Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

'Vulture capitalism' is not about creating jobs, but getting the last bit of flesh off a corpse.

American voters reject it every time anyone connected to it runs for the last seventy years.
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

If you libs can keep trotting out the same big government tax and spend and entitlements programs and your unworkable Socialist ideas for the last 50 years, I'd say a good and decent man with the heart, the brains, the love of America, the experience in turnaround projects, the courage to take on this burden one more time even though it is a sacrifice his family must force themselves to support because of their love for him and for their country, then I'd say Mitt should be given a chance to show what HE can do to make America a winner again.

This would be the Libs' very WORST nightmare.

A side by side challenge.

Who was the better POTUS?

Obama or Mitt?

The Libs know that Mitt would make this nation succeed like no one else ever could.

The people of America want a chance to show they mean BUSINESS this time!

Mitt in 2016?

Why not?

Give him an HONEST chance and he will win.

Romney had a fair chance to win. He defeated himself by not using true facts about Obama to inform the public, by pushing away his most vociferous allies because RINOs see that as 'mud slinging' whether true or not. He gets up in front of a group of donors and tells them that the 47% of Americans that get checks from the government will not vote for him, which is a stupid lie. Plenty of retired conservatives, retired veterans, conservatives just on hard times at the moment would have considered voting for him regardless. The vast majority of people on welfare would rather have a job that pays better than welfare and would vote for a candidate that they think will provide a better opportunity for them and their family.

Romney lost because of his RINO dumbfoundedness when running against the rival party and the demographics. While self identified conservatives are about 45% of the population and liberals only about 21%, they were roughly equal in the exit polls, which means Romney utterly failed to energize his base to vote. Romney won the married voters 54-39, and lost the unmarried 35-56, and married adults constitute about 60% of eligible adults.

We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.
We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.
If enough Tea Party types get in office the party will shift right. 2010 is evidence of that. That will be a far easier task that going a third party route.
We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.
If enough Tea Party types get in office the party will shift right. 2010 is evidence of that. That will be a far easier task that going a third party route.

The GOP RINO leadership is showing it can take the nomination as often as it wants any time anywhere because they control the strings to the party. Just look at what happened to the Tea Party in Alaska.

Is Alaska Republican Party Platform Being Hijacked? | Restoring Liberty

New information lends the appearance of a coordinated effort with acting State Chair Peter Goldberg and RNC representative Mike Shirley who were carbon copied on an email outlining the agenda for the “platform workshops.”

Such a move is sure to raise tensions ahead of the Juneau Convention scheduled for early May.

Many are already upset that the left-leaning State Central Committee voted to hold the State Convention off the road system for the second time in the last four years, presumably to block participation from more conservative areas of the state. The trip to Juneau is cost prohibitive for many.

The 2008 and 2012 Conventions on the road system ended poorly for party boss Randy Ruedrich and his “moderate” friends. After narrowly escaping majority opposition led by Joe Miller and former Governor Sarah Palin who sought to remove him as party chair in 2008, Ruedrich shut down the 2012 Convention prematurely in order to avert a rules change that would have done exactly that.

A subsequent reconvene granted at the parliamentarian’s insistence that the party comply with Robert’s Rules was also shut down when the former party chair took to the public airwaves and the press to discourage participation in order to block a quorum.

Russ Millette, a Ron Paul supporter elected by the Alaska state Republican Party convention last April as their chairman (to take effect this year), has been blocked from taking control by the existing executive committee.

The Alaska Dispatch's take:
"After a couple of hours of back and forth between insurgent party chairman-elect Russ Millette and his supporters, and the members of the party's State Executive Committee, plus an hour or so of the latter huddling in the secrecy of an executive session to consider Millette's future, the committee voted to sack him."

The story details a lot of internal-Alaskan GOP wars and backbiting dating back to the Palin days and culminating in Lisa Murkowski's 2010 write-in victory over Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, who won an insurgent victory over her in the primaries; many party old guard stuck with Murkowski, not the actual Republican candidate Miller.

