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Romney vetoed minimum wage increase

Businesses don't make money by paying employees more than the value they provide.
Businesses ONLY MAKE MONEY because of the profitable productivity of skilled workers.

99% of employees who aren't worth $7.25 an hour aren't worth that because they don't care. That is their root issue. It is their job to care about their life before it is the employer's job.
They are worth whatever profits their labor creates. YOUR judgement of human "worth" is merely reflective of your soul and greed.

3) If you pay them $7.25 an hour anyway, you create more work for the people who aren't useless and demoralize them. Why should they work for their pay when you pay people what they "need" whether they work or not?
See above. It is not for you to decide; their labor is worth whatever revenue it creates.

I've fired many people over my 25 year management career, and I've never once had another employee either object or ask me why I did it.
They probably didn't give a fuck, and were happy to look elsewhere for other crappy jobs.

I think the very fact that manufacturing gets outsourced to China and the like, where profitability is primarily based on unregulated wages and employee treatment, explain a lot about why Minimum wages are beneficial to employees.
So please, do explain the rationale...

Looks like you just answered your own question

We have no problem paying our employees above minimum wage and offering healthcare.

And by the way, you don't offer your employees health care. You offer them health care insurance.
Businesses have to increase retail prices to compensate for increased wages.
In the end, you end up where you started, by way of higher wages and higher prices. It accomplishes nothing. just sayin.....
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Businesses have to increase retail prices to compensate for increased wages.
In the end, you end up where you started, by way of higher wages and higher prices. It accomplishes nothing. just sayin.....

OR . . . capitalists harvest less profit and pay productive labor more. And, that NASTY "redistribution" takes place and the middle class begins growing again.

Didn't think about THAT, didja??
Romney's plan to "create jobs" in America is based upon destroying all remaining unions, eliminating minimum wages, and cutting average American wages by 70%.

Because that's GOOD FOR BUSINESS.

Bullshit. But I'm sure you have a link to back up these claims...

DUH. You need a "link???"
Willard does not like labor unions. Correct?
Willard does not like minimum wage laws. Correct?
Is it not true that everything Willard supports tends to depress wages?


So, no link. Got it.

Businesses have to increase retail prices to compensate for increased wages.
In the end, you end up where you started, by way of higher wages and higher prices. It accomplishes nothing. just sayin.....

OR . . . capitalists harvest less profit and pay productive labor more. And, that NASTY "redistribution" takes place and the middle class begins growing again.

Didn't think about THAT, didja??

Do you live in America or Europe, dude? Apparently you don't have a clue how capitalism works. :D
Businesses have to increase retail prices to compensate for increased wages.
In the end, you end up where you started, by way of higher wages and higher prices. It accomplishes nothing. just sayin.....

OR . . . capitalists harvest less profit and pay productive labor more. And, that NASTY "redistribution" takes place and the middle class begins growing again.

Didn't think about THAT, didja??

Do you live in America or Europe, dude? Apparently you don't have a clue how capitalism works. :D

I know EXACTLY how capitalism works. Capitalism is responsible for our regular "business cycles" and the periodic harvesting of wealth of labor. And capitalism completely explains the current status of our pathetic "economy."
But, I cannot fathom that abolishing it is fair to the middle class, poor and even workers with higher educations.

Imposing a minimum wage disenfranchises uneducated, unskilled, and inexperience workers, including our youngest and oldest workers just trying to make a few extra dollars. Our most vulnerable citizens, whose skills or commitment do not justify an artificially imposed minimum wage are prevented from working, often forced on the dole. Personally, I cannot image being so cruel to those that most need to work. But then, as history shows again and again, central planners have always proven to be sick motherfuckers.

So, basically the workers ability to live off of the pay should not be considered in any form?

It should be considered by the worker their prospective employer. It is not a matter for anyone but those two parties.

Wouldn't that hinder productivity?

If it did, that would force the employer to find more productive workers, which generally means paying more. One reason why 95% of hourly workers make more than the minimum.

In the most literal terms you can sit there and say: "Yes, more people might have jobs", but that point is moot if the pay for their labor is not enough to live off of.. The cost of living is not going to drop [even] drastically like someone opened a trap door, just because MW was dropped.

Again, not everyone looking for work is doing so because they're trying to support a family. Some are trying to get experience, to build a resume. Some are looking for extra pocket cash. Some, often the elderly, are just looking to stay engaged. The point is, it's NOT a moot point.

One person being paid $7.00hr is better than two being paid $3.50hr (or less). Just because more people are working does not mean that they are surviving off of the pay.

When I was 13 years old, I started working at a local restaurant. Paid me $3.00 an hour. No, I could not have lived off that but then, I had my parent's financial support. All I wanted was experience, to build a resume, and to put a few extra bucks in my pocket. I VOLUNTARILY accepted the wage and when I was ready to earn more, I quit.

Again, whether a person can or cannot survive on a particular wage is not your business. It's his choice to accept the wage or not.

