Romney's Bain Lie

Who will suffer most politically:

1. Obama, who is already president, for not releasing his college transcripts?

2. Romney for not releasing 12 years of income tax returns?

Where ARE his transcripts? If he claims to have gone to any institution of higher education, it is a requirement to release them FOR the job.

Romney is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to release any more than he has (come October, if he hasn't release something for 2011, then that changes).

These are just facts. So, where are the documents required for Obama's job? Now, see, if he really didn't go to any institution of higher education, he has no requirement, but then he broke the law by claiming he did.

So, where are they?

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. And just for your edification, it's also known as proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
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Who will suffer most politically:

1. Obama, who is already president, for not releasing his college transcripts?

2. Romney for not releasing 12 years of income tax returns?

Where ARE his transcripts? If he claims to have gone to any institution of higher education, it is a requirement to release them FOR the job.

Romney is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to release any more than he has (come October, if he hasn't release something for 2011, then that changes).

These are just facts. So, where are the documents required for Obama's job? Now, see, if he really didn't go to any institution of higher education, he has no requirement, but then he broke the law by claiming he did.

So, where are they?

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?
Where ARE his transcripts? If he claims to have gone to any institution of higher education, it is a requirement to release them FOR the job.

Romney is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to release any more than he has (come October, if he hasn't release something for 2011, then that changes).

These are just facts. So, where are the documents required for Obama's job? Now, see, if he really didn't go to any institution of higher education, he has no requirement, but then he broke the law by claiming he did.

So, where are they?

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

Exactly. Hiring in Government is NO DIFFERENT than it is in the private sector.

It would appear that Obama has padded if not LIED outright on his resume.
Where ARE his transcripts? If he claims to have gone to any institution of higher education, it is a requirement to release them FOR the job.

Romney is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to release any more than he has (come October, if he hasn't release something for 2011, then that changes).

These are just facts. So, where are the documents required for Obama's job? Now, see, if he really didn't go to any institution of higher education, he has no requirement, but then he broke the law by claiming he did.

So, where are they?

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

I don't believe that employers have any right to see a prospective employee's transcript. All they have is a right to confirm that a person has the degree they listed on a resume.
Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

Exactly. Hiring in Government is NO DIFFERENT than it is in the private sector.

It would appear that Obama has padded if not LIED outright on his resume.

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

I don't believe that employers have any right to see a prospective employee's transcript. All they have is a right to confirm that a person has the degree they listed on a resume.
Yes, it's a federal regulation and transcripts are the only verifying document for a degree, in case you were wondering.

So, where are Obama's transcripts?
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.

The left wants us to believe a successful businessman is worse for the USA than a habitual liar who has never ran any business and loaned hundreds of billions of other people's money to alternative energy businesses that went under.

I don't think it's gonna work.

Habitual liar? You guys on the Right are not going to stick with that in the face of the MANY MANY MANY lies Romney's told already, are you? This fucking thread is ABOUT a lie he told for fuck's sake. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus.

I don't expect you to get it. Tell us when Jesus ever used taxes to feed or heal people.
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.

Sorry, toots. It's not illegal.

But it IS illegal to claim degrees from institutions of higher education without having them.

So, where are Obama's transcripts?
Where ARE his transcripts? If he claims to have gone to any institution of higher education, it is a requirement to release them FOR the job.

Romney is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to release any more than he has (come October, if he hasn't release something for 2011, then that changes).

These are just facts. So, where are the documents required for Obama's job? Now, see, if he really didn't go to any institution of higher education, he has no requirement, but then he broke the law by claiming he did.

So, where are they?

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

ummm.... wheres that college degree req't in the Constitution? :eusa_whistle: I'll wait.
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.


Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have invested overseas also. Any comment?
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

I don't believe that employers have any right to see a prospective employee's transcript. All they have is a right to confirm that a person has the degree they listed on a resume.
Yes, it's a federal regulation and transcripts are the only verifying document for a degree, in case you were wondering.

So, where are Obama's transcripts?

What federal regulation would that be?
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.


Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have invested overseas also. Any comment?

Yes they have. i guess that's OK for sitting members of the Gubmint that weren't caught before they got voted in...(In Lad0rka's twisted world)...:eusa_whistle:
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.

Sorry, toots. It's not illegal.

But it IS illegal to claim degrees from institutions of higher education without having them.

So, where are Obama's transcripts?

I'm Sure La D0rkie will FIND some link...:eusa_whistle:
Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.


Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have invested overseas also. Any comment?

Oooo, ooo pick me, pick me!

(ahem) It's ok when Dems do shit like this cause they are Dems and their farts smell like cookies and they are just wonderful folks who will fix allll the wrongs in Amercia. Repubs are eeevill doers and MUST be held accountable for any and everything and boiled in oil if even one crumb is outta place.

Where are his transcripts? Where the hell do you think they are? The SCHOOL has them. ALL schools are in possession (and in control) of the records of their present and former students. It just for your edification, it's also known and proprietary information. That means that it's not public information, and you have no right to see it just like nobody has a right to see YOUR school transcripts.
See, Obama is employed by you, me, and every one of our neighbors. As employers have the right to see transcripts of employees who claim to have attended any institution of higher learning, we, the People and employers, have a perfect legal right to those transcripts.

Where are Obama's transcripts?

ummm.... wheres that college degree req't in the Constitution? :eusa_whistle: I'll wait.
It's 18 USC 1001.

If you lie to get a federal job, it's illegal. Simple. If you do it privately, they can immediately shitcan you.

Damn, I thought everyone knew this.

So, Obama claims to have these degrees. Where are his transcripts?
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Investing in foreign stocks or in mutual funds that invest in foreign stocks is not the same as having money stashed in foreign banks and other foreign tax havens - like Romney.


Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have invested overseas also. Any comment?

Oooo, ooo pick me, pick me!

(ahem) It's ok when Dems do shit like this cause they are Dems and their farts smell like cookies and they are just wonderful folks who will fix allll the wrongs in Amercia. Repubs are eeevill doers and MUST be held accountable for any and everything and boiled in oil if even one crumb is outta place.

No, no, no, no, no. They fart rainbows and fairy dust.
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Romney may have committed felony lying about role with Bain

This is big news, as it backs up what the Obama campaign has been alleging - that Romney was still in charge of Bain when it outsourced US jobs - and this directly contradicts's claim otherwise. From the Boston Globe:

Government documents filed by Mitt Romney and Bain Capital say Romney remained chief executive and chairman of the firm three years beyond the date he said he ceded control, even creating five new investment partnerships during that time.

Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.

It should be noted that David Corn broke this story a few weeks ago in a great piece everyone should read, though the Globe appears to have found additional disclosure forms to back up their case.

Oh but it gets worse. As so graciously pointed out, if Mitt Romney lied in any federal forms about the extent of his role with Bain, Romney may have committed a felony. From

If the Obama campaign is correct [that Romney remained at Bain past 1999], then Romney is guilty of lying on official federal disclosure forms, committing a felony. But we don’t see evidence of that.

Here’s what Romney has said:

Mitt Romney Public Financial Disclosure Report, Aug. 11, 2011: Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.

Romney’s signature appears on the line that states: “I certify that statements I have made on this form and all attached schedules are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.”

Making false statements to the federal government is a serious crime (under 18 USC 1001) carrying possible fines and up to five years in federal prison.

Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod has already weighed in on Twitter:

Based on Globe report, either Bain filed false SEC statements 1999-2002 about Mitt's status, or his campaign is making false statements now.

But Axelrod isn't even right about how bad this is. It's not an "either-or."

1. Romney told the SEC that he remained the firm’s "sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president" up until 2002.

2. But Romney said in a more recent financial disclosure form that he left Bain in 1999 - so the two federal forms contradict each other, at least one is a lie:

Mitt Romney Public Financial Disclosure Report, Aug. 11, 2011: Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.

In other words, Romney lied to the federal government either way. Either to the SEC, or in his more recent financial dislocure forms. And either one appears to be a felony.


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