Romney's new ad - irony at its finest

“What does it say about a president’s character when his campaign tries to use the tragedy of a woman’s death for political gain”


"Conservatives" don't understand irony.
I see that now.

So, you are trying to say that it is irony that Romney is criticising Obama for not distancing himself from the false ad? Perhaps it is irony, but only IF you believe that Romney is doing it solely for political gain. I don't believe he is. I believe he is completely justified in calling out the Obama campaign for allowing the ad to be published without a challenge or a single word from Obama.

Left wing partisan hacks will try to point at the irony in order to avert attention from the sameful act by Obama of not distancing himself from the ad.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

"Joe Soptic suffered when he lost his job in the aftermath of the GST Steel plant closing, and no one is denying that he discussed that when he appeared in a campaign advertisement and on a conference call," LaBolt said by email.

"The important point here is that Mitt Romney's campaign is based solely on his experience as a corporate buyout specialist, and while he has been quick to claim he created jobs, he refuses to accept responsibility for the jobs that were lost and workers that were impacted," the spokesman said.

the facts behind Joe Soptic's allegations are what the Republicans have failed to disprove and only reinforce its message with their defections -

another story as with mittens Tax returns, being as legs on a Millepede walking their way till the final returns in November.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

"Joe Soptic suffered when he lost his job in the aftermath of the GST Steel plant closing, and no one is denying that he discussed that when he appeared in a campaign advertisement and on a conference call," LaBolt said by email.

"The important point here is that Mitt Romney's campaign is based solely on his experience as a corporate buyout specialist, and while he has been quick to claim he created jobs, he refuses to accept responsibility for the jobs that were lost and workers that were impacted," the spokesman said.

the facts behind Joe Soptic's allegations are what the Republicans have failed to disprove and only reinforce its message with their defections -

another story as with mittens Tax returns, being as legs on a Millepede walking their way till the final returns in November.

You're out of touch. There are very little facts in his statements and there are a mountain of facts left out. For instance:

1. Romney wasn't part of the operations of Bain at the time, he was in charge of the Olympics.

2. Scoptic's wife had insurance of her own when Joe was laid off, then she lost hers, which had nothing to do with Romney or Bain.
"Conservatives" don't understand irony.
I see that now.

So, you are trying to say that it is irony that Romney is criticising Obama for not distancing himself from the false ad? Perhaps it is irony, but only IF you believe that Romney is doing it solely for political gain. I don't believe he is. I believe he is completely justified in calling out the Obama campaign for allowing the ad to be published without a challenge or a single word from Obama.

Left wing partisan hacks will try to point at the irony in order to avert attention from the sameful act by Obama of not distancing himself from the ad.

It's ironic that Romney would use a dead woman for scoring points while claiming someone else should be ashamed for doing it.

In case you don't get it, Romney is using a dead woman to score points.
It's ironic that Romney would use a dead woman for scoring points while claiming someone else should be ashamed for doing it.

In case you don't get it, Romney is using a dead woman to score points.

How is he using a dead woman to score points? He's using a shameful ad to score political points.
Obama camp denies knowledge of cancer tale it told in May | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

"Joe Soptic suffered when he lost his job in the aftermath of the GST Steel plant closing, and no one is denying that he discussed that when he appeared in a campaign advertisement and on a conference call," LaBolt said by email.

"The important point here is that Mitt Romney's campaign is based solely on his experience as a corporate buyout specialist, and while he has been quick to claim he created jobs, he refuses to accept responsibility for the jobs that were lost and workers that were impacted," the spokesman said.

the facts behind Joe Soptic's allegations are what the Republicans have failed to disprove and only reinforce its message with their defections -

another story as with mittens Tax returns, being as legs on a Millepede walking their way till the final returns in November.

You're out of touch. There are very little facts in his statements and there are a mountain of facts left out. For instance:

1. Romney wasn't part of the operations of Bain at the time, he was in charge of the Olympics.

2. Scoptic's wife had insurance of her own when Joe was laid off, then she lost hers, which had nothing to do with Romney or Bain.

Obama supporter defends his story in super PAC ad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"I'm not blaming him for her death," he told the Journal. "I wouldn't do that."

Soptic acknowledged that his wife had insurance through her employer after he lost his job at GST Steel, though she eventually left her job because of an injury and lost her coverage as well. After he found another, lower-paying job, he said his family could not afford insurance.

Though he said he's not "blaming" Romney for his wife's death, Soptic told the Journal that because of Bain's management of GST, he lost the health care that would have given his wife a better quality of life.

Bill Burton, co-founder of Priorities USA Action, also defended his super PAC's ad. He said on CNN Wednesday night that it's "absolutely not true" that the ad blames Romney for the death of Soptic's wife.

