Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

I can't wait to see how many people claim they won't vote for him, vote for him anyways, then turn around and call him a RINO when he inevitably loses again.

Remember when it was the Democrats who seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
What I find most amusing is how liberals refuse to focus on 2014...... They keep bringing up 2016 like its just around the corner..... We have exactly ZERO confirmed candidates at this point. :cuckoo:

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I like Romney and if he runs I will vote for him in the primaries. Who's better than him?
Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? :lol:

Not a winner in the bunch.

Seriously. There's not one R who could win and that's not going to change between now and then.
What I find most amusing is how liberals refuse to focus on 2014...... They keep bringing up 2016 like its just around the corner..... We have exactly ZERO confirmed candidates at this point. :cuckoo:

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Which conservative media told you THIS?

We are extremely focused on 2014. It was the topic of President Obama's (praise be unto Him!) speech the other day.
What I find most amusing is how liberals refuse to focus on 2014...... They keep bringing up 2016 like its just around the corner..... We have exactly ZERO confirmed candidates at this point. :cuckoo:

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Which conservative media told you THIS?

We are extremely focused on 2014. It was the topic of President Obama's (praise be unto Him!) speech the other day.

Yeah you guys are focused on it fer sure; anything to take attention off the Obamacare fiasco, Benghazigate, the IRS, NSA, FBI and CIA scandals, etrc.

Obama is ten times worse than Nixon and the Dems outside of deep blue states don't want him campaigning for them.

I wonder if the oligarchs are going to do this with all our next Presidents, turn them into laughing stocks within their own parties like W was?

BTW, fuck off, you fascist prick.
What I find most amusing is how liberals refuse to focus on 2014...... They keep bringing up 2016 like its just around the corner..... We have exactly ZERO confirmed candidates at this point. :cuckoo:

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Which conservative media told you THIS?

We are extremely focused on 2014. It was the topic of President Obama's (praise be unto Him!) speech the other day.

Yeah you guys are focused on it fer sure; anything to take attention off the Obamacare fiasco, Benghazigate, the IRS, NSA, FBI and CIA scandals, etrc.

Make sure you run on all that again, so that we get the same election results again!

This time it will work!


Obama is ten times worse than Nixon and the Dems outside of deep blue states don't want him campaigning for them.

I wonder if the oligarchs are going to do this with all our next Presidents, turn them into laughing stocks within their own parties like W was?

BTW, fuck off, you fascist prick.

Are you sure it's not 11 times worse?
Which conservative media told you THIS?

We are extremely focused on 2014. It was the topic of President Obama's (praise be unto Him!) speech the other day.

Yeah you guys are focused on it fer sure; anything to take attention off the Obamacare fiasco, Benghazigate, the IRS, NSA, FBI and CIA scandals, etrc.

Make sure you run on all that again, so that we get the same election results again!

This time it will work!

Oh puhleeze, fool, Romney ran away from anything that discredited Obama, not on them.

His style against Obama was 180 degrees different than how he ran against his fellow Republocrats.

Obama is ten times worse than Nixon and the Dems outside of deep blue states don't want him campaigning for them.

I wonder if the oligarchs are going to do this with all our next Presidents, turn them into laughing stocks within their own parties like W was?

BTW, fuck off, you fascist prick.

Are you sure it's not 11 times worse?

It was 10.43695137465022225386434 times worse but I rounded down.
I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

If you libs can keep trotting out the same big government tax and spend and entitlements programs and your unworkable Socialist ideas for the last 50 years, I'd say a good and decent man with the heart, the brains, the love of America, the experience in turnaround projects, the courage to take on this burden one more time even though it is a sacrifice his family must force themselves to support because of their love for him and for their country, then I'd say Mitt should be given a chance to show what HE can do to make America a winner again.

This would be the Libs' very WORST nightmare.

A side by side challenge.

Who was the better POTUS?

Obama or Mitt?

The Libs know that Mitt would make this nation succeed like no one else ever could.

The people of America want a chance to show they mean BUSINESS this time!

Mitt in 2016?

Why not?

Give him an HONEST chance and he will win.
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I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

Over the years the New York Yankees had a typical response to the players from other teams who played the Brooklyn Bombers tough and gave them headaches.

They acquired them in the off season and added those talents to THEIR roster and became that much more competitive.

If Mitt is the business monster some of you (comically) want to paint him as being, then fine.

Get him working for YOUR interests.

I'd say that's the smart way to look at it.

But is America smart or are we impulsive and irrational?
I can't wait to see how many people claim they won't vote for him, vote for him anyways, then turn around and call him a RINO when he inevitably loses again.

Remember when it was the Democrats who seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

I've started enough threads that got ZERO play from Libs.

