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Romney's brazenness surprised Obama at debate.

Greed is already a virtue in conservative circles, I guess we should have expected bearing false witness also.

You mean the way you just did with this post.

No we are getting a clear example of the ends justify the means, you all know your man reversed on many earlier statements to seem more moderate, was he a liar then or in the debate? Doesn't matter either way, his pants are still on fire.
Team Obama will be prepared the next debate.

Obama sucked in the2008 pres debates also.

Has never done well in debates.
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

Ok, so let's say it is true Mitt pulled notes from his pocket. I would much rather have that than Obama who used executive privledge to cover up the Fast and Furious scandal. I would much rather have that than Obama and the DemocRAT party that forced socialized medicine down the throats of Americans against their will. And regardless if it is true or not about Mtt's notes, I would much rather have that, than the liar-in-chief who promised the most transparent administration ever...yet only to completely lie about it. IFFFFFF....there is any truth to Romney using these notes out of his pockets, it vastly pales in comparison to the lies, manipulations and distortions the Obama regime has given us the past 4 years.

You can make all the excuses you want, Obama flat out got his ass handed to him by Romney. And what pisses an arrogant stuck up elitist like you is that you are stuck in the mode that Republicans are dumb and the only way you can have a high intelligence is if you have the letter "D" in front of your name. Well, you just found out that you are about as wrong as can be. Romney made Obama look like an imbecile, and there is no recovering for Obama, that is how bad Romney mad Obama look. Instead of being a partisan hack, maybe you should realize there are actually people out there with high intelligence and they do NOT have a "D" in front of their name. In closing out my reply, I just thought I would let you know I am a Libertarian and you are an idiot.

I don't know where the cheating story came from. But Rachel Maddow cleared it up on her show last Friday night. Maybe the righties would know that if they did not hate her so much for no reason. I've said a million times that the woman does not lie.

In any case, she ran a tape of MR coming on to the stage at the debate. As he reached the podium, you could plainly see him pull something white and small from his pocket. Then he set it on the lectern. The tape later showed him wiping his face with it. It was a handkerchief.

To say that I am not a Romney supporter is putting it mildly. But the truth is the truth. He did not have notes.
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No, he did not. Disagreeing ideologically is NOT a lie. The context and discussion are centered on the 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts claimed by the Liar-in-Chief. Romney never said he would cut taxes by 5 trillion dollars, and the plan he has set out, shows he has not. Obama, on the other hand, is known quiet famously for his lies.

Oh, yes he did!!! If you persist in this it is either one of 2 things. Either YOU are lying or you have not been following this campaign. Everything Romney said in the debate was totally different from what he has said on the campaign trail. Believe it.

Your post is a fairytale.
Step away from your meth lab...If you persist, everyone will know you are a liar.....oh, wait.....they already do.

How would you even know what Romney said on the Campaign trail? It hasn't been shown anywhere by the lame stream media.

Are you kidding?? Every debate he participated in during the primaries was televised!!! Not to mention rallies and speeches from all over the country. But you know that. You're just trying to play dumb. Good job, fool.
He skips 46% of his intelligence briefings, he is a pig fucking criminal.
He thinks we owe him the presidency, fuck him.

Really??? How do you know?? Were you there?? If not, you don't know that. So prove it.
...to brazenly lie like Mitt did.

Okay, let's see if you can discuss this with logic, reason and specificity. Another troll we do not need. So, here goes:

Maybe he did lie, I'm not saying either way, but please quote from Romney that which you believe to be a lie and tell us in your own words why you think it's a lie.

I'm not looking for a links to biased opinions, I'm looking for just one example and why you think it's a lie. Maybe I'll agree and that will be it. Let's see.
"This is a man without a core, a man without substance, a man that will say anything to become president of the United States."

Republican Rudy Giuliani on Romney
...to brazenly lie like Mitt did.

Okay, let's see if you can discuss this with logic, reason and specificity. Another troll we do not need. So, here goes:

Maybe he did lie, I'm not saying either way, but please quote from Romney that which you believe to be a lie and tell us in your own words why you think it's a lie.

I'm not looking for a links to biased opinions, I'm looking for just one example and why you think it's a lie. Maybe I'll agree and that will be it. Let's see.

So far, crickets...
Couple his abysmal reaction to somebody calling him on his bullshit with his abysmal performance in Libya, it has been solidified that he is not ready for prime time.
He showed himself to be the bully that he is and that he'll lie to get what he wants. Ben Stein said Obama was presidential and respectful (which I guess with too many Americans doesn't count for anything). But I'll bet if Obama were behaving like that, he'd get roundly criticized. He was between a rock and a hard place.

You have quite the nerve bitch........

