Romney's Bain Lie

Where are Mitt's income tax returns for 2000 thru 2011? He's only released 2010. Obama released his for 2000 thru 2011 - 12 years.
Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above

That's really great deflection you're doing right there. You should start that topic's own thread though. This thread is about the bullshit coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about Bain.

I also brought her "deflection" to her attn ystrdy and she just continues on. :eusa_eh:
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above

That's really great deflection you're doing right there. You should start that topic's own thread though. This thread is about the bullshit coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about Bain.

I also brought her "deflection" to her attn ystrdy and she just continues on. :eusa_eh:
Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is he afraid of?
TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

Fuck you, LickScrotum, you prove what has been asserted. No matter what evidence you get you're going to want more. Next thing you know you're going to want to depose them!

Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.

It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.
Suuuuure. The Globe has so much integrity that they plagiarize, yet again.


It's not plagiarism, stupid It's omitted credit. That happens ALL THE TIME in news reporting. They're adding the credits back into the stories. Jesus Christ you're stupid, aren't you?
"It's not plagiarism, stupid [sic] It's omitted credit"

OMG. That's a classic right there.


it's not stealing; it's unauthorized borrowing-happens all the time
Fuck you, LickScrotum, you prove what has been asserted. No matter what evidence you get you're going to want more. Next thing you know you're going to want to depose them!

Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.

It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.
How many folks did they kill?

So far, Obama has three notches on his holster due to his direct orders to execute them. And, two half notches for the Fast and Furious US agents.
Fuck you, LickScrotum, you prove what has been asserted. No matter what evidence you get you're going to want more. Next thing you know you're going to want to depose them!

Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.

It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.

I said repeatedly on old political message boards several years ago that Democrats must learn to fight fire with fire. It's great to see they finally are.

As for Romney, he could put much of this to rest by releasing his income tax returns from 2000 thru 2011. So far, he's only released 2010.
He is.

You guys just keep shouting "Fail, fail, fail".

In your circle you've unmoored the meanings of the words fail and success.

Bush was a "successful" President in Conservatopia. And Obama wasn't..


No thanks.

bush sucked

defying the odds, obama sucks worse.

And on what do you base that conclusion.

3.5 years and counting of 8%+ unemployment (which the stimulus was supposed to prevent from happening, according to his staff), expanded overseas adventures (afghanistan, libya, egypt and god knows where else) and a failure to do anything he said he would do- from *transparency* (remember how every piece of legislation was going to be posted for 3 days before he signed it?) to guantanamo (still open) to hiring lobbyists (yeah, that lasted about 20 mins) to signing statements.

as i said, defying the odds,he's a bigger piece o' shit fraud than bush was.

and then some
Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.

It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.

I said repeatedly on old political message boards several years ago that Democrats must learn to fight fire with fire. It's great to see they finally are.

As for Romney, he could put much of this to rest by releasing his income tax returns from 2000 thru 2011. So far, he's only released 2010.
Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is he hiding? What is he afraid of?
Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.

It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.
How many folks did they kill?

So far, Obama has three notches on his holster due to his direct orders to execute them. And, two half notches for the Fast and Furious US agents.

How many people did he kill? Are you serious? Considering Nixon's Christmas Eve bombing of Hanoi, George H. W. Bush's military orders in the 1st Bush Gulf War which ultimately led to the slaughter of retreating Iraqi troops on what's come to be known as the Highway of Death, and his son's attack on Iraq for nonexistent WMD's over a decade later, resulting in the deaths of several thousand US troops as well as tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, I think you need to develop some historical perspective.
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It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.

I said repeatedly on old political message boards several years ago that Democrats must learn to fight fire with fire. It's great to see they finally are.

As for Romney, he could put much of this to rest by releasing his income tax returns from 2000 thru 2011. So far, he's only released 2010.
Not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

What is he hiding? What is he afraid of?

that sounds like a good topic to start a thread about :eusa_whistle: :rolleyes:

back to topic- Mittens.
Romney interview airing on CNN...

