Romney's Bain Lie

Romnoid falsely mis-represented his employment history on S.E.C. (Security and Exchange Commission). To do so is fraud and such fraud is a FELONY!!

Willard misrepresents most everything...

Robert H. Garff, the chair of the organizing committee, later said that "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics,"[119] and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career.[124][131] Garff believed the initial budget shortfall was not as bad as Romney portrayed, given there were still three years to reorganize.[124] Utah Senator Bob Bennett said that much of the needed federal money was already in place and an analysis by The Boston Globe stated that the committee already had nearly $1 billion in committed revenues.[124] Olympics critic Steve Pace, who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending, thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state in order to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue.[131] Kenneth Bullock, another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, often clashed with Romney at the time, and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed:[119] Bullock said: "He tried very hard to build an image of himself as a savior, the great white hope. He was very good at characterizing and castigating people and putting himself on a pedestal."[124] Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fiscal conservative..speaks!

[ame=]Video: Romney Wants Government Money - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I have an idea as to why Mittens won't come clean about Bain and when he left. I think he probably just stayed on in title only so he could keep collecting big checks, but probably did leave for all other intents and purposes. So if he admits to that, he looks like even more of a rich douchebag, just gaming the paperwork for a few more hundred thousand bucks a year, and that will further complicate his "connection to the people" problem.

Honestly, I'm starting to think the GOP made a massive mistake in not going with almost ANYONE else. Because even as a staunch Obama supporter, I know a more relatable candidate would be SMOKING Obama on the economic front. All the polls show that people know the economy sucks, but no one really TRUSTS Romney; they say they're not convinced he'll fix the economy.

So if he can't run on Bain, and he can't run on Massachusetts because of Romneycare, and he can't run on the economy because no one believes he'll fix it either, what does he have left?

Lies, spin and distortion about Obama. That's why the debates are going to be so crucial. Which candidate will actually land the punches while they're both in the room together? Which candidate will be able to convince the swing voters that they are the best choice going forward?
And you're a dirty diaper poopyhead.


Be that as it may, I'm not the one here spreading idiotic nonsense about political rivals hoping that false smears will cover for the utter failure of my candidate.

You know?

You got nothing.

So you post nothing but insults.

Isn't that clear to you by now?

Our definitions of failure and success are is our views on who should be President.

Personally, I think a person who was a ruthless businessman that garnered success by engaging in "creative destruction" and was wildly successful at a poor choice for President.

You don't.

We disagree.

There's no reason for the insults.

But, you are a very emotional I understand.

There there..
Romnoid falsely mis-represented his employment history on S.E.C. (Security and Exchange Commission). To do so is fraud and such fraud is a FELONY!!

Willard misrepresents most everything...

Robert H. Garff, the chair of the organizing committee, later said that "It was obvious that he had an agenda larger than just the Olympics,"[119] and that Romney wanted to use the Olympics to propel himself into the national spotlight and a political career.[124][131] Garff believed the initial budget shortfall was not as bad as Romney portrayed, given there were still three years to reorganize.[124] Utah Senator Bob Bennett said that much of the needed federal money was already in place and an analysis by The Boston Globe stated that the committee already had nearly $1 billion in committed revenues.[124] Olympics critic Steve Pace, who led Utahns for Responsible Public Spending, thought Romney exaggerated the initial fiscal state in order to lay the groundwork for a well-publicized rescue.[131] Kenneth Bullock, another board member of the organizing committee and also head of the Utah League of Cities and Towns, often clashed with Romney at the time, and later said that Romney deserved some credit for the turnaround but not as much as he claimed:[119] Bullock said: "He tried very hard to build an image of himself as a savior, the great white hope. He was very good at characterizing and castigating people and putting himself on a pedestal."[124] Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fiscal conservative..speaks!

[ame=]Video: Romney Wants Government Money - YouTube[/ame]

gotta love the young turk.

