Romney's Bain Lie

What heat? I asked you before, but you refused to answer.

Let's see if I get an answer now.

How is that unsubscribe you told us you were doing working out for you, Brave Sir Robin?
Maybe third time is the charm? Um, Boop?

(Although, I suspect the hysterical hack is too far into her manic phase.)

I'll answer that. The heat from the press and from his own party to release the Bain records and his tax records.

Bain barrage worries Republicans - Ginger Gibson -
OMG! From your link, this: "Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter on Thursday called Romney the “most secretive candidate to run for president since Richard Nixon.”


This just gets funnier and funnier.
Obama is turning himself into a caricature. It's just sad that Americas first Black President turned out to be a lying fraud.
The bottom line here is the filing with the SEC.

Romney can't get around that. That's what did in Ken Lay.

While Romney wasn't involved in anything illegal (thus far), his story doesn't line up with the documentation.

And calling the President a "liar" was way off base. He's going to have to eat alot of crow to back out of that one..or double down.

It's not comparable.

Lay was the Chairman and CEO with direct reporting lines to the operating divisions. Romney had no operating role whatsoever. The SEC filing almost certainly is nothing. If Romney shows up to the AGM - which every investor and LP is invited to - then he is at Bain "for business," and he has to tell the SEC that. Bain wouldn't comment for the article other than to say that he stepped down from running the firm.

In the meantime, employment levels are at multidecade lows, so the Democrats divert from their record to stuff like this.
IOW, the strategy is to be just as shrill, hysterical and retarded as the nutter right.

Good job. You're succeeding.


True, then why did the government loan well over a trillion dollars of taxpayers money to green energy companies that went bankrupt?

For the same reason it helped the industrial revolution take hold?

That was Socialism!
Birth Certificate!
Classical Liberalism!
So, four Bain employees back up Mitt's story. Interesting...
And, they are Obama supporters.


It's clearly a lie - only liars support Obama.

TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

So, now the SEC, most sane reporters, Bain, and others say you are full of shit, but unless ALL Bain employees say the same, it must be a lie.

You are such a moron.

Let's see if you can come up with some ideas as to why ALL Bain employees didn't say something about it.

*cue Jeopardy music
So, four Bain employees back up Mitt's story. Interesting...
And, they are Obama supporters.


It's clearly a lie - only liars support Obama.

TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

Fuck you, LickScrotum, you prove what has been asserted. No matter what evidence you get you're going to want more. Next thing you know you're going to want to depose them!
And, they are Obama supporters.


It's clearly a lie - only liars support Obama.

TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

So, now the SEC, most sane reporters, Bain, and others say you are full of shit, but unless ALL Bain employees say the same, it must be a lie.

You are such a moron.

Let's see if you can come up with some ideas as to why ALL Bain employees didn't say something about it.

*cue Jeopardy music

Why don't we all just wait to see how Rmoney throws under the bus in about 30 minutes.
And, they are Obama supporters.


It's clearly a lie - only liars support Obama.

TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

Fuck you, LickScrotum, you prove what has been asserted. No matter what evidence you get you're going to want more. Next thing you know you're going to want to depose them!

Ain't it funny how wingnuts get upset when lefties play their game.
TWO said they were Obama supporters. Why didn't ALL Bain employees back up Mitt's story?

So, now the SEC, most sane reporters, Bain, and others say you are full of shit, but unless ALL Bain employees say the same, it must be a lie.

You are such a moron.

Let's see if you can come up with some ideas as to why ALL Bain employees didn't say something about it.

*cue Jeopardy music

Why don't we all just wait to see how Rmoney throws under the bus in about 30 minutes.
Well, IF he throws someone under a bus, it can't be as bad as Obama throwing a journalist under the bu....

Wait.... no doubt that reporter would have preferred being thrown under a bus rather than doing time in a Yemeni prison.

Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free

So, now the SEC, most sane reporters, Bain, and others say you are full of shit, but unless ALL Bain employees say the same, it must be a lie.

You are such a moron.

Let's see if you can come up with some ideas as to why ALL Bain employees didn't say something about it.