Tell us why you support criminality?????
Axelrod: Romney

Axelrod said Romney was dishonest during the debate, pointing to a contentious charge Obama waged Wednesday evening about his opponent’s tax plan involving $5 trillion in cuts for the wealthy - a claim CNN has rated as false.
“When he said he never proposed $5 trillion in tax cuts, that was dishonest,” said Axelrod, stopping short of saying the Republican challenger lied during the debate. “I'm saying that he was dishonest in his answers. You can characterize that any way you want.”

I guess Obama didn't exspect a devote Mormon to brazenly lie like Mitt did. That was after he pulled the notes from his pocket, which was againsr debate rules. God cannot be happy with Mitt...:mad:

Dear Ruler >>>> $pearls.jpg
The next debate is a Town Hall forum, wonder how Obama is going to act when the peasants get to ask the questions??

I can't wait til Thursday when Biden and Ryan debate! :D
...to brazenly lie like Mitt did.

Okay, let's see if you can discuss this with logic, reason and specificity. Another troll we do not need. So, here goes:

Maybe he did lie, I'm not saying either way, but please quote from Romney that which you believe to be a lie and tell us in your own words why you think it's a lie.

I'm not looking for a links to biased opinions, I'm looking for just one example and why you think it's a lie. Maybe I'll agree and that will be it. Let's see.

So far, crickets...

With so many of our resident lefties screaming about lies, you'd think it would easy to point to just one of those lies. I've been asking for a single example ever since the debate and have yet to find a taker.

Come on Jim, you're the OP. You claimed he lied. Show us just one and why you think it's a lie. How hard could it be when you claim so many lies were uttered.
Just had a revelation!! The left thought Romney was brazen because they support anything and everything the wimp says or does. I think Romney's brazenness was rather Presidential, it's good to see a strong leader stand up for his beliefs. :eusa_clap:
Romeny did not lie, and he did not have any notes.

Looks as if you're the liar here.

Are you fucking kidding? He had 37 lies, at last count, in 38 minutes.
No, he did not. Disagreeing ideologically is NOT a lie. The context and discussion are centered on the 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts claimed by the Liar-in-Chief. Romney never said he would cut taxes by 5 trillion dollars, and the plan he has set out, shows he has not. Obama, on the other hand, is known quiet famously for his lies.

We know that 47% don't pay any federal income taxes. Some have a problem with that, others don't. Personally, I don't because that 47% pays plenty of other taxes, but that is not the point of this. Knowing that 47% don't pay federal income taxes, we also know that of the 53% who do pay, many pay very little. The bulk of the taxes do come from those who make the most, and the bulk of what they pay comes from the top end of their income where they are taxed at the highest rate of 35%. Cutting that rate to 25% is a 28.5% tax decrease on revenue that makes up the bulk of total federal income taxes. While it is difficult to put that into an exact percentage, it is safe to say that the tax decrease is likely to create more than a 30% cut in revenue. Based on income tax comprising approximately 47% of total federal revenue, that decrease amounts to approximately $350 billion to $400 billion this year, and that number increases as the economy grows and tax revenue climbs. Just taking this number at $400 billion, over ten years that equates to $4 trillion. With a growing economy and greater revenue, it is easy to see how we get to $5 trillion.

So when Obama says it's a $5 trillion tax cut, we can see exactly how that works. Now Romney says it's revenue neutral. How is that? He, and Congress, would have to cut enough in other deductions to offset that $5 trillion. So where are those cuts in deductions going to come from? They are going to have to recoup almost one third of total income tax revenue to offset this tax cut, which means somebody is going to see massive tax increases.

Last of all, you can't use the argument that making the tax cuts will grow the economy and increase revenue, because American businesses are already sitting on $2 trillion to $3 trillion in cash and they aren't hiring now. Letting the wealthy keep even more isn't going to change the economy. We saw how well the Bush tax cuts worked. When the economy tanked, federal revenues were decimated, something that did not happen when Reagan was president. When Reagan was fighting the recession of the 80's, federal revenues remained above 19% until they cut the tax rates, and even then it still remained between 17% to 18% of GDP. Obama has had to deal with revenue of 15% of GDP for the last few years, and we wonder why the deficit is so big.
Okay, let's see if you can discuss this with logic, reason and specificity. Another troll we do not need. So, here goes:

Maybe he did lie, I'm not saying either way, but please quote from Romney that which you believe to be a lie and tell us in your own words why you think it's a lie.

I'm not looking for a links to biased opinions, I'm looking for just one example and why you think it's a lie. Maybe I'll agree and that will be it. Let's see.

So far, crickets...

With so many of our resident lefties screaming about lies, you'd think it would easy to point to just one of those lies. I've been asking for a single example ever since the debate and have yet to find a taker.

Come on Jim, you're the OP. You claimed he lied. Show us just one and why you think it's a lie. How hard could it be when you claim so many lies were uttered.

Mitt Romney debates himself - YouTube

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