Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

I seriously doubt he'll run and it's way too early to fret about candidates. Who heard of Obama until it looked like Hillary would be coronated? Romney tried too hard to be a nice guy, thinking that would sell better than busting Obama's balls but a good candidate would be able to balance both. The media will be in the tank for Hillary so the battle will be lopsided, he or she has to be able to give them little to criticize while criticizing the road we've been on.
I seriously doubt he'll run and it's way too early to fret about candidates. Who heard of Obama until it looked like Hillary would be coronated? Romney tried too hard to be a nice guy, thinking that would sell better than busting Obama's balls but a good candidate would be able to balance both. The media will be in the tank for Hillary so the battle will be lopsided, he or she has to be able to give them little to criticize while criticizing the road we've been on.


Talk about balance


Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

Jim, those who think like you are decreasing in % and influence in the Party. You are the RINO.

Romney, whom I supported to the bitter end, has proven he can't compete on the national stage and has simply too much baggage for 2016.

Christie is not viable anymore.

So: a combination of Walker and Huntsman.

Boy, Jake, are you fickle or what?

Huntsman is too liberal to be the GOP nominee.

Walker completely lacks Charisma and really pisses off a lot of working people.
Is this the latest democrat myth? They tried it with Christie.

According to Mitt Romney, he has no intention of running. Although, if he did, he would probably win. He's certainly more popular than obama.
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

Jim, those who think like you are decreasing in % and influence in the Party. You are the RINO.

Romney, whom I supported to the bitter end, has proven he can't compete on the national stage and has simply too much baggage for 2016.

Christie is not viable anymore.

So: a combination of Walker and Huntsman.

Boy, Jake, are you fickle or what?

Huntsman is too liberal to be the GOP nominee.

Walker completely lacks Charisma and really pisses off a lot of working people.

Come back when you know what you are talking about, JoeB.

Also learn what is considered "liberal" and "conservative."
Judging by the Politicians we elect a visitor from another Planet would have to believe Earth is occupied by a race of Sub-Human idiots! And I would have to agree...........except for me, that is..........watever!
Increasing evidence that Mitt Romney will run again in 2016 - Arlington Conservative |

If the GOP cant find itself another candidate than this loser RINO, then it is proof positive that the GOP is a useless waste of time.

Jim, those who think like you are decreasing in % and influence in the Party. You are the RINO.

Romney, whom I supported to the bitter end, has proven he can't compete on the national stage and has simply too much baggage for 2016.

Christie is not viable anymore.

So: a combination of Walker and Huntsman.
Have you not paid attention to the last few elections? With a FEW idiots the tea party has cleaned up...RINO's are done...
Is this the latest democrat myth? They tried it with Christie.

According to Mitt Romney, he has no intention of running. Although, if he did, he would probably win. He's certainly more popular than obama.

That's exactly why he won in 2012 eh?
The TeaPs have failed. Half lost there seats in 2012 and once again cost the GOP the Senate. In 2014, half the TeaPs in Congress will lose their seats, leaving less than 15. The far right in the GOP are the RINOs now.
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Well we shall see...If the RINO's were any good then they would beat the Tea Party folks at the polls in the primaries,tells ya something. The people are tired of RINO's. Personally I would only vote for a democrat or republican if it insured more gridlock in congress. I don't vote FOR someone I vote AGAINST the other guy simply based on if I want the d or r to win the seat to continue the gridlock...Like here I am voting FOR a tea party whack job simply because he is running for senate against a democrat and he is the craziest one running and has a chance of winning to continue the gridlock...
The world would be a far better place today if Romney had won.
Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today - Tal Kopan -

Romney topped Obama 49 percent to 45 percent among registered voters in the Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday. Among all Americans, the 2012 rivals would be tied, at 47 percent.

It doesn't matter because democrats have already created a myth that Romney was going to run again. They need something to bash after the built the Christie castle in the air.
The RINOs | The RINO List

No bag limit or permit required.

Good luck and Good hunting.

I love all this obsession with "RINO"s

-- because we all know, elections are about the benefit of political parties, not people.

Yeah, you run with that. Rotsa ruck. :thup:

Your side already had a hunt or have you forgotten what happened to the Blue Dogs who refuses to toe the line...................

Spare me.
The TEA Party will take out some more trash in the next election. How many hard to say as the Status Quo has massive capital from their lobbyist to campaign their butts off.................

The Status Quo and career politicians need to go.............A toast to those who get their sorry butts fired next election.

The Dems only want those WHO OBEY.........Crystal Clear after what they did to the Blue Dogs.

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