Romney wiping out Obamas lead in two key swing states

Biden, I admit, as dumb as he is, is a good debater.
All that really matters now is whether or not President Romney gets his Super Majority in the Senate.
Nobody, excepting the gubmint dependents or course, want four more years of this shit.

When all the indications are that Romney will be absolutely no different, why vote for him?

At this point though, I wouldn't trust any polling data until after the Conventions. You see a lot of groundwork being laid right now, but there's going to be a lot of fluctuation up and down following the two nationally televised conventions. You'll see bumps for both, then a slight decrease, then a leveling off to what we can expect for the rest of the season.

I will be curious how this plays out, as this could be a close one. Romney isn't likely to win this one by "Being Romney" as Romney isn't that much different than Obama. He's a blue state liberal with an "R" next to his name and a weird religion no one really trusts. The only difference is Obama is fairly charismatic, and Romney comes off as dry as a third quarter earnings report.

So in November it'll be "Not Obama" versus the charismatic guy that just devastated McCain/Palin in 2008. "Not ______________" isn't usually a winning strategy for the Oval Office, it says a lot about Obama that this particular strategy could actually work this year.
Isn't it cute how all of the polls are called "bullshit" unless they show positives for the GOP fall back candidate?

The OP has been pretty good on that.

He generally doesn't call polls "bullshit".

Polls are good for several things. Not always a tell on who may or may not win but very good for message tuning and finding out where your weaknesses are. Ie females. Now if a trend develops with one candidate continually climbing then you got solid ground.
We just need to keep reminding people of the before / after of the Pelosi-Reid-Obama Era:

December 2007 Marks Record 52nd Consecutive Month Of Job Growth.
Publication: Business Wire
Date: Friday, January 4 2008

More Than 8.3 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003 In Longest Continuous Run Of Job Growth On Record

WASHINGTON -- Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures - 18,000 jobs created in December. Since August 2003, more than 8.3 million jobs have been created, with more than 1.3 million jobs created throughout 2007. Our economy has now added jobs for 52 straight months - the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remains low at 5 percent.' cators/economic-indicators/5848024-1.html
I LOVE that the guy who creates endless troll threads, asks someone else to stop trolling. You idiots never cease to amaze me. It's like you can never have two connected thoughts line up and actual appear to be consistent with the shit you say.
No matter how badly obama does in the debates, democrats will say he won.

How is that any different than "conservatives" claiming Sarah Palin wasn't a quitter?

While you're technically correct I don't personally blame her. And I'm sure tax paying Alaskans are glad their tax dollars are no longer being wasted in the defense of frivolous lawsuits.
Romney will probably see a bit of a bump after the RNC. But I seriously doubt it will last long. He's not even as good as McCain when it comes to connecting with average folks. And when his performance at the debates gets bundled into adverts..that's going to sting.

What was that they said in a past election cycle? "its the economy stupid"

It all comes down to the economy, if it stays like it is now Obama is going to lose, if real employment and the economy start showing a legit and strong recovery by september/october then Obama is likely to win 4 more years.
Romney will probably see a bit of a bump after the RNC. But I seriously doubt it will last long. He's not even as good as McCain when it comes to connecting with average folks. And when his performance at the debates gets bundled into adverts..that's going to sting.

The bump will be a snowball that doesn't stop until Nov. Wait for the debates! The telepromoter in chief will have to debate on his record and on the economy, Romney will kill him. Then you have Rubio/Christie/Rice etc against Joe Hair-plugs. Even Palin wooped him in the debates. Just let Joe talk!

I dont think Mitt nor Obama are looking forward to the debates. From what I've seen out of both of them the debates will be akward at best, horrible for both at worst.
Romney will probably see a bit of a bump after the RNC. But I seriously doubt it will last long. He's not even as good as McCain when it comes to connecting with average folks. And when his performance at the debates gets bundled into adverts..that's going to sting.

The bump will be a snowball that doesn't stop until Nov. Wait for the debates! The telepromoter in chief will have to debate on his record and on the economy, Romney will kill him. Then you have Rubio/Christie/Rice etc against Joe Hair-plugs. Even Palin wooped him in the debates. Just let Joe talk!

I dont think Mitt nor Obama are looking forward to the debates. From what I've seen out of both of them the debates will be akward at best, horrible for both at worst.

I think Romney will crush Obama in the debates and here's why. Romney will attack Obama's record and all Obama will be able to come back with is bullshit that most Americans will see right through. All Romney will have to say is "the American people can look at their bank accounts and paychecks to determine whether your policies have worked Mr. Obama" and that's pretty much going to be that.

Obama will try to attack Romney on side issues (war against women, religion, etc) but it hasn't been Romney engaging in that rhetoric. All Romney has to say is "you are running against Mitt Romney and not Rick Santorum" and that's pretty much the end of that. And given how much Obama stutters and fumbles around in debates he's going to end up looking like an ass.

Furthermore, everyone already knows Obama very well and know his policies. There's a lot of misinformation about Romney right now and the people don't know him nearly as well so Romney will gain support through the debates as people get to know him better and he has a chance to explain his policy ideas on a national stage head to head with Obama.

Romney will also gain support between now and November as the GOP heals from the primary wounds and the party unites. He will gain support when he chooses his running mate (I would guess at this time it will be Rob Portman to secure Ohio because it doesn't look like he will need Rubio to help him win Florida).

Now Obama isn't going to do better than he did in 2008. Emotions were high on election day due to the market crash and people still bought his "hope and change, chill up the leg" bullshit. No one buys it anymore so Obama can kiss a good 5%-6% goodbye right off the bat. Combine that with the gains Romney will make between now and November because of the three points I listed above and Obama will need to have a good 7%-9% advantage in a state to feel secure about it at this moment because Romney will close somewhere between 5% and 8% between now and election day (assuming the economy remains as it is).

When you consider Ohio is at roughly 2% trending toward Romney, Virginia is at 3.5% trending slightly toward Romney, Florida has a one point Romney advantage already and is trending toward Romney, Iowa is at a 3 point spread, North Carolina is at 2.4%, etc, etc.....this is NOT good news for Obama. It's a recipe for disaster for the Democratic Party.
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I'm sure we'll see more AF1 trips to Ohio, Florida, Colorado and North Carolina these next few months so he can force taxpayers to pay for his campaign costs.

There needs to be a law passed limiting a POTUS traveling to a specific state in a specific period. He shouldn't be allowed to keep flying out to Colorado each month to tout this or that unless paid for by his political campaign funds.
Oh and let me toss out one more thing. I harp on this constantly but it's such a vital point that to overlook it is just insanity. With only one or two rare exceptions, all the polls right now are RV polls instead of LV polls and by their nature they will give inflated numbers to the Democratic candidate by up to as much as 6% on average by some accounts. So a RV poll that shows Obama leading by 3 or 4....once you account for the natural RV bias that lead evaporates in a hurry.

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