Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

I like Romney and if he runs I will vote for him in the primaries. Who's better than him?
Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? :lol:

I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!

What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

He was just beaten in a landslide! :lol:
What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

Would the "Real Conservatives" stay home again?
Or have they learned their lesson?

Romney angered tens of millions of Palin conservative supporters when it was found out he didn't want to invite her to the convention to speak thinking she would upstage him. It was a fatal mistake that cost him the election. Us conservatives haven't forgotten that.

So basically wingnuts decide based on hissy-fits?

How are you enjoying 4 more years of President Obama (praise be unto Him!)?
I like Romney and if he runs I will vote for him in the primaries. Who's better than him?
Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? :lol:

I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!

What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat. just laid it out for everyone. Romney is pretty much the best chance the GOP has for the WH in 2016.......given the rest of the clowns who will vie for the nomination. You didn't include Huntsman in your list.....and since he might be the only one who can get sane people to vote for him.....I laugh out loud.

Romney is a stiff. An out-of-touch, trickle-down elites with no ability to convince anyone that he has empathy.

You like him and don't apologize? That is really sweet. But saying he'd be hard to beat is something else, isn't it?
What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

Would the "Real Conservatives" stay home again?
Or have they learned their lesson?

Romney angered tens of millions of Palin conservative supporters when it was found out he didn't want to invite her to the convention to speak thinking she would upstage him. It was a fatal mistake that cost him the election. Us conservatives haven't forgotten that.

Now THIS is special. Palin supporters stayed home.....and that cost Romney the election?
I like Romney and if he runs I will vote for him in the primaries. Who's better than him?
Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? :lol:

I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!

What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

I think what makes it amusing it's a wingnut admitting his party has nothing.

The first time I voted, I voted Republican. And frankly, we had a wealth of guys to pick from in 1980. Reagan, Bush, Dole, Baker, John Connelly. Some first shelf, accomplished politicians.

And what do you guys have now? Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? Oh, shit, they all suck. Let's run Romney again, even though he's already lost twice!
HIS cult religion cost him millions of votes!!!

Kind of sad that we are dealing with Obama solely because of religious bigotry.

Not at all.

The cult you and Romney belong to is so crazy, so dangerous that frankly, there's really not much Obama could do that would be worse than putting your insane cult in charge of the country.

That said, the point was for all their whining and bitching, most of the Evangelical Assholes put their religious stupidity aside and showed up for Romney. He got a higher percentage of the evangelical vote than McCain did.

Because after all, there was a Negro in the White House, and God didn't want that.
I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!

What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat. just laid it out for everyone. Romney is pretty much the best chance the GOP has for the WH in 2016.......

Romney cant win in the general election due to his job cutting history of being an equities shark, devouring anything weak enough that he could buy it out.

And he never gave one thought about people jobs; it was all about the profit margin.

America has rejected that kind of economics fairly consistently for the last 100 years, and it isn't about to change in this economy.
Would the "Real Conservatives" stay home again?
Or have they learned their lesson?

Romney angered tens of millions of Palin conservative supporters when it was found out he didn't want to invite her to the convention to speak thinking she would upstage him. It was a fatal mistake that cost him the election. Us conservatives haven't forgotten that.

Now THIS is special. Palin supporters stayed home.....and that cost Romney the election?

Conservatives in general which include millions of Palin supporters, stayed home because they saw no real choice between a socialist Obama and a socialist light Romney.
What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat. just laid it out for everyone. Romney is pretty much the best chance the GOP has for the WH in 2016.......

Romney cant win in the general election due to his job cutting history of being an equities shark, devouring anything weak enough that he could buy it out.

And he never gave one thought about people jobs; it was all about the profit margin.

America has rejected that kind of economics fairly consistently for the last 100 years, and it isn't about to change in this economy.

If you were any less able to grasp the points that others make, I could sell you as a circus act. just laid it out for everyone. Romney is pretty much the best chance the GOP has for the WH in 2016.......

Romney cant win in the general election due to his job cutting history of being an equities shark, devouring anything weak enough that he could buy it out.

