Romney’s fuzzy math get fuzzier


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Romney failed miserable as a governor in jobs creation. He is good at creating profits for his businesses but running a business is different than running a government. If he plan to create jobs for the government like the he created job for his business he would have to hire employees for the federal government. He hired employees for his business? He plans to cut government employees so how does he plan to create jobs as president of the federal government?
He plan to repeal Obamacare but do not say what he plan to do with the millions that will lose their affordable healthcare? He plans to cut government entitlement programs, so how will he provide subsidies for those unemployed government workers. Or does he not care?
Obama has a plan and it has been working for 31/2 years. He avoided the worse depression ever. Romney is more of the same as Bush. They both has fuzzy math and it does not add up to jobs.
If he plans to run the federal government like he ran a business or like he did as governor, he will fail.
Just because he know how to create jobs for business does not mean he know how to create jobs as president. We had one business man and governor in the white for 8 years and we all know how that turned out. The worst recession since the great depression.
Obama has proved he knows how to create jobs, so let him finish the job he started. 3and ½ years cannot fix what it took Bush 8 to break.
Ok I dont normally pick on grammar, but your paragraph is God awful

I really like this part:
Obama has a plan and it has been working for 31/2 years. He avoided the worse depression ever. Romney is more of the same as Bush. They both has fuzzy math and it does not add up to jobs.
His plan is working? I could be President and jerk off for 4 years and see a little improvement, that's not a plan, that's crap.

And you think he avoided the worst depression ever? REALLY???? Why is it that it that the only democrat who created any jobs was Clinton, who did alot of stuff even conservatives liked (balanced budgett, welfare reform, granted he had a republican congress doing most of it, but he signed off, I'll give him credit)

Maybe Jimmy Carter's plans are just starting to work too?

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