By April 2012, [angry Miller fans] had merged with equally unhappy supporters of failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul to try to take over the party. They succeeded and elected Millette the new chairman....

Millette was accused of being a crummy fundraiser for the Party during his past 10 months as chairman-elect, and as Finance Chair.

After deliberating on Millette's fate, they emerged from behind close doors to announce that the job of the chairman-elect was to raise money as the finance chair, and noted that Millette flunked what could be considered an internship on the way to the chairman's post.

"He failed to perform his duty as finance chair," said Ruedrich, still a member of the executive committee as of late Thursday night. "Grounds for removal is failure to carry out or perform."

David Nalle of the Republican Liberty Caucus paints it as a pure old guard coup against the new guard Paulites in a Washington Times piece...

The RINOs cheat, lie and use thugs and cops to violently get their way like in LA last election when the Paulistas had the votes but the GOP RINOs used state cops to throw the Paulista leaders out anyway.

IMO, the GOP is a lost cause and the RINOs will never let the party get out of their hands like they did when Reagan took the nomination in 1980. They will never let that mistake happen again, no matter how much the party and nation benefited from it.
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Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease
Old Willard Marriott loved that rascal Mitt
Joining in his off shore schemes and other spurious shit, oh

Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease
Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease

Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Willard kept a lookout for the Coast Guard on their tail
Drug king pins and porno queens would bow wherever they came
Swiss bankers rolled out the red carpet when Mitt roared out his name

Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease
Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease

A mentor can't live forever but passes on his toys
And Mitt tries to teach that shit to his own little boys
One night it happened and Willard could play no more
But without his mentor, Mitt was just a feckless bore

His horned head bent in sorrow, his split tail felt the pain,
Mitt no longer had the gruff to continue work at Bain
Without his lifelong friend, Mitt could not be brave,
Until he devised a plan, about a country he could enslave, oh

Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease
Mitt the Magic Mormon hid his money over seas
And politicked in the US, while evading taxes like disease

Yeah you guys are focused on it fer sure; anything to take attention off the Obamacare fiasco, Benghazigate, the IRS, NSA, FBI and CIA scandals, etrc.

Make sure you run on all that again, so that we get the same election results again!

This time it will work!

Oh puhleeze, fool, Romney ran away from anything that discredited Obama, not on them.

His style against Obama was 180 degrees different than how he ran against his fellow Republocrats.

Ahh - so if he runs again he should be an entirely new candidate, discarding all his previous baggage?

Isn't that what he does every time he runs? :lol:
I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

I'm sure a "Real Conservative" will be along shortly to ask you why you hate Capitalism.
Jim, those who think like you are decreasing in % and influence in the Party. You are the RINO.

Romney, whom I supported to the bitter end, has proven he can't compete on the national stage and has simply too much baggage for 2016.

Christie is not viable anymore.

So: a combination of Walker and Huntsman.
Have you not paid attention to the last few elections? With a FEW idiots the tea party has cleaned up...RINO's are done...
Is this the latest democrat myth? They tried it with Christie.

According to Mitt Romney, he has no intention of running. Although, if he did, he would probably win. He's certainly more popular than obama.

That's exactly why he won in 2012 eh?

Don't confuse Starkey with facts or reason.

He'll just get mad and get all pissy.

:lol: You are not mainstream, and your % is decreasing.

Tis what tis.
Against a sitting he president he lost 51.1% to 47.2% ...That's a landslide?


Um, yeah, it is.

Just another example of how you are such a lying sack of shit.


THAT'S a landslide.
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

If you libs can keep trotting out the same big government tax and spend and entitlements programs and your unworkable Socialist ideas for the last 50 years, I'd say a good and decent man with the heart, the brains, the love of America, the experience in turnaround projects, the courage to take on this burden one more time even though it is a sacrifice his family must force themselves to support because of their love for him and for their country, then I'd say Mitt should be given a chance to show what HE can do to make America a winner again.

This would be the Libs' very WORST nightmare.

A side by side challenge.

Who was the better POTUS?

Obama or Mitt?

The Libs know that Mitt would make this nation succeed like no one else ever could.

