Romney's Bain Lie

Bain has guided more companies from failure to success than not. obama has guided the whole country into failure.

Staples is a good has 2000 stores, employs about 90,000 people (in the private sector)

That's more net jobs than Obama has created since he started. Obama has likely created 90,000 government jobs with his to have the IRS expanded to force compliance.
As nice as it was for you to remind us all that Staples put a lot of mom and pop stores out of business and pay their employees minimum wage instead of what they were getting as business owners, this thread is about Mitten lying about his time at Bain.
Because we all know that those mom and pop stores were paying 90k per year for their sales clerks, and giving Congress-like health care packages to all their employees.
Don't expect anything more intelligent than "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" because they cannot make excuses for this lying crook.

He still gets $13MILLION a year for not working with/for them. Just as he gets big bucks underwriting and supporting abortion. They can't deny that. They WILL try. They will make all kinds of excuses but there it is - he profits from people being out of work and from companies going under. Just as he profits from abortion.

That's the kind of scum he is.

He has been running for prez for 7 years (chronic loser) and even tried to hide some of his financial wrong doings by putting some stuff in his wife's name THE DAY BEFORE he declared he was running for guv of Mass.

Just like he fired his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

[ame=]Sidestep - Charles Durning - The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
Don't expect anything more intelligent than "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" because they cannot make excuses for this lying crook.

He still gets $13MILLION a year for not working with/for them. Just as he gets big bucks underwriting and supporting abortion. They can't deny that. They WILL try. They will make all kinds of excuses but there it is - he profits from people being out of work and from companies going under. Just as he profits from abortion.

That's the kind of scum he is.

He has been running for prez for 7 years (chronic loser) and even tried to hide some of his financial wrong doings by putting some stuff in his wife's name THE DAY BEFORE he declared he was running for guv of Mass.

Just like he fired his illegal workers because he was running for prez.

Sidestep - Charles Durning - The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.mp4 - YouTube

How are those alternative energy companies doing that Obama funded with OUR money?
In 1999 I received an urgent call from Bain headquarters indicating that Mr. Romney had suffered a serious accident. Once I arrived on the scene, I learned that Mr. Romney had participated in a “going away party” to celebrate the end of his tenure at Bain and that he had been hit in the forehead with an exploding champagne cork. After he spent several days in the hospital for observation, it became clear to me that Mr. Romney was suffering from symptoms consistent with head trauma, including severe memory loss. For example, he could not remember several key episodes from his youth, including the time he pinned a gay student to the ground and cut off his hair.

After I advised his partners at Bain that Mr. Romney’s recovery from this head trauma could be difficult and prolonged, they decided to keep him on as chief executive at Bain so that he could benefit from the company’s health coverage. It was decided that he would take a leave of absence from his duties at Bain to do something less demanding, and so he signed on to run the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.

Borowitz Report
EXCLUSIVE: Romney Invested Millions in Chinese Firm That Profited on US Outsourcing | Mother Jones

Sankaty is a story in itself. It was recently the focus of an Associated Press investigation that reported that Sankaty "is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed" and that there is a "mystery surrounding" Sankaty. Reporting on this Romney entity, Vanity Fair noted that "investments in tax havens such as Bermuda raise many questions, because they are in 'jurisdictions where there is virtually no tax and virtually no compliance,' as one Miami-based offshore lawyer put it." With Sankaty, Romney was using a mysterious Bermuda-based entity to invest in a Chinese firm that thrived on US outsourcing.

In early 1999, Romney's investment in Global-Tech expanded again. An SEC report filed on March 25, 1999, stated that Brookside and Sankaty at this stage owned 9.11 percent of the firm's stock. Romney was still listed as the sole shareholder and president of both Brookside and Sankaty.

