Romney says Trump unfit for Presidency

I wonder if Mitt will support Joe Biden.

Was Romney guilty of animal cruelty? He should not be allowed to be a member of the Senate and should spend time in doggy jail.
The court case was a kangaroo court with a kangaroo judge. This will be overturned. The insane left are taking on symptoms of Mao, Stalin, Hitler…the true fascists and white supremacists.
That's the way Romney.... get on the losing side again and support a old man with a 35% approval rating....
Vinnie Vitalis is still butthurt that Trump told him to go fuck himself, when he wanted the Sec. of State job.

The GOP has made a sexual abuser the head of their party just like at one time they made a pedophile the Speaker of the House.
The Dems made a mafia godfather a president and vice president. He also molests little girls as well as adult women. His name? Joe Biden. You thought I was going to say Bill Clinton. Him too. Obama-Pelosi-Schumer the three Musketeers are members of the Communist Party. Hillary had government people killed as well as common citizens.
I wonder if Mitt will support Joe Biden.

Neither Biden nor Trump should be in the White House. The fact that either one of them made it there and this country seems intent on sending one of them back again shows how far we've fallen as a people.

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