The people of America want a chance to show they mean BUSINESS this time!

Mitt in 2016?

Why not?

Give him an HONEST chance and he will win.

Romney had a fair chance to win. He defeated himself by not using true facts about Obama to inform the public, by pushing away his most vociferous allies because RINOs see that as 'mud slinging' whether true or not. He gets up in front of a group of donors and tells them that the 47% of Americans that get checks from the government will not vote for him, which is a stupid lie. Plenty of retired conservatives, retired veterans, conservatives just on hard times at the moment would have considered voting for him regardless. The vast majority of people on welfare would rather have a job that pays better than welfare and would vote for a candidate that they think will provide a better opportunity for them and their family.

Romney lost because of his RINO dumbfoundedness when running against the rival party and the demographics. While self identified conservatives are about 45% of the population and liberals only about 21%, they were roughly equal in the exit polls, which means Romney utterly failed to energize his base to vote. Romney won the married voters 54-39, and lost the unmarried 35-56, and married adults constitute about 60% of eligible adults.

We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.

You mean one that triples the deficit, grants amnesty to millions of illegals, sells arms to terrorists and then lies about it, supports thugs who rape nuns, and begins the process of destroying the middle class while letting corporations write the environmental laws?

Good luck with that. Why do you hate America?
We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.
If enough Tea Party types get in office the party will shift right. 2010 is evidence of that. That will be a far easier task that going a third party route.

The GOP RINO leadership is showing it can take the nomination as often as it wants any time anywhere because they control the strings to the party. Just look at what happened to the Tea Party in Alaska.

Is Alaska Republican Party Platform Being Hijacked? | Restoring Liberty

New information lends the appearance of a coordinated effort with acting State Chair Peter Goldberg and RNC representative Mike Shirley who were carbon copied on an email outlining the agenda for the “platform workshops.”

Such a move is sure to raise tensions ahead of the Juneau Convention scheduled for early May.

Many are already upset that the left-leaning State Central Committee voted to hold the State Convention off the road system for the second time in the last four years, presumably to block participation from more conservative areas of the state. The trip to Juneau is cost prohibitive for many.

The 2008 and 2012 Conventions on the road system ended poorly for party boss Randy Ruedrich and his “moderate” friends. After narrowly escaping majority opposition led by Joe Miller and former Governor Sarah Palin who sought to remove him as party chair in 2008, Ruedrich shut down the 2012 Convention prematurely in order to avert a rules change that would have done exactly that.

A subsequent reconvene granted at the parliamentarian’s insistence that the party comply with Robert’s Rules was also shut down when the former party chair took to the public airwaves and the press to discourage participation in order to block a quorum.

Ron Paul Supporter Purged from Alaska GOP Leadership - Hit & Run :

Russ Millette, a Ron Paul supporter elected by the Alaska state Republican Party convention last April as their chairman (to take effect this year), has been blocked from taking control by the existing executive committee.

The Alaska Dispatch's take:
"After a couple of hours of back and forth between insurgent party chairman-elect Russ Millette and his supporters, and the members of the party's State Executive Committee, plus an hour or so of the latter huddling in the secrecy of an executive session to consider Millette's future, the committee voted to sack him."

The story details a lot of internal-Alaskan GOP wars and backbiting dating back to the Palin days and culminating in Lisa Murkowski's 2010 write-in victory over Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, who won an insurgent victory over her in the primaries; many party old guard stuck with Murkowski, not the actual Republican candidate Miller.

By April 2012, [angry Miller fans] had merged with equally unhappy supporters of failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul to try to take over the party. They succeeded and elected Millette the new chairman....

Millette was accused of being a crummy fundraiser for the Party during his past 10 months as chairman-elect, and as Finance Chair.

After deliberating on Millette's fate, they emerged from behind close doors to announce that the job of the chairman-elect was to raise money as the finance chair, and noted that Millette flunked what could be considered an internship on the way to the chairman's post.

"He failed to perform his duty as finance chair," said Ruedrich, still a member of the executive committee as of late Thursday night. "Grounds for removal is failure to carry out or perform."

