Romney wiping out Obamas lead in two key swing states

there are 2 posts in that thread blue that actually address what RDD asked about, the differences between the two...those posts were mine LOL

I am going to try and get to it later today. I have my hands full with some other stuff right now.
Hate to tell ya Blue, but Obama can think pretty well on his feet, because remember when he went to the RNC breakfast that one time and hammered all of the Reps?

He did that without a teleprompter.

And, as far as Mitt? Well, hate to tell ya, but his debate style is pretty wooden and he repeats the same points (some of which are lies) over and over and over.

Well both of them lie, man. They are politicians. :lol: They will both lie like damned rugs. That's standard. We'll see what happens. The first debate isn't until October 3rd it appears so we have an eternity before we get to see.
Not really surprising considering the multitude of failed policies, high unemployment, and overall ineptitude the past three years.
Romney will probably see a bit of a bump after the RNC. But I seriously doubt it will last long. He's not even as good as McCain when it comes to connecting with average folks. And when his performance at the debates gets bundled into adverts..that's going to sting.

Actually if you take a really close look the polls are not showing much of a Romney surge the last three weeks. What they are showing is a declining trend in support for Obama. Nationwide everything has remained pretty steady at about 46/46. There's been a little more movement up and down with Romney's support but only by a point at most from week to week which is well within the margin for error.

But in Ohio for example, Romney's support the last two weeks has stayed steady at 42 while Obama has lost two points from 46 to 44. Now two polls over two consecutive weeks isn't much proof of a "trend", especially considering that two point drop is still within the margin of error. BUT the same thing has happened in Florida where Obama's support has dropped about 3.50 points in the last three weeks (there were no polls last week in Florida). Romney's support has stayed right at 44 or 45.

So it's early of course and a lot will happen between now and November...frankly we're seeing a lot of statistical ties, but the point is that Romney will close gaps between now and November as the GOP heals from wounds inflicted in the primaries, Romney picks a running mate, and the debates start (which will help Romney a lot more than it will help Obama).

If I were Obama or an Obama supporter I would be looking at these close margins in some of these critical states and I would be very concerned. There's not much of a gap that Romney needs to close.

Yes. Excellent analysis.

Romney's fortunes can only improve, especially if economic growth remains anemic.
Romney will probably see a bit of a bump after the RNC. But I seriously doubt it will last long. He's not even as good as McCain when it comes to connecting with average folks. And when his performance at the debates gets bundled into adverts..that's going to sting.

what does even connecting with average folks mean?

I think it's marxist code, for he's one of the evil rich.

When someone brings up "marxist", it generally smells of theocrat..or fascist.

Maybe even monarchist.


When somebody brings up fair share, it generally smells of a marxist.. or a communist.

Maybe even a Democrat.
The bump will be a snowball that doesn't stop until Nov. Wait for the debates! The telepromoter in chief will have to debate on his record and on the economy, Romney will kill him. Then you have Rubio/Christie/Rice etc against Joe Hair-plugs. Even Palin wooped him in the debates. Just let Joe talk!

I dont think Mitt nor Obama are looking forward to the debates. From what I've seen out of both of them the debates will be akward at best, horrible for both at worst.

I think Romney will crush Obama in the debates and here's why. Romney will attack Obama's record and all Obama will be able to come back with is bullshit that most Americans will see right through. All Romney will have to say is "the American people can look at their bank accounts and paychecks to determine whether your policies have worked Mr. Obama" and that's pretty much going to be that.

Obama will try to attack Romney on side issues (war against women, religion, etc) but it hasn't been Romney engaging in that rhetoric. All Romney has to say is "you are running against Mitt Romney and not Rick Santorum" and that's pretty much the end of that. And given how much Obama stutters and fumbles around in debates he's going to end up looking like an ass.

Furthermore, everyone already knows Obama very well and know his policies. There's a lot of misinformation about Romney right now and the people don't know him nearly as well so Romney will gain support through the debates as people get to know him better and he has a chance to explain his policy ideas on a national stage head to head with Obama.

Romney will also gain support between now and November as the GOP heals from the primary wounds and the party unites. He will gain support when he chooses his running mate (I would guess at this time it will be Rob Portman to secure Ohio because it doesn't look like he will need Rubio to help him win Florida).

Now Obama isn't going to do better than he did in 2008. Emotions were high on election day due to the market crash and people still bought his "hope and change, chill up the leg" bullshit. No one buys it anymore so Obama can kiss a good 5%-6% goodbye right off the bat. Combine that with the gains Romney will make between now and November because of the three points I listed above and Obama will need to have a good 7%-9% advantage in a state to feel secure about it at this moment because Romney will close somewhere between 5% and 8% between now and election day (assuming the economy remains as it is).

When you consider Ohio is at roughly 2% trending toward Romney, Virginia is at 3.5% trending slightly toward Romney, Florida has a one point Romney advantage already and is trending toward Romney, Iowa is at a 3 point spread, North Carolina is at 2.4%, etc, etc.....this is NOT good news for Obama. It's a recipe for disaster for the Democratic Party.

Another great post!

Certainly, the election results in the House and Senate races will be disastrous for the Democratic Party, given the state of the economy, the soaring debt and the number of seats currently held by Dems up for grabs. As you say, Obama's strategy--the politics of class warfare polarization--will not hold up in debate with anyone but the hard left, and one can only hope he continues with the politics of "accuse and divide" in the face of Romney's upbeat campaign of American exceptionalism and renewal.

With leftists in control of the captive audiences of academia, American culture is in serious trouble, but the state of the founding American ethos in the nation's psyche has yet to become so dire as to embrace the "hopychange" sham of a leftist, Chicago-style campaigner again.

Oh, let us pray that is still true for the sake of the nation's future.
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