Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

No one is doing anything to blacks in this country other than you and your racist party. Any black who doesn't say what white lefties in your party tell them to learns how racist your party is when they are called racist names and none of the rest of you speak up ever
Off topic.
You got nuthin', dud. You're just flinging turds. If you're seriously going to suggest that libertarians are fickle and inconsistent, well, you're utterly detached from reality. It's a common malady these days.

lol says the fantasy land cultist.
A big chunk of the homosexuals support "pedophile normalization" = legalizing homo kiddie rape

The Founder of the American homosexual rights hoax was Harry Hay, a Communist and NAMBLA supporter, same as David Thorstad, another Communist and NAMBLA founder. NAMBLA was one of the founding organizations of the ILGA, along with their kiddie raper counterparts in Europe. Check out pges 4,5 and 6, and read all about their support for NAMBLA and Thorstad's own words.

Check out Harry Hay and his 'NAMBLA WAlks With Me' signs he carried in 'Pride' marches, then read The Progressive Magazine's gushing over the sick fuck here. For some reason they leave out he's a big kiddie raper advocate, like most of the faggot 'community' is and why they're so triggered in these threads when theri agenda is brought to light and they can't refute it.

Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name. He wrote: "This courageous and visionary man launched the modern gay-rights movement even in the teeth of McCarthyism." In 1950 Hay started the first modern gay-rights organization, the underground Mattachine Society, which took its name from a dance performed by masked, unmarried peasant men in Renaissance France, often to protest oppressive landlords. According to Hay's 1996 book, Radically Gay, the performances of these fraternities satirized religious and political power.

So, when people used to say 'commie faggot', they weren't lying or making up anything, they were stating the facts. The only reason Faggots pretend they don't like NAMBLA is simply because of the 'bad optics' they got when Jesse HElms raised a stink about them; they didn't mind at all the previous 17 years when it was one of their leading organizations.
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Good Lord, can you believe it? I can and I can't. So there is that. Anyone remember Jeremiah Wright?
Well you should. Obama went to Wright's church and Wright made some controversial sermons.
And guess what? The Republican's seized that opportunity to make Obama look bad.
Why in the world would anyone vote for this? If I vote (and I am not going to) I would probably chose a candidate the LIED and said they went to Church when I know they didn't.
I found this part very interesting
Conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.
I believe this. I don't believe in it, I believe the statement.

Now that you know DeSantis attends church and listens to this, has your opinion of him changed?

And YES, this is posted in the correct forum Politics "Discuss government policies and candidates..." We are discussing Ron DeSantis and the fact he listens to sermons calling for death to GAY's :smoochEE:

The pastor who delivered the invocation at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) second inauguration has said that gay people should be put to death.

Tom Ascol — senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida — made his comment on Twitter while criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). On Monday, Cruz issued a tweet criticizing Uganda’s new “Anti-Homosexuality Act,” a law that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with death.

Cruz’s tweet called the law “horrific & wrong,” adding, “Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

Ascol disagreed, writing on Tuesday, “Tell it to God, Ted.”

The pastor then cited Leviticus 20:13, the Old Testament verse that says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

Ascol asked, “Was this law God gave to His old covenant people ‘horrific and wrong’?”

Leviticus’ ancient Biblical laws also require the death penalty for anyone who practices fortune telling, curses their mother or father, accidentally kills someone else’s animal, or commits blasphemy. Other Old Testament laws demand death for anyone who charges interest on loans or works on Saturdays.

Most contemporary Christians don’t follow these ancient Biblical laws and say that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ made them obsolete. However, conservative Christians tend to cite Leviticus 20:13 as proof that God shares their hatred of LGBTQ+ people.

Did the Pastor ever say this in a sermon in front of his congregation?

If he had said this in a sermon in front of DeSantis, DeSantis should have got up and walked out of the church. If he never said anything like this in front of a congregation then how was DeSantis to know he is so racist? I doubt if DeSantis reads the Twitter account of his pastor and even if he does, the pastor might not have posted anything so stupid In the past.

People say the dumbest things on Twitter. Maybe the pastor was hitting the wine a bit hard while posting.

If a tape pops up that shows DeSantis in the congregation listening to a racist sermon I will take this information more seriously.