David Nalle of the Republican Liberty Caucus paints it as a pure old guard coup against the new guard Paulites in a Washington Times piece...

The RINOs cheat, lie and use thugs and cops to violently get their way like in LA last election when the Paulistas had the votes but the GOP RINOs used state cops to throw the Paulista leaders out anyway.

IMO, the GOP is a lost cause and the RINOs will never let the party get out of their hands like they did when Reagan took the nomination in 1980. They will never let that mistake happen again, no matter how much the party and nation benefited from it.
And his son has been a Senator for a few years now. What has he done to correct this, or fight this?

Nothing. He's been co-opted by the establishment because he doesn't have a sliver of the integrity that his father had.

But he'll continue to fool you and your ilk by throwing out bits of red meat every once in a while, or staging show filibusters. But he won't actually do anything. He knows he doesn't have to, just like Rafael Cruz. Just talk a good game and the rubes will fall in line.
If you look at America's symptoms you would find Mitt is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Apr 12, 2012

Mitt Romney Video. This is a video scribing video about why Mitt Romney should be elected President 2012. Mitt Romney video uses hand drawn pictures to explain the desperate situation the United States is in. Enjoy the Mitt Romney Video.

2012 is going to be an election like no other and it has come down to two choices. Obama vs Romney

Obama has failed, and has done so miserably. He has a gift for speaking and implanting a desire in others, but lacks the wisdom, skills, and knowledge necessary to change the future of this country. The situation he stepped into was not an easy one.

But despite his efforts he has done the very thing that this nation cannot afford to do. His spending is out of control and his regulations have strapped small business, banks, and corporations everywhere. He has made decisions and continues to make decisions that are not in our best interest. Gas Prices are rising, Jobs creation is stagnant and inflation is accelerating. Despite what the manipulated numbers lead you to believe. In 2008 this country took a risk on electing President Obama his message was excellent and he brought some hope to the American People. But nobody could have foreseen the horrible changes that would be forced upon the people. It has to stop Obama failed and must be retired.

Americans have a good track record of electing the right President, at the right time, for the right situation. Who's Mitt Romney and is he the right man for the Job? The 2012 race is not going to be easy. Obama has billions in campaign money and will not go down without a fight. Although Mitt may have some flaws we feel his strengths out way his flaws 10 to 1.

Is Mitt Romney the right President for the Right time?

He is and here are a few reasons why.

Never before has a nation needed a God Fearing Man. The founders of this great nation were God Fearing men and ruled by the principles of righteousness. We are one nation under God and always have been. Mitt is a Christian and lives by the principles of his Faith. He is a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although many may say his Religion is his weakness research proves it's a great strength. The Principles Mitt has been taught and lived by hold true to Christian Principles. He doesn't just speak about them he lives them and his track record proves it.

Theodor Roosevelt said "No man can be a good citizen who is not a good husband and a good father, who is not honest in his dealings with other men and women, faithful to his friends and fearless in the presence of his foes, who has not got a sound heart, a sound mind, and a sound body." Mitt Romney fits this mold Perfectly. He is a devoted Grandfather, father, and husband. With a sound mind, heart and body.

Economically Sound. We cannot expect to be lead out of one of the biggest financial crisis since the great depression without a great leader at the Helm. President Obama lacks in this field. He does not have the experience, wisdom, or knowledge necessary. That is just the way it is. Our future President has to Cut Spending quickly and get rid of all those Regulations Handcuffing this Nation. If he does not we will experience a collapse. Mitt Romney knows this and understands what it takes to run an economy. His business experience has given him knowledge and wisdom to make the correct decisions in the Future. Mitt knows it is necessary to Cut Spending and he is willing to do this even if some people get Hurt in the process.

Finally the man who wishes to Lead this Country must be branded through and through with patriotism, dedication and Love for the American People. We can all agree a person who has served American multiply times and has a Slogan "Believe in American" has all three.

This is your Call to Action. We the People need to lead this nation and do better in choosing our Leaders. No longer can we afford to sit back and allow government corruptions to place us into bondage. We better choose wisely because one day we may not have a choice.

