Romney Refuses To Apologize For Condemning Dead Americans

That is the conclusion a martian or Pub dupe would come to, listening to the moron Robmey. Religious bigotry is American values, condemning bigotry is apologizing for the USA, etc. RW idiocy has taken over his tiny brain LOL!
I really hope you aren't expecting an answer.

OK, I'm new here.Why?


Because truthseeker lives in her own little world, and rarely respondes coherently to other posters.

I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.

Mitt Romney's Accusation Of Obama 'Sympathy' With Benghazi Attackers Makes No Sense
He shouldn't apologize, he's right as usual. Not surprizing to me that a obama kool aid drinker like yourself would try to spin it otherwise.

The rule seems to be that everyone must be politically correct and I have yet to hear Obama condemn Muslims for past killings because they were offended. We always hear how we shouldn't burn Korans or offend their religion and it's always with the assumption that we'll deserve what we get if we do offend them. They will kill if offended and no one calls them up on it. Even some liberals here said that people were asking for it, like the church threatening to burn korans. People in this country bash Christians every day, yet they don't go around killing people over their opinions.

When our own people start chastising movie makers and others who don't adore Islam because they know the penalty for insulting Allah is death, it's political correctness and it's deadly for the entire world. I say stand up to them and let them know we won't tolerate the murders just because someone offended their stupid religion. We don't even have to insult them to get the death penalty, we just need to continue being "infidels."
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Then, early Thursday morning, after the extent of the violence in Libya and Egypt was known, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a three-sentence statement, the first two sentences of which addressed possible offense to Muslims. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind." Clinton's statement was: Regret, affirmation, condemnation, in that order.

So after the initial statement of apology for the video, there were two statements in which the Obama administration reacted apologetically to the attacks in Libya and Egypt. When Romney took to the microphone in Florida, he was careful to say that the administration "was wrong to stand by" its original pre-attack apology.

Romney is right: In embassy incidents, Obama administration's first instinct was to sympathize with attackers |

'Most Craven And Ill-Advised Move'... 'Not Worthy Of A President'... 'Bungle... Utter Disaster... Not Presidential... Lehman Moment'... 'Over The Top... Desperate'... 'Awesomely Awful'... 'Glaring Foolishness... Disgraceful'


Then, early Thursday morning, after the extent of the violence in Libya and Egypt was known, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a three-sentence statement, the first two sentences of which addressed possible offense to Muslims. "The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," Clinton said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind." Clinton's statement was: Regret, affirmation, condemnation, in that order.

So after the initial statement of apology for the video, there were two statements in which the Obama administration reacted apologetically to the attacks in Libya and Egypt. When Romney took to the microphone in Florida, he was careful to say that the administration "was wrong to stand by" its original pre-attack apology.

Romney is right: In embassy incidents, Obama administration's first instinct was to sympathize with attackers |

Byron York is an wrong. Even if you want to forget the fact Romney made this statement before the Obama administration commented, his interpretation of Clinton's statement is ridiculous.
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Romney was wrong, period, and apparently is doing everything possible to satisfy our American extremists and lose this election.,
Romney was wrong, period, and apparently is doing everything possible to satisfy our American extremists and lose this election.,

Well if you say so
good of you to condemn Romney and not the DISGUSTING statement put out by this administration
OK, I'm new here.Why?


Because truthseeker lives in her own little world, and rarely respondes coherently to other posters.

I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.

That quote in no way suggests that the Americans in the Consulate were terrorist sympathizers. It quite clearly shows that the Obama administration had no clue as to why the attack occurred in spite of the warning from the Zawahiri video.

However, your completely skewed interpretation of it is very instructive to a new participant. You have no idea what you're ranting about, do you?
Just saw where Romney is refusing to apologize for his politically motivated statement that the Americans in the Embassy, fearing for their lives, were terrorist sympathizers.

What a pompous self righteous ass Romney is...

Romney didn't "condemn dead Americans," Herr Goebbels, Romney criticized the simpering fool in the White House, who actually apologized to the terrorists.

Obama defines the term "cluster fuck."

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