I’m sure the liberal media will talk about this 24/7 for a week. All conservatives are always racist plus they are all fascist Nazis To liberals.
Public spectacle is not acceptable. Homosexual rape is a death sentence... Otherwise gays live and work, live their lives and are basically invisible. You don't know anything about the Muslim world.
Bwaaaaahhaaaaa......Not that i only spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia. No, i have no idea what happens when they throw women off the tallest tower in a burlap sack and if she still lives is then stoned. Or how two men get caught in the act, then are displayed for the immoral actions against Allah, take to the sacrificial alter and beheaded in front of the crowd. Nope i have no idea what the Muslims do......

You are a moron, and if you pulled your head out of your ass, and actually look what is happening in the world, you might keep your head, instead of losing it to a Radical Muslim who hates all westerners...
No one wants to force the Gay Agenda on you. No one at all.

Except for .....

--boys using the girls bathroom
--boys using the girls locker room
--boys competing in girls sports, taking their place on teams, their trophies, awards, and scholarships
--pushing the mutilation and sterilizing of young children
--forcing us to use pronouns that don't relate to actual english

But no...they don't want to force the gay agenda on, not at all....

Notice that all of the above involve attacks on our children....
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Did the Pastor ever say this in a sermon in front of his congregation?

If he had said this in a sermon in front of DeSantis, DeSantis should have got up and walked out of the church. If he never said anything like this in front of a congregation then how was DeSantis to know he is so racist? I doubt if DeSantis reads the Twitter account of his pastor and even if he does, the pastor might not have posted anything so stupid In the past.

People say the dumbest things on Twitter. Maybe the pastor was hitting the wine a bit hard while posting.

If a tape pops up that shows DeSantis in the congregation listening to a racist sermon I will take this information more seriously.

I’m sure the liberal media will talk about this 24/7 for a week. All conservatives are always racist plus they are all fascist Nazis To liberals.

No....don't take it seriously....

The democrats lost the ability to use this kind of crap when they nominated and made obama President....he sat in an actual, virulently racist and anti-semitic church for 20 years.......the racist and anti-semitic pastor of that church married him and michelle and batized their daughters...

20 years in that church.....but now for Desantis it is an issue....

Then throw in the fact....the fact....that obama is a good friend to louis farakhan....known racist, anti-semite.....and homophobe......he and the congressional black caucus honored farakhan....racist, anti-semitic, homophobe....with a dinner.........

Then throw in the fact that obama hosted al sharpton.....racist, anti-semitic, and "those greek homos...." the white house over and over again...

So no, there is no taking this seriously with those facts on the table...

When the democrat party rejects their actual racist President, obama.....their anti-semitic President....obama.....then we can start the conversation over again...

Till then, this bullshit against Desantis won't fly.....
No one wants to force the Gay Agenda on you. No one at all.

Children getting operations while hiding it from their parents, showing children vivid sexual content, calling anyone who disagrees with you names. Yeah, you are pushing the fuck of an agenda.

Leaving gays alone was the policy before you racist leftists pushed your agenda in
Children getting operations while hiding it from their parents, showing children vivid sexual content, calling anyone who disagrees with you names. Yeah, you are pushing the fuck of an agenda.

Leaving gays alone was the policy before you racist leftists pushed your agenda in

Yep.........then all of a sudden it was an all out push to groom all of a sudden protecting children is "hating gays."
Bwaaaaahhaaaaa......Not that i only spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia. No, i have no idea what happens when they throw women off the tallest tower in a burlap sack and if she still lives is then stoned. Or how two men get caught in the act, then are displayed for the immoral actions against Allah, take to the sacrificial alter and beheaded in front of the crowd. Nope i have no idea what the Muslims do......

You are a moron, and if you pulled your head out of your ass, and actually look what is happening in the world, you might keep your head, instead of losing it to a Radical Muslim who hates all westerners...

Islam actually was about improving the rights of women compared to under the previous Judaism or Christianity.
Mohammad increased women's rights by allowing them to own property, divorce, inherit, etc.
He was grateful for his marriage to a wealthy widow.
The problems with countries like Saudi Arabia do not at all come from Islam, but from older tribal, Judaic, or Christian laws.
Islam actually was about improving the rights of women compared to under the previous Judaism or Christianity.
Mohammad increased women's rights by allowing them to own property, divorce, inherit, etc.
He was grateful for his marriage to a wealthy widow.
The problems with countries like Saudi Arabia do not at all come from Islam, but from older tribal, Judaic, or Christian laws.

Then in the last Millenium ....
I know you're stupid and all, but it's clearly on topic to show that the OP is a liar
You’re the delusional moron who said that being called names was “just like” being sentenced to prison for life.

And you call other people stupid?

You really don’t have to look hard to find the Christian fascists who wish to eradicate the people they find undesirable.

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