Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !


You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

The fact that the religion teaches and believes in lying to further whatever their current cause is should be enough to disqualify any Mormon from public office. Once you find out about "lying for the lord", even the magic underwear and their home planet idiocy don't matter anymore.

You are full of shit.

Produce evidence of this or be reported for a Veracity Rule violation.

You are so ignorant you don't know the difference between a Mormon and a Muslim.

Are you able to wipe yourself or are you too old to do that yourself?

I ask because you remind me of an old person I know of who thinks Muslims and Mormons are the same.
The Mormon hatred is deep in some.......:cuckoo:

As far as believing a religion on the basis of evidence or on faith, there is little difference between the Virgin Birth story and the Golden tablets story.

Neither can be proved and both require faith to believe.

The only difference is in which story you prefer.
Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

The fact that the religion teaches and believes in lying to further whatever their current cause is should be enough to disqualify any Mormon from public office. Once you find out about "lying for the lord", even the magic underwear and their home planet idiocy don't matter anymore.

You are full of shit.

Produce evidence of this or be reported for a Veracity Rule violation.

You are so ignorant you don't know the difference between a Mormon and a Muslim.

Are you able to wipe yourself or are you too old to do that yourself?

I ask because you remind me of an old person I know of who thinks Muslims and Mormons are the same.

Where the hell have you been? It was widely reported and posted here while we were listening to his daily lies.

If you have access to the Inter Webs, you can go to a magical link called google dot com and EDUCATE YOURSELF.
If you look at America's symptoms you would find Mitt is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Wow, so how many jobs would we need to export to finally FIX America, in your opinion?

How many jobs have you ever had?

Did the work you did change from job to job?

Did you alter your work to conform to the needs of that particular employer, task, objective, or client?

Or did you act like a robot and do one thing exactly the same way you did the last thing you did?

Of course not.

You are a veteran, right?

Were you ever required to provide humanitarian aid to survivors of natural disasters?

Well, did you shoot those people or help them?

After all, your job as a soldier required you to shoot people didn't it?

But it didn't make sense for you to shoot innocent people did it?

So, if you can be trusted to do what is appropriate given different situations why don't you think Romney can't do the same?

His job as a businessman is different than his job as POTUS.

Why do you think you are smarter than he is?

Hell, I am not smarter than Romney, just way more honest. Romney is a trained and professional liar. He lies to make his living and he lies to keep his options open.

Sometimes I think he lies just to hear how good he sounds doing it.

He lied to every Republican in this country when he told them he was a conservative when his record proved otherwise.

You cannot trust liars like Romney to handle real power like the Presidency.

I'd rather have a communist in the Oval Office because you know that there's things he wont do.

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.

I keep a copy of my 2008 401K statement to remind me how Mitt and the other WALL STREET SCUM work for my pension fund.

It's the one where thousands of dollars I salted away over the years vanished in about three quarters.

Is his religion part of your reason for hating him?

It shouldn't be, but for Joe it is; he's jealous Romney lies better than Joe himself does.

I have met thousands of Mormons in my lifetime, and they are all good folks.

I don't think Romney believes in the tenets of Mormonism any more than he is a conservative.

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

The fact that the religion teaches and believes in lying to further whatever their current cause is should be enough to disqualify any Mormon from public office. Once you find out about "lying for the lord", even the magic underwear and their home planet idiocy don't matter anymore.

One can say that about almost any religion or ideology; self exemption is the rule for those who make the rules.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.

I keep a copy of my 2008 401K statement to remind me how Mitt and the other WALL STREET SCUM work for my pension fund.

It's the one where thousands of dollars I salted away over the years vanished in about three quarters.

Is his religion part of your reason for hating him?

His religion tells me he can't be trusted. How can you trust a guy who belongs to a religion where they call themselves "saints" and the rest of us are "gentiles"?
The Mormon hatred is deep in some.......:cuckoo:

As far as believing a religion on the basis of evidence or on faith, there is little difference between the Virgin Birth story and the Golden tablets story.

Neither can be proved and both require faith to believe.

The only difference is in which story you prefer.

Well, no, there is a major difference.

Neither one is really true, but how they got into the religion is what is telling.

