Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

We would be on a real recovery right now if Mitt was not cheated out of a win by a Chicago political thug and liar. If anyone thinks the economy is as good as the state run media suggests...then why are there so many empty store fronts? We needed Mitt and when he was cheated we were cheated.

there are so many empty store fronts because Brick Stores are sooooo 1990, guy.

As Blockbuster and Borders Books can attest.

There's no point in going to a store to buy something if you can buy it on line or even better, buy it and get it digitally.

Nothing Mitt could have done about that, except maybe make sure that a few of those stores are empty, like KB Toys, which was looted by Bain Capital.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

The polling Data says differently.

Exit polls showed that Romney got a larger percentage of the Evangelical vote than McCain did.
Which should demonstrate just how much they wanted the Black guy out of the White House. Because Romney's Mormonism was a big deal to Southern Baptists in 2008.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

Romney was chosen as a losing candidate by Wall Street bankers so he could allow Obama 4 more years and allow more QE, robbing the US citizenry of $85 billion a month in inflated currency.
Because Romney would have told Wall Street "NO!"? :lol:
We would be on a real recovery right now if Mitt was not cheated out of a win by a Chicago political thug and liar. If anyone thinks the economy is as good as the state run media suggests...then why are there so many empty store fronts? We needed Mitt and when he was cheated we were cheated.

Because Republicans would all of a sudden start putting Obama's policies into action under Mitt: they would pass a giant infrastructure jobs program, etc.

They would just have new bullshit excuses, only now for why they are doing it instead of why they are obstructing it.

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