Romper Room Or Presidential Debate


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
That is what is boils down to.Donald Trump had a frozen very serious
look on his face.His opponent looked like she just got through at
the Beauty Parlor and was looking to do some shopping at the nearest
version of Neiman Marcus.She was joyous.Just itchin' to show off her
latest Trump { Lamestream Legacy Media } lies with an affirmative
smile as if she's got the world by the hands.
Contrary ... President Trump looked deadly serious.A never before seen
Trump facial look.He meant bidness.Like when he ran and WON in 2016.
We know how serious Trump's Presidency was.How fast he could react to
things that needed immediaten attention.This Kamala the Harris has no
such look,least of witch ability to take care of bidness.What's on her plate virtually
every day is to find ways to pass the buck.Blame others for her and her
partner Joe's infinite lack of anything remotely Presidential.And who it affects.
Trump also has an ear and nose Like a Sherlock Holmes } when it comes to
investigating and getting to the bottom.This Kamala the Harris is an energy bunny
who is more consumed with obviousness like how and when to laugh { cackle }
and do some female Houdini number and disappear when Duty calls.
She is truly a nasty Pol and person.That is why she had an office of
staff who walked out because she was too ballbusting and impudent
and couldn't even manage to take a minute or two and talk to staff as if
human.Maybe because She cannot pass the Human test.
In that vein,Trump succeeded.He brought out the indisputable
Nasty Witch looking to be Potus. Witches as lore would have it are
manipulators who live to cast spells and do harm.
Trump is the Opposite of a Witch.He's a Superman.Fast on his feet
and dresses the same but always can be depended on to get things
done and nab some bad guy.Or in last nights case ... Bad Gal.
As If this Kamala the Harris could ever be talked about as if some Gal.
Not after last night.The book is closed on that pipe dream.
MSNBC ... Go back to hell where you belong.
Luciferians of the first order.
That is what is boils down to.Donald Trump had a frozen very serious
look on his face.His opponent looked like she just got through at
the Beauty Parlor and was looking to do some shopping at the nearest
version of Neiman Marcus.She was joyous.Just itchin' to show off her
latest Trump { Lamestream Legacy Media } lies with an affirmative
smile as if she's got the world by the hands.
Contrary ... President Trump looked deadly serious.A never before seen
Trump facial look.He meant bidness.Like when he ran and WON in 2016.
We know how serious Trump's Presidency was.How fast he could react to
things that needed immediaten attention.This Kamala the Harris has no
such look,least of witch ability to take care of bidness.What's on her plate virtually
every day is to find ways to pass the buck.Blame others for her and her
partner Joe's infinite lack of anything remotely Presidential.And who it affects.
Trump also has an ear and nose Like a Sherlock Holmes } when it comes to
investigating and getting to the bottom.This Kamala the Harris is an energy bunny
who is more consumed with obviousness like how and when to laugh { cackle }
and do some female Houdini number and disappear when Duty calls.
She is truly a nasty Pol and person.That is why she had an office of
staff who walked out because she was too ballbusting and impudent
and couldn't even manage to take a minute or two and talk to staff as if
human.Maybe because She cannot pass the Human test.
In that vein,Trump succeeded.He brought out the indisputable
Nasty Witch looking to be Potus. Witches as lore would have it are
manipulators who live to cast spells and do harm.
Trump is the Opposite of a Witch.He's a Superman.Fast on his feet
and dresses the same but always can be depended on to get things
done and nab some bad guy.Or in last nights case ... Bad Gal.
As If this Kamala the Harris could ever be talked about as if some Gal.
Not after last night.The book is closed on that pipe dream.
MSNBC ... Go back to hell where you belong.
Luciferians of the first order.
Wow. Sounds like you just need a good cry. I know it was devastating for you to see trump crash and burn so badly, but you need to at least try to maintain some connection with reality. The fantasy's you just described are not real.
Wow. Sounds like you just need a good cry. I know it was devastating for you to see trump crash and burn so badly, but you need to at least try to maintain some connection with reality. The fantasy's you just described are not real.
Ever bother to notice how Kamala the Harris could not
directly address the most basic of explanations.Of course we all
know why ... Today.Because Trump was spot-on again.Warning us
about ABC.It was virtually 3 against 1.
Kamala Harris had to waste time using Lies as usual.
Then insisting Trump is the Liar.
When directly questioned and asked by Trump why she hasn't
in almost 4 years Closed the border.And gave some factual advice.
That she could after the Debate fly back to Washington D.C.
after lugging along Joe the Absent { Not merely Absent Minded }
Potus and sign a bill Officially Shutting down the border.
It need not rely on Congress voting.No more than Infirmed Joe
deciding all by his lonesome to Shut-down the Keystone Pipeline.