The "Virgin Birth" story does not appear in the very first Christian writings. The Epistles of Paul.

It also doesn't appear in the first Gospel written, the Gospel of Mark, who doesn't even really talk about Jesus' mom and only mentions her by name once.

Nope, the Virgin Birth horseshit doesn't pop in until St. Matthew was desperately grasping to make Jesus conform with Old Testament Prophecy. Unfortunately, he mistranslates Isiah and the Hebrew Word almah for "Virgin" when it actually meant "young woman". Matthew does a lot of this, by the way.

The Golden Plates are quite a different issue. Either they existed, or they didn't. Either there really were Golden Plates that detailed the 1000 year history of a Hebrew Civilization in the Americas, or Joseph Smith was lying his ass off.

Joseph Smith was the L. Ron Hubbard of the 19th century.
I keep a copy of my 2008 401K statement to remind me how Mitt and the other WALL STREET SCUM work for my pension fund.

It's the one where thousands of dollars I salted away over the years vanished in about three quarters.

Is his religion part of your reason for hating him?

His religion tells me he can't be trusted. How can you trust a guy who belongs to a religion where they call themselves "saints" and the rest of us are "gentiles"?

Or the Chosen and Goyim?

Come on, dude, MOST religions have an exclusiveness to them that is intended to keep the faithful in the faith.

Mormons are no exception for having such a thing; they would be an exception of they did.
The Mormon hatred is deep in some.......:cuckoo:

As far as believing a religion on the basis of evidence or on faith, there is little difference between the Virgin Birth story and the Golden tablets story.

Neither can be proved and both require faith to believe.

The only difference is in which story you prefer.

There are huge differences, for example the people that wrote the several different narratives (as opposed to just one) came from multiple backgrounds and wrote to multiple types of audiences and none of them were the principal actors of the Virgin Birth story, but only those who recorded what was said to have happened by third parties.

Also, the Virgin Birth story is held to be true by many different religions and more than 4 billion people believe it to be actual truth.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

The polling Data says differently.

Exit polls showed that Romney got a larger percentage of the Evangelical vote than McCain did.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

Romney was chosen as a losing candidate by Wall Street bankers so he could allow Obama 4 more years and allow more QE, robbing the US citizenry of $85 billion a month in inflated currency.
Bottomline=mitt being a member of a "cult" did him in !!!! No question about that!!!

I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

Romney was chosen as a losing candidate by Wall Street bankers so he could allow Obama 4 more years and allow more QE, robbing the US citizenry of $85 billion a month in inflated currency.

GUy, guy, guy, Wall Street spent BILLIONS trying to defeat Obama.

Obama won because despite all the money and racism the Koch Brothers and Sheldon the Zionists could throw at him, Romney was a turd.
I'd say it was a contributing factor. Especially among Southern Baptists, who even have it written in their tenets, or whatever they are called, that the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is a cult.

Romney was chosen as a losing candidate by Wall Street bankers so he could allow Obama 4 more years and allow more QE, robbing the US citizenry of $85 billion a month in inflated currency.

GUy, guy, guy, Wall Street spent BILLIONS trying to defeat Obama.

Obama won because despite all the money and racism the Koch Brothers and Sheldon the Zionists could throw at him, Romney was a turd.

They didn't spend billions. They spent tens of millions to defeat Obama.

They also spent tens of millions to re-elect Obama.
Romney was chosen as a losing candidate by Wall Street bankers so he could allow Obama 4 more years and allow more QE, robbing the US citizenry of $85 billion a month in inflated currency.

GUy, guy, guy, Wall Street spent BILLIONS trying to defeat Obama.

Obama won because despite all the money and racism the Koch Brothers and Sheldon the Zionists could throw at him, Romney was a turd.

They didn't spend billions. They spent tens of millions to defeat Obama.

They also spent tens of millions to re-elect Obama.

Lol, Wall Street donors gave hundreds of millions to Romney so he could get the GOP nomination, then swung over to Obama in the general election.

They knew who was going to butter their bread.
We would be on a real recovery right now if Mitt was not cheated out of a win by a Chicago political thug and liar. If anyone thinks the economy is as good as the state run media suggests...then why are there so many empty store fronts? We needed Mitt and when he was cheated we were cheated.

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