Mitt Romney
"Believe in America"
Mitt Romney Video

To his never ending credit, our dear fellow poster, American_Jihad, posted the link to this video before the 2012 election.

It may not have gotten the attention it deserves because many Americans still believed the lies being told about Mitt by the now well known dishonest tactics of Obama and his supporters.

Now that you all know the truth about the 2012 campaign, here is why America needs Mitt Romney.

Now more than ever!
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Make sure you run on all that again, so that we get the same election results again!

This time it will work!

Oh puhleeze, fool, Romney ran away from anything that discredited Obama, not on them.

His style against Obama was 180 degrees different than how he ran against his fellow Republocrats.

Ahh - so if he runs again he should be an entirely new candidate, discarding all his previous baggage?

Isn't that what he does every time he runs? :lol:

Hell, I didn't want him running the FIRST TIME, dude.
If enough Tea Party types get in office the party will shift right. 2010 is evidence of that. That will be a far easier task that going a third party route.

The GOP RINO leadership is showing it can take the nomination as often as it wants any time anywhere because they control the strings to the party. Just look at what happened to the Tea Party in Alaska.

Is Alaska Republican Party Platform Being Hijacked? | Restoring Liberty

Ron Paul Supporter Purged from Alaska GOP Leadership - Hit & Run :

Russ Millette, a Ron Paul supporter elected by the Alaska state Republican Party convention last April as their chairman (to take effect this year), has been blocked from taking control by the existing executive committee.

The Alaska Dispatch's take:
"After a couple of hours of back and forth between insurgent party chairman-elect Russ Millette and his supporters, and the members of the party's State Executive Committee, plus an hour or so of the latter huddling in the secrecy of an executive session to consider Millette's future, the committee voted to sack him."

The story details a lot of internal-Alaskan GOP wars and backbiting dating back to the Palin days and culminating in Lisa Murkowski's 2010 write-in victory over Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, who won an insurgent victory over her in the primaries; many party old guard stuck with Murkowski, not the actual Republican candidate Miller.

By April 2012, [angry Miller fans] had merged with equally unhappy supporters of failed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul to try to take over the party. They succeeded and elected Millette the new chairman....

Millette was accused of being a crummy fundraiser for the Party during his past 10 months as chairman-elect, and as Finance Chair.

After deliberating on Millette's fate, they emerged from behind close doors to announce that the job of the chairman-elect was to raise money as the finance chair, and noted that Millette flunked what could be considered an internship on the way to the chairman's post.

"He failed to perform his duty as finance chair," said Ruedrich, still a member of the executive committee as of late Thursday night. "Grounds for removal is failure to carry out or perform."

David Nalle of the Republican Liberty Caucus paints it as a pure old guard coup against the new guard Paulites in a Washington Times piece...

The RINOs cheat, lie and use thugs and cops to violently get their way like in LA last election when the Paulistas had the votes but the GOP RINOs used state cops to throw the Paulista leaders out anyway.

IMO, the GOP is a lost cause and the RINOs will never let the party get out of their hands like they did when Reagan took the nomination in 1980. They will never let that mistake happen again, no matter how much the party and nation benefited from it.
And his son has been a Senator for a few years now. What has he done to correct this, or fight this?

Nothing. He's been co-opted by the establishment because he doesn't have a sliver of the integrity that his father had.

Lol, if a TPMer works with the establishment he is a sellout, but if he fights them he is an extremist.

That logic only works to the advantage of the oligarchy that controls our political duopoly, dumbass.

But he'll continue to fool you and your ilk by throwing out bits of red meat every once in a while, or staging show filibusters. But he won't actually do anything. He knows he doesn't have to, just like Rafael Cruz. Just talk a good game and the rubes will fall in line.

He is not in the majority party, and even if he was, they don't have the balls to do shit anyway.

That is why I want a NEW PARTY totally separate from the GOP.

Let the Dems have power in DC for eight more years then end it for good; that is better than the current libtard-RINO circle jerk they have going inside the Beltway.
If you look at America's symptoms you would find Mitt is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Wow, so how many jobs would we need to export to finally FIX America, in your opinion?