By this point, according to the open-to-question account offered by Bain and the Romney campaign, Romney no longer had any involvement in Bain deals. But the series of SEC filings show active Brookside and Sankaty trading in Global-Tech Appliances while Romney fully controlled these firms. The two Romney companies repeatedly changed their ownership stake in this Chinese firm, which was not shy about its dependence on outsourcing. In its 2001 annual report, Global-Tech noted that US outsourcing was essential to its prospects: "Household appliance companies are focusing on their primary strengths of marketing and distribution, while increasingly outsourcing product development and manufacturing…Our ability and commitment to develop new and innovative, high quality products at a low cost has allowed us to benefit from the increased outsourcing of product development and manufacturing by our customers."

In 1999 I received an urgent call from Bain headquarters indicating that Mr. Romney had suffered a serious accident. Once I arrived on the scene, I learned that Mr. Romney had participated in a “going away party” to celebrate the end of his tenure at Bain and that he had been hit in the forehead with an exploding champagne cork. After he spent several days in the hospital for observation, it became clear to me that Mr. Romney was suffering from symptoms consistent with head trauma, including severe memory loss. For example, he could not remember several key episodes from his youth, including the time he pinned a gay student to the ground and cut off his hair.

After I advised his partners at Bain that Mr. Romney’s recovery from this head trauma could be difficult and prolonged, they decided to keep him on as chief executive at Bain so that he could benefit from the company’s health coverage. It was decided that he would take a leave of absence from his duties at Bain to do something less demanding, and so he signed on to run the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics.

Borowitz Report

<3 Andy Borowitz.
The left wants us to believe a successful businessman is worse for the USA than a habitual liar who has never ran any business and loaned hundreds of billions of other people's money to alternative energy businesses that went under.

I don't think it's gonna work.
The left wants us to believe a successful businessman is worse for the USA than a habitual liar who has never ran any business and loaned hundreds of billions of other people's money to alternative energy businesses that went under.

I don't think it's gonna work.

Indeed. and in his own writings described working in the private sector was like "being behind enemy lines..."
The left wants us to believe a successful businessman is worse for the USA than a habitual liar who has never ran any business and loaned hundreds of billions of other people's money to alternative energy businesses that went under.

I don't think it's gonna work.

Habitual liar? You guys on the Right are not going to stick with that in the face of the MANY MANY MANY lies Romney's told already, are you? This fucking thread is ABOUT a lie he told for fuck's sake. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus.
Mitt Romney and his departure from Bain - The Washington Post

GOD, you people are starting to make me want to vote for him...

:lol: Thank you!

Millions of dollars of attack ads by the Obama campaign are hanging in the balance. If Romney left Bain in February 1999, when he departed to run the Olympics, then a number of business deals that went sour (such as KB Toys) can&#8217;t be counted as part of Romney&#8217;s tenure. If he actually left in 2002, as the Obama campaign alleges, then those deals are fair game.

We have looked at this issue before, back in January, and thought we had settled it.

But now the Boston Globe has raised the issue again. The story seems to hinge on a quote from a former Securities and Exchange Commission member, which would have more credibility if the Globe had disclosed she was a regular contributor to Democrats.

... really feels like Groundhog Day again. There appears to be some confusion about how partnerships are structured and managed, or what SEC documents mean. (Just because you are listed as an owner of shares does not mean you have a managerial role.)
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It doesn't hinge on a quote. It hinges on papers that Mitten signed. Typical rightwingloon copout.
My favorite tweet. "Now we know what it meant when Mitt Romney said corporations are people. Sole stockholder, CEO, President & Chairman? Romney WAS Bain."

Is he supposed to be ashamed...???
My favorite tweet. "Now we know what it meant when Mitt Romney said corporations are people. Sole stockholder, CEO, President & Chairman? Romney WAS Bain."

Is he supposed to be ashamed...???

He sure acts like he is....anyone with a lick of sense would be playing up his ability to cut waste, lol, instead of pretending he didn't have anything to do with it.

Mitten is a doofus.
My favorite tweet. "Now we know what it meant when Mitt Romney said corporations are people. Sole stockholder, CEO, President & Chairman? Romney WAS Bain."

Is he supposed to be ashamed...???

No Valerie...but the resident Statists are trying to browbeat him...and getting frustrated because it isn't working. :lol:

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