And he never gave one thought about people jobs; it was all about the profit margin.

America has rejected that kind of economics fairly consistently for the last 100 years, and it isn't about to change in this economy.

If you were any less able to grasp the points that others make, I could sell you as a circus act.

One guy thinks Romney a great candidate and you think he is the best the GOP has to offer too.

What did I miss? You have some magical definition for 'good candidate'?


Morons like you love to post stupid shit then walk it back by saying it was sarcasm, humor, or whatever.

Say what you mean and don't get pissy when people call you on it, bitch. just laid it out for everyone. Romney is pretty much the best chance the GOP has for the WH in 2016.......

Romney cant win in the general election due to his job cutting history of being an equities shark, devouring anything weak enough that he could buy it out.

And he never gave one thought about people jobs; it was all about the profit margin.

America has rejected that kind of economics fairly consistently for the last 100 years, and it isn't about to change in this economy.

If you were any less able to grasp the points that others make, I could sell you as a circus act.
Actually, I think this is the smartest, most politically astute post JimBowie has ever made here. :dunno:
I like Romney and if he runs I will vote for him in the primaries. Who's better than him?
Christie? Ryan? Huckabee? Santorum? Rand? Cruz? :lol:

I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!
Never forget that Zander is no teabagger. He cares nothing about social issues like abortion. He is an Establishment Republican, through and through.

His sole political motivation is greed - which Party will make him more money.

I doubt he would disagree with this.

If that were the case I'd get an Obamaphone, Food Stamps, a section 8 apartment, and vote "D"......sponging off the productive folks is a good thing, right? :lol:

No, I am a pragmatic libertarian. I vote for the candidate that will cause the least damage to our great republic.......
I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!

What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

He was just beaten in a landslide! :lol:

Against a sitting he president he lost 51.1% to 47.2% ...That's a landslide?

I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!
Never forget that Zander is no teabagger. He cares nothing about social issues like abortion. He is an Establishment Republican, through and through.

His sole political motivation is greed - which Party will make him more money.

I doubt he would disagree with this.

If that were the case I'd get an Obamaphone, Food Stamps, a section 8 apartment, and vote "D"......sponging off the productive folks is a good thing, right? :lol:

No, I am a pragmatic libertarian. I vote for the candidate that will cause the least damage to our great republic.......

Funny - you've agreed with me in the past when I've pointed out that you were an establishment Republican with no interest in social conservatism.

But NOW you're a Libertarian. :lol:

As I always say:

"A Libertarian is just an embarrassed Republican"

(and BTW - that's a ReaganPhone - you're pwned again! )
I love this post. It may be the single greatest USMB post of 2014. I am going to have a toast this post. What shall I have? Hmmmmm.

Great post. Really. Outstanding. Props!
Never forget that Zander is no teabagger. He cares nothing about social issues like abortion. He is an Establishment Republican, through and through.

His sole political motivation is greed - which Party will make him more money.

I doubt he would disagree with this.

If that were the case I'd get an Obamaphone, Food Stamps, a section 8 apartment, and vote "D"......sponging off the productive folks is a good thing, right? :lol:

No, I am a pragmatic libertarian. I vote for the candidate that will cause the least damage to our great republic.......

Getting slandered by Synthoholic is about as huge an endorsement one can imagine.
He was just beaten in a landslide! :lol:

Against a sitting he president he lost 51.1% to 47.2% ...That's a landslide?

In this country, elections are decided by the Electoral College.

What was that total again? :lol:

There you go pretending to be stupid to make a point.

He is obviously talking about the popular vote in the same way most do regarding Presidential elections.

Why don't you critique his grammar and spelling while you're at it?

But then again, thinking they way you do, maybe you are really stupid after all.
What makes you like it so much?

I like Romney and feel no need to apologize for it. He's a damn good man. If he ran - he'd be hard to beat.

He was just beaten in a landslide! :lol:

Against a sitting he president he lost 51.1% to 47.2% ...That's a landslide?


If a libtard wins its a landslide to them.

Remember when Reagan won in 84 and the Dems announced that he was now a 'lame duck'?

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