spin? Romney condemned the statements put out by the Americans in the Embassy fearing for their lives... all for political gain
So is this a new tactic? Attack an evangelical to a Coptic Christian film?

Here's the info.

World News: Cairo Protesters Tear Down U.S. Flag Over Anti-Muslim Movie
Cairo Protesters Tear Down U.S. Flag Over Anti-Muslim Movie
September 11, 2012
RSS Feeds

Thousands of protesters storm the American Embassy in Cairo in protest over a Coptic Christian movie, aired by Arabic media site

Cairo Protesters Tear Down U.S. Flag Over Anti-Muslim Movie - VIDEO
Last time I heard Terry Jones wasn't a Coptic. That's the movie they were protesting and killing over.

Have you got a link to Terry Jones producing the Coptic film?

They link says they were protesting Terry Jones not that he produced the movie.
He shouldn't apologize, he's right as usual. Not surprizing to me that a obama kool aid drinker like yourself would try to spin it otherwise.

spin? Romney condemned the statements put out by the Americans in the Embassy fearing for their lives... all for political gain

Yes he did, he condemned the US apologizing for our first amendment rights. Romney's right, it's deplorable.
obama says there will be justice. yah right. And Romney's going to bomb Salt Lake City.

Remember when Reagan sent that missile into khadaufi's house

obama had to return to the wh and govern....oh the pain.
The embassy was desperately trying to save their own lives and he chooses that moment to kick them under the bus.

And then, incredibly, tried to blame the president.

He's an idiot and would be even worse that Bush.
This guy is seriously an awful leader. It's getting dangerous having this guy as President. Time for a change. If that doesn't work then it's time for another change. We don't know Romney can do this job ... but we know Obama can't.
Last time I heard Terry Jones wasn't a Coptic. That's the movie they were protesting and killing over.

Have you got a link to Terry Jones producing the Coptic film?

They link says they were protesting Terry Jones not that he produced the movie.

Coptic Christian movie airing on line.

Of course libs would love to blame Terry Jones. Granted he's an asshole but it's not the truth from what I'm picking up world wide.
He shouldn't apologize, he's right as usual. Not surprizing to me that a obama kool aid drinker like yourself would try to spin it otherwise.

spin? Romney condemned the statements put out by the Americans in the Embassy fearing for their lives... all for political gain

And, in so doing, he did exactly what Terry Jones does - put our people in even greater danger.

AND, this morning, he even alluded to knowing that.

He's a diplomatic train wreck and would love to get us into another war.
Last time I heard Terry Jones wasn't a Coptic. That's the movie they were protesting and killing over.

Have you got a link to Terry Jones producing the Coptic film?

It's a buzz word. Terry Jones is just one of the buzz words, like Jew. The story is that a Jew made the movie.

The movie should be on prime time television.
The embassy was desperately trying to save their own lives and he chooses that moment to kick them under the bus.

And then, incredibly, tried to blame the president.

He's an idiot and would be even worse that Bush.

The buck stops at the President. Isn't that what you liberal asswipes have been telling us for a decade?

Don't you blame Bush for 9/11?
I can't believe that you dumb rw's are siding with Mittens. I agree that Jones attacks on the US are protected by the first amendment but Mittens was dead wrong to condemn the embassy. They were under fire and terrified for their lives. Who can say they would not have made a similar statement?

But, right or wrong, Mittens is dead wrong to use this in such a shameful way. There's a time and a place for everything.

His attack against the embassy also shows a shocking ignorance of foreign policy.
Last time I heard Terry Jones wasn't a Coptic. That's the movie they were protesting and killing over.

Have you got a link to Terry Jones producing the Coptic film?

It's a buzz word. Terry Jones is just one of the buzz words, like Jew. The story is that a Jew made the movie.

The movie should be on prime time television.

Yeah, then we could get even more Americans killed.

(Do you EVER think before you type?)
I can't believe that you dumb rw's are siding with Mittens. I agree that Jones attacks on the US are protected by the first amendment but Mittens was dead wrong to condemn the embassy. They were under fire and terrified for their lives. Who can say they would not have made a similar statement?

But, right or wrong, Mittens is dead wrong to use this in such a shameful way. There's a time and a place for everything.

His attack against the embassy also shows a shocking ignorance of foreign policy.

Romney would be screaming Islam is great after the sign of an protest.

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