How much do you wanna bet that he doesn't directly answer the questions about why SEC filings show that his role at Bain continued long after his oft stated date of departure?

I think we're going to witness a classic case of misdirection. I bet Romney is going to be indignant.

Those questions have already been answered by the current partners at Bain. They're also big time Democrats and Obama supporters. In fact, Bain is the 9th largest contributor to the Obama campaign.

They say it's all bullshit, I tend to believe them.
It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.
How many folks did they kill?

So far, Obama has three notches on his holster due to his direct orders to execute them. And, two half notches for the Fast and Furious US agents.

How many people did he kill? Are you serious? Considering Nixon's Christmas Eve bombing of Hanoi, George H. W. Bush's military orders in the 1st Bush Gulf War which ultimately led to the slaughter of retreating Iraqi troops on what's come to be known as the Highway of Death, and his son's attack on Iraq for nonexistent WMD's over a decade later, resulting in the deaths several thousand US troops as well as tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, I think you need to develop some historical perspective.

Romney said in CNN interview that he will only release ONE more year of income tax returns - 2011, and that's it. He said there is no way he will release previous income tax returns.

What's he hiding?
It's funny you should say that since I had the following thought last night. I figured that if the story turned out to be much ado about nothing (and there's no reason for me to believe that at this point), I was at least gratified to know that the Obama campaign was prepared to go to the mattresses ala the cutthroat GOP tactic of going after an opponent's area of strength.

But STILL, that's far less cutthroat than the dirty tricks tactics reminiscent of Nixon, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove who were perfectly willing to engage in the complete and utter fabrication of "issues" where there were none.
How many folks did they kill?

So far, Obama has three notches on his holster due to his direct orders to execute them. And, two half notches for the Fast and Furious US agents.

How many people did he kill? Are you serious? Considering Nixon's Christmas Eve bombing of Hanoi, George H. W. Bush's military orders in the 1st Bush Gulf War which ultimately led to the slaughter of retreating Iraqi troops on what's come to be known as the Highway of Death, and his son's attack on Iraq for nonexistent WMD's over a decade later, resulting in the deaths several thousand US troops as well as tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, I think you need to develop some historical perspective.
Almost all Presidents have wars to their name.

Few have summary executions of US Citizens. But, Obama does.

Few have programs that put weapons in the hands of criminals who kill our US Agents, then lamely try to cover it up. But, Obama does.

Few make sure foreign journalists who uncover their bad deeds imprisoned in a Yemeni prison. But, Obama does.

With that record, I have no doubt that Obama could kill all your neighbors and you would still grab your ankles and thank him to do more.
On CNN and the rest, Heeeere's MEAT:

"The truth is I left any role at Bain Capital, in Feb.1999."

You also testified in front of the Massachusetts Law Commission, re 2002:

"Well, actually, at that point, Staples was . . . a fiduciary for Bain Capital."

White Obamney doesn't think much of black Obamney.

Was Meat misrepresenting his position, to the SEC?

"Let's talk about how to get the American people working again."

Do you believe you are being Swift-boated, in this campaign?



"And yet they keep running them . . ." re TV ads.

They've called on you to release more of your tax returns:

"I've indicated we've complied with the law . . . we'll put out more, which is NOT required."

Whoop-dee-fucking-doo! When do we get to see overdue tax returns, for white Obamney's Bain years +, so we can determine whether declared income makes any sense, more than UnconsciousCornhole and Quasi mo-doodoo sucking each others' assholes and smearing shit, to deflect, for page after page after page?

Let's see page after page, of white Obamney's tax returns!

Let's see what's overseas! So Meat has said:

"You're just going to have to take my word for it." And he's running, for WHAT?

UnconsciousCornhole and Quasi Mo-doodoo can deflect, for days. Who could be seen, in public, with these shitters?


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