How many jobs have you ever had?

Did the work you did change from job to job?

Did you alter your work to conform to the needs of that particular employer, task, objective, or client?

Or did you act like a robot and do one thing exactly the same way you did the last thing you did?

Of course not.

You are a veteran, right?

Were you ever required to provide humanitarian aid to survivors of natural disasters?

Well, did you shoot those people or help them?

After all, your job as a soldier required you to shoot people didn't it?

But it didn't make sense for you to shoot innocent people did it?

So, if you can be trusted to do what is appropriate given different situations why don't you think Romney can't do the same?

His job as a businessman is different than his job as POTUS.

Why do you think you are smarter than he is?
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

If you libs can keep trotting out the same big government tax and spend and entitlements programs and your unworkable Socialist ideas for the last 50 years, I'd say a good and decent man with the heart, the brains, the love of America, the experience in turnaround projects, the courage to take on this burden one more time even though it is a sacrifice his family must force themselves to support because of their love for him and for their country, then I'd say Mitt should be given a chance to show what HE can do to make America a winner again.

This would be the Libs' very WORST nightmare.

A side by side challenge.

Who was the better POTUS?

Obama or Mitt?

The Libs know that Mitt would make this nation succeed like no one else ever could.

The people of America want a chance to show they mean BUSINESS this time!

Mitt in 2016?

Why not?

Give him an HONEST chance and he will win.

Romney had a fair chance to win. He defeated himself by not using true facts about Obama to inform the public, by pushing away his most vociferous allies because RINOs see that as 'mud slinging' whether true or not. He gets up in front of a group of donors and tells them that the 47% of Americans that get checks from the government will not vote for him, which is a stupid lie. Plenty of retired conservatives, retired veterans, conservatives just on hard times at the moment would have considered voting for him regardless. The vast majority of people on welfare would rather have a job that pays better than welfare and would vote for a candidate that they think will provide a better opportunity for them and their family.

Romney lost because of his RINO dumbfoundedness when running against the rival party and the demographics. While self identified conservatives are about 45% of the population and liberals only about 21%, they were roughly equal in the exit polls, which means Romney utterly failed to energize his base to vote. Romney won the married voters 54-39, and lost the unmarried 35-56, and married adults constitute about 60% of eligible adults.

We don't need another RINO, we need a real Reagan conservative to run, and win, in 2016, and the GOPe wont let that happen as they are still trying to purge the Tea Party from the ranks.

We need a new party.

You are entitled to your opinion of what you think a President Romney would or would not do.

But if you can be allowed your speculative opinion, you will have to entertain my speculation.

It makes sense and is in total character with what we know about both men.

I believe Mitt Romney failed to go for Obama's throat because Obama suggested a more aggressive attack on Obama would bring about a race war.

To avoid possible civil war in our streets, a race war, Romney and McCain before him, were advised to avoid going for the throat.

As for Romney's qualifications, in all of America, he remains the best qualified man for the job.

And the only man who could bring us together.

You don't know him like I do.
TeaPs "have cleaned up" since 2010?

Lost half their congressional seats in 2012 and will be halved again in 2014

Cost GOP control of the Senate

Jim, you RINOs on the far right are just so much toast.
I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

Over the years the New York Yankees had a typical response to the players from other teams who played the Brooklyn Bombers tough and gave them headaches.

They acquired them in the off season and added those talents to THEIR roster and became that much more competitive.

If Mitt is the business monster some of you (comically) want to paint him as being, then fine.

Get him working for YOUR interests.

I'd say that's the smart way to look at it.

But is America smart or are we impulsive and irrational?

He wouldn't be working for our interests. He'd be working for his fellow Rich Douchebags.

We already had a presidency where a rich guy opened the country up to be plundered by the wealthy. It was called "The George W. Bush Presidency", in case you missed it.

While I'm sure that Wall Street and Halliburton would be very happy with the policies that Romney would bring, the rest of us would be screwed.

Even that Red State bigots who would say, "Well, at least we got that N****r out of the White House."

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

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