Ron DeSantis’ pastor says gay people should be “put to death”

My wife is a conservative Christian so I've gone to Christian churches for decades and I've never met a conservative Christian who says that, you're a liar and a racist who hates this country and wants to start trouble

I'm a conservative Christian... I've never thought homosexuals should be put to death, God will handle it

Now Muslims....
No, actually, we don't......

We want you to leave children do what you want as adults....but keep your hands off of children....

For hundreds of years, no one in America bothered or cared about transsexuals and drag queens. Then THEY chose to wage a political war against us normal people. After nearly two-hundred years of peaceful co-existence,

leftist transsexuals and drag queens rose up all at once to target our children for grooming and surgical mutilation; cheat in women’s sports; demand access to our daughter’s bathrooms, and bully us to join their anti-science delusion with their stupid pronouns.

Then, because we want no part of that madness, suddenly, the same people who left transsexuals alone for 250 years are the enemy… We’re transphobes… We’re committing “trans genocide,”—which is a hoax

Nolte: Four Transsexual Mass Shooters in Less than Five Years
It’s not just gay Americans.

Conservatives believe that minorities in general should be discriminated against and have their Constitutional rights violated.

Listen, we have another member here, Penelope who started a thread all about Florida's treatment of her daughter

you get over there and tell her that she is wrong..


Get over there

That isn't Penelope's kid, you doofus...she just didn't highlight the quote from the article....

What bullshit.......just more bullshit............the kid wants to use the wrong bathroom.......and if he simply uses it without making a spectacle of himself, he can use it without a problem if he can pass as female........but for the trans gestapo......the spectacle and victimhood is the goal........

Utter bullshit..........
the difference between you and me is

You hate them

And I don't give a fuck about them or what they do as long as children are not involved....

I said let people who want to go, go. That's hardly hate. You know, hate, like what you do to Republicans and blacks who care to think differently than you and your racist white ass
It’s not just gay Americans.

Conservatives believe that minorities in general should be discriminated against and have their Constitutional rights violated.

So since all you have to argue are lies, maybe you should take a good, hard look at yourself
It’s not just gay Americans.

Conservatives believe that minorities in general should be discriminated against and have their Constitutional rights violated.
Exactly! That is why I ditched the Republicans.
It’s not just gay Americans.

Conservatives believe that minorities in general should be discriminated against and have their Constitutional rights violated.

You truly are a vile human being.....the democrats are actively segregating our society by race, religion, sexual preference, and turning to violence more and more to get it done.....and you blame normal people for this...

20 Woe to wthose who call evil good

and good evil,

xwho put darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who put bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are ywise in their own eyes,

and shrewd in their own sight

Right, deport people here illegally, not everyone who isn't white
the difference between you and me is

You hate them

And I don't give a fuck about them or what they do as long as children are not involved....

don't give a fuck about them or what they do as long as children are not involved.... just cited the laws in Florida........

You must be a transphobe.......and gay hater...
I'm a conservative Christian... I've never thought homosexuals should be put to death, God will handle it

Now Muslims....

I've had a lot of good Muslim friends. Muslims in this country overwhelmingly appreciate being here. They are credited with why we haven't had a 9/11 type attack since 9/11. They don't want this country to be turned into Europe or the Middle East. And they inform the cops when they hear attacks being planned
According to God's Word homosexuality is an abomination

There are all sorts of sins. We should worry about ourselves and let God worry about others. Though I don't personally care about people who aren't harming anyone. I'm totally with you and DeSantis about not doing it to our children, but adults not hurting anyone? Not my problem, or yours
I've had a lot of good Muslim friends. Muslims in this country overwhelmingly appreciate being here. They are credited with why we haven't had a 9/11 type attack since 9/11. They don't want this country to be turned into Europe or the Middle East. And they inform the cops when they hear attacks being planned

Not all Muslims are bad. Every religion has extremists. At our outreach a Muslim group shows up every month or so. They're decent people. But the fact remains I've heard and read about Muslims killing gays...not so much from Christians
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I've had a lot of good Muslim friends. Muslims in this country overwhelmingly appreciate being here. They are credited with why we haven't had a 9/11 type attack since 9/11. They don't want this country to be turned into Europe or the Middle East. And they inform the cops when they hear attacks being planned
yeah yeah and Trump heard them chanting...
There are all sorts of sins. We should worry about ourselves and let God worry about others. Though I don't personally care about people who aren't harming anyone. I'm totally with you and DeSantis about not doing it to our children, but adults not hurting anyone? Not my problem, or yours

I'll disagree with that, when gays try and force their agenda, and they do, that is directed at me. I've always said, be gay I don't care but the moment you try to force me to accept it that's where it stops
Not all Muslims are bad. Every religion has extremists. At our outreach a Muslim group shows up every month or so. They're decent people. But the fact remains I've heard and read about Muslims killing gays...not so much from Christians

True, and Democrats claim the reverse just because they are racists and liars, I agree with you on that. According to Democrats, we should care about the Crusades a thousand years ago more than Muslims living today and Democrats don't care at all about Muslims in the ME killing gays
I'll disagree with that, when gays try and force their agenda, and they do, that is directed at me. I've always said, be gay I don't care but the moment you try to force me to accept it that's where it stops

I was talking about gays being gay, not politics. Leftists are racists, gay leftists included

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