*cue Jeopardy music

Why don't we all just wait to see how Rmoney throws under the bus in about 30 minutes.
Well, IF he throws someone under a bus, it can't be as bad as Obama throwing a journalist under the bu....

Wait.... no doubt that reporter would have preferred being thrown under a bus rather than doing time in a Yemeni prison.

Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free

Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Why don't we all just wait to see how Rmoney throws under the bus in about 30 minutes.
Well, IF he throws someone under a bus, it can't be as bad as Obama throwing a journalist under the bu....

Wait.... no doubt that reporter would have preferred being thrown under a bus rather than doing time in a Yemeni prison.

Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free

Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above
Well, IF he throws someone under a bus, it can't be as bad as Obama throwing a journalist under the bu....

Wait.... no doubt that reporter would have preferred being thrown under a bus rather than doing time in a Yemeni prison.

Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free

Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above

That's really great deflection you're doing right there. You should start that topic's own thread though. This thread is about the bullshit coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about Bain.
Obama is going to have the legacy of the "lethal presidency". He truly does love picking out individuals to judge and sentence.

Where's the left screaming now that the O is ordering assassinations willy nilly. Doesn't matter. O's their man.

The left are so hypocritical. And Obama's a sickening assassination machine and getting off on it.

The libs have their god who just chooses now to assassinate any one he wants to and they cheer him on.

‘Militant!’: Current TV Host Goes Nuclear on Obama Admin for al-Awlaki Drone Strike

Posted on July 12, 2012 at 2:23pm by Becket Adams Becket Adams

During a Tuesday broadcast of Current TV’s “The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur,” the show’s host had something of a mini-meltdown as he discussed the details of the military drone strike responsible for the deaths of top al-Qaeda official Anwar al-Awlaki and al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son.

“Would you believe me if I told you that there was a U.S. teenager who grew up in Denver, who was executed without a trial with a drone strike?” Uygur shouted.

“Well, you might believe me if I told you ‘yeah, he was Muslim and he happened to be in Yemen and he was 16-years-old and he was the son of Anwar al-Awlaki.’ Now does that make it any better?” he, again, shouted.

Uygur then showed a Fox exclusive video of the 16-year-old boy.

“Militant?” the Current TV host yelled. “Militant! And you’re going to give a medal to the guy who killed him for bravery? When he was sitting in New Mexico or wherever he was and when he pushed the button?”

Seriously, do Uygur’s headphones need to be turned up? We can hear just fine. Please stop shouting.

“You know our government won’t even tell us if we meant to kill him or not!” he added.

Obama got a double play killing both father and son without a trial.

Nice Prez people. :lol:
Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above

That's really great deflection you're doing right there. You should start that topic's own thread though. This thread is about the bullshit coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about Bain.

Oh for crying out loud. Fortune has already nuked the Mother Jones and Globe ( the plagiarizing sob's) articles.

Fortune just sent the bullshit flying back at the Globe, the Obama campaign machine and Mother Jones.
Shh. Hush now. Let's just wait for the interviews, okay, sugar tits?
Jeremy Scahill, The Nation‘s national security correspondent, is easily one of America’s best and most intrepid journalists. He spends his time in dangerous places in order to uncover what the U.S. Government is doing around the world. He often produces vital scoops that, during the Obama presidency, are — for reasons often recounted here — largely ignored by the American establishment media and both political parties. In July of last year, he returned from Mogadishu and documented the Obama administration’s maintenance and proxy operation of secret CIA-run prisons in Somalia of the type that caused so much controversy during the Bush administration and which Obama supporters like to claim the President ended, and last month he returned from tribal regions in Yemen and detailed how U.S. civilian-killing drone strikes (along with its support for Yemeni despots) are the single most important cause fueling Al Qaeda’s growth in that country. But his newest article – describing President Obama’s personal, direct role in ensuring the ongoing imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist – may be his most important one yet; even for those inured to the abuses of the Obama administration, it’s nothing short of infuriating.

linked above

That's really great deflection you're doing right there. You should start that topic's own thread though. This thread is about the bullshit coming out of Mitt Romney's mouth about Bain.
Hey, YOU brought up being thrown under a bus. That journalist would take that any day over Obama keeping him quiet in a Yemeni prison.

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