Well, this thread topic has struck a nerve.

Libs seem really nervous about the prospect of Mitt running in 2016.

I wonder who he'll choose as a running mate this time.

Ben Carson or Ted Cruz?

Or Scott Walker?

Or Rand Paul?

And I can't wait to see how Christie sucks up to him and how Mitt treats him decently but denies him any significant part or role in the campaign.


Good times!

"This is so awful. It’s so hard.

They always say, why can’t you get someone good to run for president?

This is why. This is why you don’t get good people running for president.

What better guy is there than my dad?

Is he perfect? Absolutely not. He’s made mistakes. He’s done all sorts of things wrong.

But for goodness sakes, here’s a brilliant guy whose had experience turning things around, which is what we need in this country. I mean, it’s like, this is the guy for the moment.

And we’re in this, and you just get beat up constantly."

Mitt Romney Netflix Documentary Review - Business Insider
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I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

Over the years the New York Yankees had a typical response to the players from other teams who played the Brooklyn Bombers tough and gave them headaches.

They acquired them in the off season and added those talents to THEIR roster and became that much more competitive.

If Mitt is the business monster some of you (comically) want to paint him as being, then fine.

Get him working for YOUR interests.

I'd say that's the smart way to look at it.

But is America smart or are we impulsive and irrational?

He wouldn't be working for our interests. He'd be working for his fellow Rich Douchebags.

We already had a presidency where a rich guy opened the country up to be plundered by the wealthy. It was called "The George W. Bush Presidency", in case you missed it.

While I'm sure that Wall Street and Halliburton would be very happy with the policies that Romney would bring, the rest of us would be screwed.

Even that Red State bigots who would say, "Well, at least we got that N****r out of the White House."
Against a sitting he president he lost 51.1% to 47.2% ...That's a landslide?


Um, yeah, it is.

It's easy to win when you are a fuckin lying, cheating, subhuman like Obama.

Especially when you run a Weird Mormon Robot who laughs about how he likes to fire people, half the country are moochers and it was just wonderful that he moved jobs to China where they put up barbed wire to keep Chinese girls working 120 to a bathroom at their jobs.

Romney was a horrible candidate. He was a horrible Candidate in 2008, when Republicans had the good sense to reject him, he was a worse one in 2012, when we found out what a rich Douchebag he was.

"I look like the guy you work with. Romney looks like the guy who lays you off." - Mike Huckabee.


He's The Guy who Laid Off your Dad.
"This is so awful. It’s so hard.

They always say, why can’t you get someone good to run for president?

This is why. This is why you don’t get good people running for president.

What better guy is there than my dad?

Is he perfect? Absolutely not. He’s made mistakes. He’s done all sorts of things wrong.

But for goodness sakes, here’s a brilliant guy whose had experience turning things around, which is what we need in this country. I mean, it’s like, this is the guy for the moment.

And we’re in this, and you just get beat up constantly."

Mitt Romney Netflix Documentary Review - Business Insider

Oh, this was a tiresome argument.

"Hey, he's a brilliant businessman, he's make a great president."

Sorry, man, two totally different sets of skill sets.

Besides the fact I'd argue that Romney is hardly a great businessman. He was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Unlike a guy like, let's say, Bill Gates, who built a company up from nothing, Romney was born wealthy. He used his money to make more money, usually at the expense of blue collar folks at AmPad, KB Toys and GS STeel, who lost their jobs, pensions and health coverage.

But Mitt got to buy a Dressage Horse, and that was the important thing.

Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush were considered great businessmen, too. And they were absolutely shitty presidents who presided over the two biggest economic disasters in our history.
I can't wait to see how many people claim they won't vote for him, vote for him anyways, then turn around and call him a RINO when he inevitably loses again.

Remember when it was the Democrats who seemed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

I've started enough threads that got ZERO play from Libs.

Well, this thread topic has struck a nerve.

Libs seem really nervous about the prospect of Mitt running in 2016.

I wonder who he'll choose as a running mate this time.

Ben Carson or Ted Cruz?

Or Scott Walker?

Or Rand Paul?

And I can't wait to see how Christie sucks up to him and how Mitt treats him decently but denies him any significant part or role in the campaign.


Good times!


The only thing that annoys us is that we have to keep pointing out to some of you what a shitheel Romney is.

Personally, I'd like to see him run against Hillary. You think the Clintons are going to play nice with him like Obama did? Do you think a memo would go out not to call him "Weird" because that m ight be intrepretted as a slam against his Mormon Faith. (Seriously, the Obama folks did exactly that!)

Fuck no. The Clintons would go for the throat. That would be fucking awesome. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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