The republican meme is so full of crap
"I worked for the same company for 25 years." - Mitt Romney

Mitt started at Bain in 1977. 25 years is 2002.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
And you're a dirty diaper poopyhead.


Be that as it may, I'm not the one here spreading idiotic nonsense about political rivals hoping that false smears will cover for the utter failure of my candidate.

You know?

You got nothing.

So you post nothing but insults.

Isn't that clear to you by now?

Our definitions of failure and success are is our views on who should be President.

Personally, I think a person who was a ruthless businessman that garnered success by engaging in "creative destruction" and was wildly successful at a poor choice for President.

You don't.

We disagree.

There's no reason for the insults.

But, you are a very emotional I understand.

There there..

Its what they do when the facts overwhelm them
"I worked for the same company for 25 years." - Mitt Romney

Mitt started at Bain in 1977. 25 years is 2002.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Hey, since the Wisconsin prosecutors haven't indicted Walker yet, maybe they can indict Romney instead.
You got nothing.


I'm not the one laying allegations, moron.

The point is that you have nothing.

The more salient point is that you KNOW you have nothing, but have such a lack of integrity that you run with it anyway.

So you post nothing but insults.

Your demagoguery is an insult to our political process - your behavior is shameful, as is that of Obama.

So desperate are you to win, that you will tell any lie in hopes of distracting from Obama's record of abysmal failure.

Isn't that clear to you by now?

Our definitions of failure and success are is our views on who should be President.

Personally, I think a person who was a ruthless businessman that garnered success by engaging in "creative destruction" and was wildly successful at a poor choice for President.

You don't.

We disagree.

There's no reason for the insults.

But, you are a very emotional I understand.

There there..

You're not stupid enough to believe the Bain shit that your posting - yet you do in hopes that some of the smear might rub off and harm Romney. Obama is a sinking ship, nothing can change that. The economy is in the toilet, his justice department is openly corrupt, the attorney general is a criminal, he pisses on the constitution, not just attacking the 1st amendment rights of Catholics, but dictating law in defiance of congress and in direct violation of the constitution.

Obama is the worst president this nation has ever seen, he is divisive and has utter contempt of the constitution. He has dreams of authoritarian rule, but is utterly incompetent, so can't pull it off.

So you start flinging shit, hoping that the shit will distract from all this.
That's like saying a baseball manager knows nothing about how to hit home runs, even if he had a .098 batting average as a player. When you've spent your entire career around business and growing businesses - Bain made their name funding fast growing businesses - then you know a helluva lot more how an economy ticks than a legal academic and community organizer. Even if Romney made a ton of money shipping jobs overseas, he still knows more than Obama.

But then again, perhaps Obama's supporters believe he's good enough to manage the NY Yankees.

Obama graduated from Harvard Law and went back home to help poor people.

Romney graduated from Harvard Law and looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas.

Which one really cares about America?

Mitt knows how to create jobs. Obama knows how to spread the wealth.

With employment at multi-decades lows, I'll take the job creator.

No, he absolutely, doesn't. What he knows is who to generate a maximum return on investment.

Which is why he should have never included Bain Capital in his reasons to be President, or at least never said he "created" jobs.

That wasn't ever his function in the private sector.
Democrats, what's the point of attacking Mitt?

I mean you guys view his first 4 years as a success, wouldn't promoting his record be the best way to get him re-elected?

Seems attacking Mitt is a waste of a time if all you have to do is show the U.S. Obama's successful record.
Democrats, what's the point of attacking Mitt?

I mean you guys view his first 4 years as a success, wouldn't promoting his record be the best way to get him re-elected?

Seems attacking Mitt is a waste of a time if all you have to do is show the U.S. Obama's successful record.

Therein lies the rub...
A government is NOT a business

If not, why are they investing in private companies?? You realize the government owns stock in GM, right??

Don't forget all those investments in the failed green energy companies. Government is behaving just like Bain. Expect that Bain made much better investment decisions than Obama.
Democrats, what's the point of attacking Mitt?

