Romney's "Dog On The Roof" Ride VS Obama's Air-Force One 2009 Joy Ride Over New York.


LOL :lol:
well it did look like ribs, he probably smeared it with Barbeque sauce and ate it. Like An Animal!
Did Obama really eat dogs? Got any proof?
His autobiography. I'm amazed you haven't memorized it by now.

Eating dog is very common in many foreign countries - including Indonesia. So, Obama may have eaten dog as a child, but it was an "adult" Romney who put his dog on the roof.
And letting a dog ride in the bed of a truck or the roof of a car in a kennel is at least something I'd expect down south or way up north. So what? You wanna bitch about the treatment of animals I suggest you get your fauxrage stowed correctly and not just strapped to the hood of your car like a deer you hit vaingloriously hooting out the window what a great hunter you are.

Why would we believe that?


Mittens has lied about every thing else in his life AND every member of that family of crackpots who has spoken about the missing dog has told a different lie about what happened to him.

And that strange cult they belong to? There are other fringe lunatic sects who eat dogs, you know.

What is the real story about the dog's mysterious disappearance?


(Didja find the COUNTRY of Indonesia yet?)
(How about the STATE of Hawaii?)

Because it's in OBama's book. Do you just bat eveything negative away? Conservatives dont turn EVERYTHING into politics like liberals, but here's big O reading his book
Obama Ate Dog – For Special Powers …Update: Here’s Audio | The Gateway Pundit

Why would we believe that?


Mittens has lied about every thing else in his life AND every member of that family of crackpots who has spoken about the missing dog has told a different lie about what happened to him.

And that strange cult they belong to? There are other fringe lunatic sects who eat dogs, you know.

What is the real story about the dog's mysterious disappearance?


(Didja find the COUNTRY of Indonesia yet?)
(How about the STATE of Hawaii?)

Because it's in OBama's book. Do you just bat eveything negative away? Conservatives dont turn EVERYTHING into politics like liberals, but here's big O reading his book
Obama Ate Dog – For Special Powers …Update: Here’s Audio | The Gateway Pundit
I saw that episode of M*A*S*H too. So what? We're not barbarians here.

P-BO ate D-O-G.
The Romney's dog, gas and diarrhea not withstanding, survived a trip on the roof unharmed.

You want to play fauxrage, sure. Your hole card's a low card.

Well the diarrhea episode also demonstrates that Romney isn't afraid to clean up shit. If no one has noticed there is a lot of shit in government that needs to be cleaned up.

Any normal "Non-Kool-Aid Drinking" American is laughing if and when the left is going to accuse Romney of being an animal abuser over "Romney Dogg-Gate". And what about all those dogs running loose in the back of a Ford 150 or Chevy Silverado?

Lets not all forget that $350,000 joy ride when Obama allowed some pilot to take a joy ride around Manhattan for a few pics.
Which is worse? The Doggy on the roof, or your tax-money being used for Obama's Joy Rides?

Isn't Obama's more comparable to Chris Christie taking a helicopter to his kid's game?
how can Obama ever show his face in public without being asked about his dog burgers? Mr Presiden!! Mr President !! Can you tell us if you prefer medium or well done?
Did Obama really eat dogs? Got any proof?
His autobiography. I'm amazed you haven't memorized it by now.

Eating dog is very common in many foreign countries - including Indonesia. So, Obama may have eaten dog as a child, but it was an "adult" Romney who put his dog on the roof.

Its so amazing how you libs flip flop. First you demand proof, then you turn around and start defending the Hussein eating dog meat. All this of course while displaying phoney outrage over Romney's dog taking a ride on top of a car.

What's next? You libs going to outlaw dogs riding in the back of pickup trucks, because its 'animal cruelty'? But I suppose it would be OK to put dog meat on the school lunch menu for asian minority areas because "thats their culture".

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