But, sure, if you have some weird idea that businesses do not owe any bit of decency to their employees who work to progress and grow the business.. I guess it would seem like a kind of perverted good idea.

Businesses owe their employees the wage they promised to pay. Nothing more.

We thank our employees for working hard for us, they get vacation, sick time and lunches/picnics for meeting sales goals, seems to make them more productive than paying them less.. :lol:

Wonderful. Your business, your choice. You wouldn't want me to tell you how to run your business. Quite telling others how to run theirs.

At the end of the day, your support of minimum wage laws PREVENTS OUR MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS FROM WORKING AT ALL. Disgusting. Shame on you.
OR . . . capitalists harvest less profit and pay productive labor more. And, that NASTY "redistribution" takes place and the middle class begins growing again.

Didn't think about THAT, didja??

Do you live in America or Europe, dude? Apparently you don't have a clue how capitalism works. :D

I know EXACTLY how capitalism works. Capitalism is responsible for our regular "business cycles" and the periodic harvesting of wealth of labor. And capitalism completely explains the current status of our pathetic "economy."

No, no you don't understand capitalism. If you did, you wouldn't be posting such as you are.
republicans hate unions because unions protect workers

Not a deep thinker, are you?

If you're going to generalize like that, get it right. GENERALLY, Republicans hate public sector unions because they tend to "bargain" with the very politicians they put into office. And by the way, FDR stood against public sector unions as well.
republicans hate unions because unions protect workers

Not a deep thinker, are you?

If you're going to generalize like that, get it right. GENERALLY, Republicans hate public sector unions because they tend to "bargain" with the very politicians they put into office. And by the way, FDR stood against public sector unions as well.

The teapublicans of today are full of hate for many Americans
It's so obvious why there should be no minimum wage.

If you pay a worker more than they are worth, you have raise the pay of the workers who are worth more than they are to keep pay relative to performance. Then you have to pay more for all your products because all the other businesses have to raise salaries. Then you have to raise the price of your product to account for that. Then you have to raise minimum wage again because your low end workers can't "afford" to live again.

The best case is you're in an endless cycle chasing your tail. Or, employers adapt, automate, and reduce their workforce because government made labor artificially high. It's obvious if you open your eyes. The best thing for lazy workers is to NOT give them stuff, it only encourages them to not work.

- kaz
So, basically the workers ability to live off of the pay should not be considered in any form?

It should be considered by the worker their prospective employer. It is not a matter for anyone but those two parties.

If it did, that would force the employer to find more productive workers, which generally means paying more. One reason why 95% of hourly workers make more than the minimum.

So, if that is the logic behind it.. The minimum wage requirement would have the same effect whether it was there or not.

Let's think about the kind of jobs that it would really create if better labor does require better pay in your MW vacuum.. Are we just talking about dish washing jobs? What kind of industry is going to benefit from workers worth $3.50 an hour in pay? Farms are already paying that (on top of subsidies) to illegal workers for picking fruit, masonry and landscaping also do it..

Manufacturing involves skill, considering that most "pick and place" jobs are gone and machines do a majority of the work. Higher skill (higher pay) are not going to work for $3.50hr.

Again, not everyone looking for work is doing so because they're trying to support a family. Some are trying to get experience, to build a resume. Some are looking for extra pocket cash. Some, often the elderly, are just looking to stay engaged. The point is, it's NOT a moot point.

When I was 13 years old, I started working at a local restaurant. Paid me $3.00 an hour. No, I could not have lived off that but then, I had my parent's financial support. All I wanted was experience, to build a resume, and to put a few extra bucks in my pocket. I VOLUNTARILY accepted the wage and when I was ready to earn more, I quit.

So we should abolish minimum wage just for people to get jobs for references or some extra change in their pocket? Seems like this is more and more pointless the more you argue it.

Or as I said, a proverbial moot point.

Again, whether a person can or cannot survive on a particular wage is not your business. It's his choice to accept the wage or not.

And most people will not, considering that there are "10.2%" unemployed, how many of them are gonna come off of welfare to get a job for references or pocket change when they have a family to feed? Most people without work are adults, with, a family or some sort of payment obligations (car, house, children, food..).

Businesses owe their employees the wage they promised to pay. Nothing more.

Wonderful. Your business, your choice. You wouldn't want me to tell you how to run your business. Quite telling others how to run theirs.

At the end of the day, your support of minimum wage laws PREVENTS OUR MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS FROM WORKING AT ALL. Disgusting. Shame on you.

Coming from someone who wants to abolish minimum wage for jobs that provide a reference or pocket change... I'll take your attack as a compliment.

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republicans hate unions because unions protect workers

Not a deep thinker, are you?

If you're going to generalize like that, get it right. GENERALLY, Republicans hate public sector unions because they tend to "bargain" with the very politicians they put into office. And by the way, FDR stood against public sector unions as well.

The teapublicans of today are full of hate for many Americans

awww, need a tissue? Or some new talking points?

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