I mean you guys view his first 4 years as a success, wouldn't promoting his record be the best way to get him re-elected?

Seems attacking Mitt is a waste of a time if all you have to do is show the U.S. Obama's successful record.

Here's the thing: what you're saying is all well and good, but Obama is actually running on his first term. He's constantly reminding people of his accomplishments. But he knows that he's up against the Fux News propaganda machine and the SuperPAC lies and distortions, so that only goes so far.

The fact is that Mitt is a target and always has been in every single election he's either won or lost. Ted Kennedy was the first to eviscerate him on Bain in 1994, and he trounced Romney. Romney's had to be such a flip-flopper that you only have to go back 15 or 20 years to find 180-degree flips on almost EVERY key issue.

For fuck's sake the guy CREATED the health care law that he's now promising to repeal. He told Massachusetts voters in '94 that he'd be to the LEFT of Ted Kennedy on gay marriage. He's such an easy target to score points on when he's not doing really stupid shit like changing his story on when he left Bain or not releasing a full ten years of tax returns that when he does stupid shit like that, how you can NOT go after him?

And I'll grant you that the gay bullying thing and the dog on the roof thing are more titillation than anything else, but the Bain stuff, the offshore tax shelter stuff, that is legitimate, in-bounds fodder for campaign attacks. The American people do have every right to know if one of their choices has an affinity for money that makes him say and do some ethically questionable shit.

Oh, yeah, and there's the fact that for four years Obama has been attacked NON-STOP on EVERY issue from his fucking birth certificate to being a so-called socialist operative for George Soros. So fucking spare me the righteous indignation about poor, picked-upon Mitt Romney.
A government is NOT a business

The hell it's not.

No, it's not. And I'm sort of blown away that a Conservative would say that, assuming you are a Conservative. Why in the fuck would we want our government run like a profit center? That's absolutely ludicrous, and if you think about it for two fucking seconds you'll retract that right away.

If you want your government run like a business, they need to make profit. And to make profit they need revenue. So to get revenue, what do they need to do? Tax. And if they aren't generating enough revenue to be profitable, guess what they can do? TAX MORE.

Oh, and then they'll also cut spending on things like Medicare (which I'm sure about 75% of the people posting her are on). Yeah so why the fuck do you want your government run like a business again?
That's like saying a baseball manager knows nothing about how to hit home runs, even if he had a .098 batting average as a player. When you've spent your entire career around business and growing businesses - Bain made their name funding fast growing businesses - then you know a helluva lot more how an economy ticks than a legal academic and community organizer. Even if Romney made a ton of money shipping jobs overseas, he still knows more than Obama.

But then again, perhaps Obama's supporters believe he's good enough to manage the NY Yankees.

Mitt knows how to create jobs. Obama knows how to spread the wealth.

With employment at multi-decades lows, I'll take the job creator.

No, he absolutely, doesn't. What he knows is who to generate a maximum return on investment.

Which is why he should have never included Bain Capital in his reasons to be President, or at least never said he "created" jobs.

That wasn't ever his function in the private sector.

You seemed to be mired in some dogmatic ideal that it's only the "business community" that knows how to grow business. That's generally not the case. Businesses are generally not in the "business" of creating an environment that fosters the growth of other businesses, especially competition. And even Bain's business model was not about that. What they were about was maximizing investments. If some company they took over, flourished, all the better. But it wasn't about creating jobs. And that's where Romney is trying to site as his acumen. It isn't.

In general, Capitalism needs to foster competition. If there is no competition..then capitalism becomes something else. Which was why for many years government was in the "business" of breaking up Monopolies, while the private sector was in the "business" of creating them. And that's the same with government regulating some extremely questionable business practices. the long term..those business practices lead to collapse of the general economy. That was spectacularly demonstrated in 2008.

So putting a President like Romney is place would be good for some very wealthy people. And if that's what the voters want..they should vote for him. But as history has shown..what is good for a few very wealthy people, by in large, doesn't necessarily translate in good for everyone else.

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