"The point of this ad is that -- you know, it's to tell the story of one guy, Joe Soptic, and the impact on his life that happened for years, and to this day, as a result of decisions that Mitt Romney made," he said. "What we're saying is that Joe Soptic was fired from his job, and as a result of that, he wasn't able to get -- he wasn't able to hold onto health care benefits that were promised to him. And as a result, when his wife got sick, he didn't have health care."

GST Steel | Romney Economics

Kansas City’s GST Steel was a successful company that had been making steel rods for 105 years when Mitt Romney and his partners took control in 1993.

PredFan;5785503: 1. Romney wasn't part of the operations of Bain at the time, he was in charge of the Olympics.

when Mitt Romney and his partners took control in 1993 - - - as a result of decisions that Mitt Romney made

yes, Romney was who took over the steel plant and profited from its closure.

and yes the facts of Joe Soptic's account are accurate and reflect the type of business Romney involved himself with and how he made his fortune - at other peoples expense - is the correct message demonstrated by the add.
Here is how campaign finance rules on superpacs works. Neither the candidate nor his campaign can have contact with or approve or disapporove any superpac ads. They have to keep an arm's distance and unfortunately that can create hard feelings and misunderstandings all the way around. Obama can't condemn it.
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the facts behind Joe Soptic's allegations are what the Republicans have failed to disprove and only reinforce its message with their defections -

another story as with mittens Tax returns, being as legs on a Millepede walking their way till the final returns in November.

You're out of touch. There are very little facts in his statements and there are a mountain of facts left out. For instance:

1. Romney wasn't part of the operations of Bain at the time, he was in charge of the Olympics.

2. Scoptic's wife had insurance of her own when Joe was laid off, then she lost hers, which had nothing to do with Romney or Bain.

PredFan;5785503: 1. Romney wasn't part of the operations of Bain at the time, he was in charge of the Olympics.

when Mitt Romney and his partners took control in 1993 - - - as a result of decisions that Mitt Romney made

yes, Romney was who took over the steel plant and profited from its closure.

and yes the facts of Joe Soptic's account are accurate and reflect the type of business Romney involved himself with and how he made his fortune - at other peoples expense - is the correct message demonstrated by the add.

Soptic's story is utter bullshit and frankly, only an idiot would buy any of it. Soptic was offered a buyout, he declined. Also, his wife had insurance. Laying his wife's death on Romney's doorstep is the height of abject dishonesty and frankly, pretty scummy.

Factoid.... businesses go out of business all the time... you're not guaranteed health insurance for life when you take a job. WTF is wrong with you people?
Here is how campaign finance rules on superpacs works. Neither the candidate nor his campaign can have contact with or approve or disapporove any superpac ads. They have to keep an arm's distance and unfortunately that can create hard feelings and misunderstandings all the way around. Obama can't condemn it.

Yep... that explains why in Obama's ad Joe Soptic is wearing the same clothes, same hair do, same office.... everything matches the dead lady ad made by super PAC ad.

Sure... no contact :up:
Right, not Obama. But Mitten's voice is at the end of his ad approving it.

I know sweetheart - but Obama "denying" he had anything to do with/had knowledge
of the "dead lady" advertisement is a bold-faced lie on his part.

He can't have any coordination with any superpac. If he did it would be against the law.

Like the DOJ is going to do anything to Obama.... he has a free pass to get away with whatsoever he chooses.
There is a history of it with this regime.
Yea well, another grand lie by the Liar-in-Chief.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki acknowledged Thursday that the campaign was no longer pleading ignorance about the story of a man who has appeared in both a super PAC ad and a campaign ad. "No one is denying he was in one of our campaign ads. He was on a conference call telling his story," Psaki told reporters on Air Force One.

Yea, he said they had no knowledge of this. bahahahahahah

Obama Camp: Okay, Maybe We Did Know Soptic's Story After All - Guy Benson
I see that now.

So, you are trying to say that it is irony that Romney is criticising Obama for not distancing himself from the false ad? Perhaps it is irony, but only IF you believe that Romney is doing it solely for political gain. I don't believe he is. I believe he is completely justified in calling out the Obama campaign for allowing the ad to be published without a challenge or a single word from Obama.

Left wing partisan hacks will try to point at the irony in order to avert attention from the sameful act by Obama of not distancing himself from the ad.

It's ironic that Romney would use a dead woman for scoring points while claiming someone else should be ashamed for doing it.

In case you don't get it, Romney is using a dead woman to score points.

Romney is calling Obama out for his shameful act of not distancing himself from an ad that is blatantly wrong. there may be some irony in it, but it's justified and you are simply trying to deflect from the fact that Obama is wrong for not distancing himself from the ad.

In case you don't get it, the irony is meaningless.

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