Of course you have a Nifty lie all practiced to explain dat.
Obama finally got around in 2015 to reject Keystone XL
by including it as a provision in an unrelated tax bill.
When Trump took office he invited parent company TC Energy
to reapply for a new permit.
States are the ones who should have the authority to
shutdown such a Project { Pipeline }.
Not lazy Joe and some fancy oval office pen.
Or colluding with a known Marxist { Canada's Trudeau. }
That is what is boils down to.Donald Trump had a frozen very serious
look on his face.His opponent looked like she just got through at
the Beauty Parlor and was looking to do some shopping at the nearest
version of Neiman Marcus.She was joyous.Just itchin' to show off her
latest Trump { Lamestream Legacy Media } lies with an affirmative
smile as if she's got the world by the hands.
Contrary ... President Trump looked deadly serious.A never before seen
Trump facial look.He meant bidness.Like when he ran and WON in 2016.
We know how serious Trump's Presidency was.How fast he could react to
things that needed immediaten attention.This Kamala the Harris has no
such look,least of witch ability to take care of bidness.What's on her plate virtually
every day is to find ways to pass the buck.Blame others for her and her
partner Joe's infinite lack of anything remotely Presidential.And who it affects.
Trump also has an ear and nose Like a Sherlock Holmes } when it comes to
investigating and getting to the bottom.This Kamala the Harris is an energy bunny
who is more consumed with obviousness like how and when to laugh { cackle }
and do some female Houdini number and disappear when Duty calls.
She is truly a nasty Pol and person.That is why she had an office of
staff who walked out because she was too ballbusting and impudent
and couldn't even manage to take a minute or two and talk to staff as if
human.Maybe because She cannot pass the Human test.
In that vein,Trump succeeded.He brought out the indisputable
Nasty Witch looking to be Potus. Witches as lore would have it are
manipulators who live to cast spells and do harm.
Trump is the Opposite of a Witch.He's a Superman.Fast on his feet
and dresses the same but always can be depended on to get things
done and nab some bad guy.Or in last nights case ... Bad Gal.
As If this Kamala the Harris could ever be talked about as if some Gal.
Not after last night.The book is closed on that pipe dream.
MSNBC ... Go back to hell where you belong.
Luciferians of the first order.
Wow, that comes off as a pretty desperate attempt at deflection even through your daily brain fog of obfuscation.
Wow. Sounds like you just need a good cry. I know it was devastating for you to see trump crash and burn so badly, but you need to at least try to maintain some connection with reality. The fantasy's you just described are not real.
The only true thing Real about the Legacy media and Kamala
the Harris is their fullblown non-stop use or Lying no matter what.
Nothing is left off the table when it comes to Lying.
This isn't just a new world-shaking transformation of
what America stood for and demanded [ Trying to maintain
truthfullness } but an inversion of mindfullness.
Like what the word - Trans - means.It means to Transform.
From a Guy to a gal.Or vice versa.
From a dedicated American to a fullblown Marxist.
Wow, that comes off as a pretty desperate attempt at deflection even through your daily brain fog of obfuscation.
Real Americans go to record Trump Rallys for a reason.
Deflection is not necessary when Trump runs the show.
He's direct { sometimes too direct } and hard-headed when
things are Not negotiable.He's The most recognized man
and personality on planet Earth.
This Kamala the Harris at best is Crabgrass compared to
Trump's meticulous applied Bentgrass { used on the best
golf courses }.
Trump can and will bend to reason and productivity.
Kamala has no interest in such pursuits.
Trump is spot-on.Kamala has a mission.To take this country
down as far and as fast as congesssionally possible.
Nothing else explains her malfeasance of office.
ABC should never be allowed to host another presidential debate. That network has a blackeye from this trainwreck.
The Morning after last night's Presidential Debate at the
9/11 WTC Honoring .... Trump and Vance are greeted with
huge cheers.Can't make that up.It was real.
Not Rehearsed like Kamala the Harris entire Drama
show last night.Again Real Americans know and respect
true American Partiots like J.D.Vance and Donald Trump.
You can't make that kind of dedication and respect up.
Not on whole cloth or at some Legacy media
Hootenanny appearance.
Yes, so the rest of the folks in the Nation can be informed about just how deraigned he is.
How deranged was he considered when he ran - The Apprentice -.
Or at ANY Trump Rally.
Seems you have less than a smidgen of sense all told.
No human ever existed that was free from being hated.
Like he repeated a few times last night.He reminded us last
night ... No President ever received more votes than he did in 2019.
Biden was not President at the time.
How many days or weeks did it take to get the vote totals
in 2019.Plus Biden won 477 counties in 2019 to Obama's
873 in 2008.Obama got 69 million votes.
Trump got 74 million votes in 2019 and won 2,497 counties.
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