Romney to Run Again in 2016? JUST SAY NO! ! !

I got really bothered about Romney's income from Bain....Just recently there was an article describing how Romney might have gotten millions from the Guitar Center acquisition.

Bain has absolutely plundered this company's cash through special fees and high interest bonds. It had nothing to do with creating jobs.

Over the years the New York Yankees had a typical response to the players from other teams who played the Brooklyn Bombers tough and gave them headaches.

They acquired them in the off season and added those talents to THEIR roster and became that much more competitive.

If Mitt is the business monster some of you (comically) want to paint him as being, then fine.

Get him working for YOUR interests.

I'd say that's the smart way to look at it.

But is America smart or are we impulsive and irrational?

He wouldn't be working for our interests. He'd be working for his fellow Rich Douchebags.

We already had a presidency where a rich guy opened the country up to be plundered by the wealthy. It was called "The George W. Bush Presidency", in case you missed it.

While I'm sure that Wall Street and Halliburton would be very happy with the policies that Romney would bring, the rest of us would be screwed.

Even that Red State bigots who would say, "Well, at least we got that N****r out of the White House."

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.
The GOP RINO leadership is showing it can take the nomination as often as it wants any time anywhere because they control the strings to the party. Just look at what happened to the Tea Party in Alaska.

Is Alaska Republican Party Platform Being Hijacked? | Restoring Liberty

Ron Paul Supporter Purged from Alaska GOP Leadership - Hit & Run :

The RINOs cheat, lie and use thugs and cops to violently get their way like in LA last election when the Paulistas had the votes but the GOP RINOs used state cops to throw the Paulista leaders out anyway.

IMO, the GOP is a lost cause and the RINOs will never let the party get out of their hands like they did when Reagan took the nomination in 1980. They will never let that mistake happen again, no matter how much the party and nation benefited from it.
And his son has been a Senator for a few years now. What has he done to correct this, or fight this?

Nothing. He's been co-opted by the establishment because he doesn't have a sliver of the integrity that his father had.

Lol, if a TPMer works with the establishment he is a sellout, but if he fights them he is an extremist.

What is Paul? A Teabagger or a Libertarian? They are not the same, you know...

He is not in the majority party, and even if he was, they don't have the balls to do shit anyway.

When I say he's not doing anything about it, I don't mean legislating, although there is NOTHING stopping him from introducing a Bill, is there?

What I mean is, he's not making speeches calling for, say, marijuana legalization, which has been a bedrock Libertarian position for decades. Same with prostitution, gambling.

You don't see him making speeches or introducing Bills that get corporations off the Government teat, do you? Is giving billions each year to Archer-Daniels Midland and ConAgra, and Exxon-Mobil and Chevron examples of Libertarian principles? I could go on.

Rand Paul is using Libertarianism as a schtick. He knows all the buzzwords, learned from Dad. But at least Dad believed it and had the courage to walk the walk. Of course, he could afford to, running from a fairly insignificant district. Over decades. Safe.

But Rand is in a hurry. He doesn't have time to live his words. he wants to be president (lotsa luck), and that doesn't happen if you are a Conservative and piss off Wall Street and the Corporations. Democrats can get away with pissing off corporations because they have working class and populism to offset. Republicans have nothing else.

So stop with the Libertarian crap until you produce one who is intellectually consistent.
Over the years the New York Yankees had a typical response to the players from other teams who played the Brooklyn Bombers tough and gave them headaches.

They acquired them in the off season and added those talents to THEIR roster and became that much more competitive.

If Mitt is the business monster some of you (comically) want to paint him as being, then fine.

Get him working for YOUR interests.

I'd say that's the smart way to look at it.

But is America smart or are we impulsive and irrational?

He wouldn't be working for our interests. He'd be working for his fellow Rich Douchebags.

We already had a presidency where a rich guy opened the country up to be plundered by the wealthy. It was called "The George W. Bush Presidency", in case you missed it.

While I'm sure that Wall Street and Halliburton would be very happy with the policies that Romney would bring, the rest of us would be screwed.

Even that Red State bigots who would say, "Well, at least we got that N****r out of the White House."

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.

That's right.

And now for an aside with my fellow Conservative posters.

When I was first starting to post in online political forums I had to quickly get used to the idea that every exchange I have online, when it comes to standing up for America, was going to be like playing an "Away" game in the other guy's ballpark or stadium or arena or court.

The opponent wasn't going to tell me outright that I'd scored a good point.

And I wasn't going to get validation from any of the news media unless it was FNC or an online Conservative source.

That also meant I couldn't afford to continue using the MSM as my only source of info because they are usually seeing events quite differently than what I think is correct or appropriate.

Talking about how Romney is working for the rich douchebags doesn't take into account the truth, which is not being hidden by anyone. It only needs to be Googled. In other words, YOU have to search it out and you must read it or watch it or listen to it yourself. The Daily Show is not going to send it directly to seep into your brain, night after night like the Vulcan Mind Meld or osmosis or something.

