Romney/ryan; two extreme radicals.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
A Mormon and a catholic. A dictatorship.
Both want to make the birth control pills lethal weapons and illegal and a crime. Sex for procreation only. Miscarriages treated as a suspected murder until proven otherwise in a court of law. Stay out of my daughters and grand daughters beds. My daughter and two of my grand daughters have to probe their need for birth control is for a “genetic menstrual disorder“ they have to take and is saving their lives. Birth control pills a “control substance?” A fertilized egg is a person? Fertilized fowl eggs a delicacies in some cultures. Women are losing control over their own bodies and men are taking control of them. This is far worse than China’s one child law. Romney/Ryan forces women to give birth and sending the back into back alleys for abortions putting their lives in danger.
Actually, Ryan is insignificant in the race.
They are so extreme they plan to take over the whole world and I hear even outer space
So you're saying we should eat fertilized human eggs basically is what I got from this. Sick. Just sick.
A Mormon and a catholic. A dictatorship.
Both want to make the birth control pills lethal weapons and illegal and a crime. Sex for procreation only. Miscarriages treated as a suspected murder until proven otherwise in a court of law. Stay out of my daughters and grand daughters beds. My daughter and two of my grand daughters have to probe their need for birth control is for a “genetic menstrual disorder“ they have to take and is saving their lives. Birth control pills a “control substance?” A fertilized egg is a person? Fertilized fowl eggs a delicacies in some cultures. Women are losing control over their own bodies and men are taking control of them. This is far worse than China’s one child law. Romney/Ryan forces women to give birth and sending the back into back alleys for abortions putting their lives in danger.
Actually, Ryan is insignificant in the race.

Jesus Christ, granny. You are fucking senile!
A Mormon and a catholic. A dictatorship.
Both want to make the birth control pills lethal weapons and illegal and a crime. Sex for procreation only. Miscarriages treated as a suspected murder until proven otherwise in a court of law. Stay out of my daughters and grand daughters beds. My daughter and two of my grand daughters have to probe their need for birth control is for a “genetic menstrual disorder“ they have to take and is saving their lives. Birth control pills a “control substance?” A fertilized egg is a person? Fertilized fowl eggs a delicacies in some cultures. Women are losing control over their own bodies and men are taking control of them. This is far worse than China’s one child law. Romney/Ryan forces women to give birth and sending the back into back alleys for abortions putting their lives in danger.
Actually, Ryan is insignificant in the race.

Birth control pills and contraception illegal?

You progressives are fucking dumb people.... Of course in your little minds someone who is opposed to FREE TAXPAYER FUNDED CONTRACEPTION AND ABORTIONS automatically wants to ban those products...

I suppose it is too much to ask to pay for your own birth control or God forbid abortion ...
I heard Romney plans on secretly exterminating all males so he can have a million wives and reign over the nation from salt lake city like a new Abraham.
A Mormon and a catholic. A dictatorship.
Both want to make the birth control pills lethal weapons and illegal and a crime. Sex for procreation only. Miscarriages treated as a suspected murder until proven otherwise in a court of law. Stay out of my daughters and grand daughters beds. My daughter and two of my grand daughters have to probe their need for birth control is for a “genetic menstrual disorder“ they have to take and is saving their lives. Birth control pills a “control substance?” A fertilized egg is a person? Fertilized fowl eggs a delicacies in some cultures. Women are losing control over their own bodies and men are taking control of them. This is far worse than China’s one child law. Romney/Ryan forces women to give birth and sending the back into back alleys for abortions putting their lives in danger.
Actually, Ryan is insignificant in the race.

I think they should get the price of dog food so high an old shitstain like you would starve to death...but thats just me.
A Mormon and a catholic. A dictatorship.
Both want to make the birth control pills lethal weapons and illegal and a crime. Sex for procreation only. Miscarriages treated as a suspected murder until proven otherwise in a court of law. Stay out of my daughters and grand daughters beds. My daughter and two of my grand daughters have to probe their need for birth control is for a “genetic menstrual disorder“ they have to take and is saving their lives. Birth control pills a “control substance?” A fertilized egg is a person? Fertilized fowl eggs a delicacies in some cultures. Women are losing control over their own bodies and men are taking control of them. This is far worse than China’s one child law. Romney/Ryan forces women to give birth and sending the back into back alleys for abortions putting their lives in danger.
Actually, Ryan is insignificant in the race.

The left's definition of radical is anyone who doesn't want their extreme policies. Comments, such as "there is no such thing as a free lunch", "every able bodied person should pull their own weight", "our immigration laws should be enforced", "big nanny government IS the problem", "the constitution starts with 'we the people' not we the dictators", "the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money", "you can't multiply wealth by dividing it", "you cannot spend your way to prosperity", "the begininng of the end for any country is when people realize they can vote to get money for themselves", "how do new guns laws affect the crazy or criminal people?", "public union workers should contribute to their own benefits and retirement the same as those who pay their salary" or "shouldn't the good Muslims speak out if they are against terrorism?" will send the average radical leftie into convulsions.

They stick to the playbook. The Cloward Pivens or Saul Alinky book is their guide and all else shall be ridiculed. None can articulate why they believe what they do. They are trained to regurgitate talking points, insult and run if asked to explain their position. Rachel Madcow demonstrated that when she refused to say if she agreed with Obama gutting Medicare to pay for Obamacare. She was attacking Ryan like a shark for suggesting something similar, but she was unable, or unwilling, to break party lines and say what she thought about Obama doing what she accused Ryan of doing. Thing is, Obama actually is doing it and Ryan can't do anything. I would guess she doesn't like it, but the tactic was to point at the right and divert attention from what Obama is doing.
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I heard Romney plans on secretly exterminating all males so he can have a million wives and reign over the nation from salt lake city like a new Abraham.

You know, I heard that too... probably on MSNBC... Rachael Maddow I think it was.
The OP is absolutely unmitigated horseshit.

There is nothing RADICAL and nothing EXTREME in trying to return the nation to the founding principles; and if anything, Mitt Romney has been guilty of being too timid in that regard -- not even remotely extreme.

Seriously, WTF is the old woman babbling about this time?
et al,

Speaking openly!

They are so extreme they plan to take over the whole world and I hear even outer space

They eat babies too.

I think the Romney/Ryan Ticket is possibly the worst thing could happen to US. I don't consider either patriotic Americans. They are all about power, money, and (political) party. Niether has any intention of rebuilding America.

When they start talking about how the are going to improve America, start putting people back to work, building domestic industry and production, reduce the cost of higher education, repairing the infrastructure (power grids, highways, generation of electricity, railway/rapid transit, water distribution, coastal and river protection, etc), and investing in scientific endeavors. The US went from putting a man on the moon to hitchhiking into space.

I want to see an America which is the center of learning; a Mecca for everyone to gravitate to for its advancements. I want to see an America with its economic and industrial capacity that is second to none.

I don't want just another set of politicians that will do nothing for the nation. I want Imhotep, someone that is going to create an America that is the envy of the whole world.

I don't believe the Romney/Ryan Ticket even thinks alone these lines. Their mantra is to maximize the wealth of the shareholder; and don't worry about they working class.

Most Respectfully,

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