Romney's arithmetic problem: Nein, Nein, Nein!

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
Romney Studied Economics With Cain? Nein, Nein, Nein!

Romney's arithmetic problem

Bush/Cheney 3.0? Sounds like more of that voodoo economics Bush/Cheney sold us about unfunded programs...the ones Paul Ryan voted for...

Here, via Nexis, is a Robert Novak column from 2001 conveying the fashionable conservative view of the time:

"It's too small," Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the most junior member of the Ways and Means Committee but a leading House supply-sider, told me. "It's not big enough to fit all the policy we want."
Ryan has refashioned his image from "supply-sider" to "serious budget hawk," but there's not much evidence his worldview has changed. He still favors enormous tax cuts for the rich far beyond those passed into law by George W. Bush, only this time he promises to pay for them via closing unspecified deductions.

Doyle McManus: Romney's arithmetic problem | McClatchy

...the biggest problem with Romney's defense numbers is that they don't add up with the rest of his platform, which calls for decreasing federal spending overall while also lowering taxes - and, at the same time, balancing the budget.

"My administration will ... make the hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts necessary to reduce spending to 20 percent of GDP by the end of my first term," Romney said in February. "And then, without sacrificing our military superiority, I will balance the budget."

A nice trick if he could pull it off, but it flies in the face of, well, arithmetic.

Romney's arithmetic problem: Nein, Nein, Nein!

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