And in addition to it being factually untrue it also goes directly against Romney's Mormon principles.

Many of you think ALL Christians are hypocrites and liars.

Well, according to the Bible we are ALL sinners and none of us is without guilt.

But, as you'll find out in life as in any other organization there ARE some people who are more outstanding and upstanding and some who are less so in any community, any endeavor.

Mitt Romney lives by his principles and he does it in a way that is consistent with his demeanor and behavior and relationships in business, Church, the community, politics and his family.

He is a throwback to an age, not so long ago, when men like him were more common than they are in today's media. He is good, hard working, long suffering, patient, and responsible. Honest and caring. Mitt Romney is a brilliant businessman. A role model in his Church. A kind, smart, dutiful husband, father, grandad and a good friend and neighbor.

Don't keep perpetuating the left wing, Obama lies.

Watch Mitt on Netflix.

Watch the video originally posted by American-Jihad.

You'll see that the 'conventional wisdom' about Mitt Romney couldn't be further from the truth of who he really is.

And before leaving this thread make it a point to get closer to the truth about him rather than going away just as manipulated by Obama and his ilk as you were before.

Remember, you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time unless you are talking about Obama.

Stop swallowing what he's dishing up.
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Democrat 2106 : Vote Biden/Warren

One is so stupid he has his own gaffe reel. The other is a phony Indian who hates capitalism.

It's a Leftwingnut Dream ticket!!

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.

I keep a copy of my 2008 401K statement to remind me how Mitt and the other WALL STREET SCUM work for my pension fund.

It's the one where thousands of dollars I salted away over the years vanished in about three quarters.

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

JoeB131, that post identifies you as a religious bigot.

An extremist no better than the KKK or the extremists in the Oval Office in terms of ideology.

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

JoeB131, that post identifies you as a religious bigot.

An extremist no better than the KKK or the extremists in the Oval Office in terms of ideology.

Yes, I am totally bigoted against cults started by con artists who have sex with Children.

I'm just not sure why you aren't.

Unless you are a Mormon, you don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do. (Although in my case, it's because there's no God for anyone to talk to.)

If Mitt Romney or any other Mormons scum can't make the determination that Joseph Smith was a lying con man, I really don't want to trust him with bigger decisions.
But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

He's a high ranking Bishop in the Mormon Church.

Are you saying that is meaningless?
Wow, so how many jobs would we need to export to finally FIX America, in your opinion?
I laughed at this, but how do you square this with you being against worker's right to organize?

What you talkin bout, Willis?
If youn really care about jobs in America, you really care about those jobs providing a living wage, otherwise what's the point?

If women end up spending 80% of what they make on child care, why work? But now the family is down to one paycheck.

Wages must come up. And The 1% must pay more. And collected bargaining is the only way for wages to go up. And unions are also the only way to ensure free speech.
I believe Mitt Romney failed to go for Obama's throat because Obama suggested a more aggressive attack on Obama would bring about a race war.

What a bunch of crap. Link, please.

They live in their own little world.

Romney lost because he didn't understand why McCain lost and why people rejected Bush.

They had to have an excuse lined up for Bishop Romney's expected loss.

You are looking at him with the same eyes you rightly view Obama with.

You might even have a point with Bush.

But you are absolutely wrong about Romney.

If you watched the videos I've posted about Romney and read a few pieces I've seen, you'd feel differently about him.

You are wrong about him. And his opponents, Obama as well as some of the others i.e.: Hillary, Newt, Huckaby and etc. will keep feeding your faulty impression of him as long as they fear America getting back to our greatness.

You may even be an anti-Mormon guy.

Look, Romney wasn't/isn't about becoming the religious leader of the USA.

BTW, did you know John W. Browning was a Mormon?

Guy, have you not been paying attention? Mormons are scum. Any discussion about Romney was over with me at the word "Mormon".

There is nothing that is ever going to make me like the man, he's a lowlife Mormon who spent his life getting rich off the misery of others. He is simply a horrible human being, and no amount of adoring LDS propaganda is going to make that otherwise.

The fact that the religion teaches and believes in lying to further whatever their current cause is should be enough to disqualify any Mormon from public office. Once you find out about "lying for the lord", even the magic underwear and their home planet idiocy don't matter anymore.
BTW, did someone (besides Queen Ann) say he was interested? Or considering?

I cant imagine how he'd be willing to actually have to suck up to the likes of Trump, Nugent and Limbaugh again.

The teabaggers are getting crushed and discarded so quickly, by 2016 Bishop Romney might be able to go back to one of those sets of positions he took before 2009!

Maybe he'll even be pro-choice again! Watch out, Hillary!

Actually, he'd be working for pension funds of working people, and endowments and foundations of universities, hospitals, charities, etc.

I keep a copy of my 2008 401K statement to remind me how Mitt and the other WALL STREET SCUM work for my pension fund.

It's the one where thousands of dollars I salted away over the years vanished in about three quarters.

Is his religion part of your reason for hating him?

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