Ron Paul On CNN's State Of The Union - Sunday January 29th...

That was awful. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or die of boredom. Remind me why anyone in the GOP should care about this senile leftist?

Based on the evidence Ron Paul is no "senile leftist". Far from it, in fact. He's a thorn in his opponents' side, on account of the fact that his popularity is rooted in his message; not how many corporate/political wheels he can grease and the galas he throws. He's a breath of fresh air who isn't afraid to dispute some of his party's traditions i.e - he's opposed to selling America down the river, and doesn't want to perpetuate fruitless foreign allegiances that have only given headaches to previous administrations. He wants the best for his nation. He wants to put America first. I wish him the best of luck in his campaign for the presidency.

He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

Because he's a senile candidate that everyone in his party wishes would cease drawing controversial attention to himself and his colleagues, or because he's raised some uncomfortable but valid issues that pertain to the GOP's traditional manifesto and its representatives? Something tells me it's the latter.
Based on the evidence Ron Paul is no "senile leftist". Far from it, in fact. He's a thorn in his opponents' side, on account of the fact that his popularity is rooted in his message; not how many corporate/political wheels he can grease and the galas he throws. He's a breath of fresh air who isn't afraid to dispute some of his party's traditions i.e - he's opposed to selling America down the river, and doesn't want to perpetuate fruitless foreign allegiances that have only given headaches to previous administrations. He wants the best for his nation. He wants to put America first. I wish him the best of luck in his campaign for the presidency.

He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

Because he's a senile candidate that everyone in his party wishes would cease drawing controversial attention to himself and his colleagues, or because he's raised some uncomfortable but valid issues that pertain to the GOP's traditional manifesto and its representatives? Something tells me it's the latter.
Actually because he has been braying the same shit for 30 years, done exactly nothing in Congress during that time, and his support is largely limited to stoned kids on the internet.
He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

Because he's a senile candidate that everyone in his party wishes would cease drawing controversial attention to himself and his colleagues, or because he's raised some uncomfortable but valid issues that pertain to the GOP's traditional manifesto and its representatives? Something tells me it's the latter.
Actually because he has been braying the same shit for 30 years, done exactly nothing in Congress during that time, and his support is largely limited to stoned kids on the internet.

I sincerely doubt that.
That was awful. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or die of boredom. Remind me why anyone in the GOP should care about this senile leftist?

Based on the evidence Ron Paul is no "senile leftist". Far from it, in fact. He's a thorn in his opponents' side, on account of the fact that his popularity is rooted in his message; not how many corporate/political wheels he can grease and the galas he throws. He's a breath of fresh air who isn't afraid to dispute some of his party's traditions i.e - he's opposed to selling America down the river, and doesn't want to perpetuate fruitless foreign allegiances that have only given headaches to previous administrations. He wants the best for his nation. He wants to put America first. I wish him the best of luck in his campaign for the presidency.

He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

To there own detriment. Ignoring a man who 10 years ago predicted the current 'state of affairs' is pretty stupid...
I don't have enough posts to insert the video, but you can find it easy enough...

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) on Youtube...
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Being new here I'm not sure if I should step on your tail, but isn't there a bit of cognitive dissonance in touting the Bill of Rights in your signature and avatar while dissing the 10th Amendment in your statement?

Paul and his supporters, along with many conservatives, incorrectly believe the 10th Amendment authorizes the states to reject Federal laws they consider ’un-Constitutional,’ or conflict with state laws, or that the Federal courts have no authority over state legislators.

Constitutional case law illustrates this to be untrue.

Since the First Quarter of the 19th Century the Supreme Court has acknowledge the supremacy of Congress over the states, and Congress’ authority to enact Federal legislation per the unremunerated powers provided in the Constitution: See: McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden

That the 10th Amendment doesn’t authorize the states to ignore Federal law was reaffirmed in United States v. Darby

From the beginning and for many years, the [Tenth A]mendment has been construed as not depriving the national government of authority to resort to all means for the exercise of a granted power which are appropriate and plainly adapted to the permitted end. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 1 Wheat. 304, 324, 325; McCulloch v. Maryland, supra, 405, 406; Gordon v. United States, 117 U.S. 697, 705; Lottery Case, supra; Northern Securities Co. v. United States, supra, 344-345; Everard's Breweries v. Day, supra, 558; United States v. Sprague, 282 U.S. 716, 733; see United States v. The Brigantine William, 28 Fed.Cas. No. 16,700, p. 622. Whatever doubts may have arisen of the soundness of that conclusion, they have been put at rest by the decisions under the Sherman Act and the National Labor Relations Act which we have cited. See also Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 297 U.S. 288, 330-331; Wright v. Union Central Ins. Co., 304 U.S. 502, 516.

In Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the court finally put to rest the myth of ‘states’ rights,’ ruling that the states were subject to the Federal courts, and decisions by the Supreme Court:

No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it. Chief Justice Marshall spoke for a unanimous Court in saying that: "If the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery . . . ." United States v. Peters, 5 Cranch 115, 136. A Governor who asserts a [358 U.S. 1, 19] power to nullify a federal court order is similarly restrained. If he had such power, said Chief Justice Hughes, in 1932, also for a unanimous Court, "it is manifest that the fiat of a state Governor, and not the Constitution of the United States, would be the supreme law of the land; that the restrictions of the Federal Constitution upon the exercise of state power would be but impotent phrases . . . ." Sterling v. Constantin, 287 U.S. 378, 397 -398.

FindLaw | Cases and Codes

Consequently there is no ‘cognitive dissonance’ with regard to the 10th Amendment and the Barnette ruling; indeed, the principle of the rule of law expressed in Barnette goes to the necessity of ensuring that every American enjoy the protections established in the Bill of Rights, that no American forfeits his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence, and that the Constitution prevents the tyranny of the majority, as men are incapable of ruling justly.

You or anyone else are welcome to cite Supreme Court cases overturning the case law noted above.
Based on the evidence Ron Paul is no "senile leftist". Far from it, in fact. He's a thorn in his opponents' side, on account of the fact that his popularity is rooted in his message; not how many corporate/political wheels he can grease and the galas he throws. He's a breath of fresh air who isn't afraid to dispute some of his party's traditions i.e - he's opposed to selling America down the river, and doesn't want to perpetuate fruitless foreign allegiances that have only given headaches to previous administrations. He wants the best for his nation. He wants to put America first. I wish him the best of luck in his campaign for the presidency.

He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

To there own detriment. Ignoring a man who 10 years ago predicted the current 'state of affairs' is pretty stupid...
I don't have enough posts to insert the video, but you can find it easy enough...

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) on Youtube...

I'm sorry........didn't nhe predict that we'd have crazy inflation?
Being new here I'm not sure if I should step on your tail, but isn't there a bit of cognitive dissonance in touting the Bill of Rights in your signature and avatar while dissing the 10th Amendment in your statement?

Paul and his supporters, along with many conservatives, incorrectly believe the 10th Amendment authorizes the states to reject Federal laws they consider ’un-Constitutional,’ or conflict with state laws, or that the Federal courts have no authority over state legislators.

Constitutional case law illustrates this to be untrue.

Since the First Quarter of the 19th Century the Supreme Court has acknowledge the supremacy of Congress over the states, and Congress’ authority to enact Federal legislation per the unremunerated powers provided in the Constitution: See: McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden

That the 10th Amendment doesn’t authorize the states to ignore Federal law was reaffirmed in United States v. Darby

From the beginning and for many years, the [Tenth A]mendment has been construed as not depriving the national government of authority to resort to all means for the exercise of a granted power which are appropriate and plainly adapted to the permitted end. Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 1 Wheat. 304, 324, 325; McCulloch v. Maryland, supra, 405, 406; Gordon v. United States, 117 U.S. 697, 705; Lottery Case, supra; Northern Securities Co. v. United States, supra, 344-345; Everard's Breweries v. Day, supra, 558; United States v. Sprague, 282 U.S. 716, 733; see United States v. The Brigantine William, 28 Fed.Cas. No. 16,700, p. 622. Whatever doubts may have arisen of the soundness of that conclusion, they have been put at rest by the decisions under the Sherman Act and the National Labor Relations Act which we have cited. See also Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority, 297 U.S. 288, 330-331; Wright v. Union Central Ins. Co., 304 U.S. 502, 516.

In Cooper v. Aaron (1958), the court finally put to rest the myth of ‘states’ rights,’ ruling that the states were subject to the Federal courts, and decisions by the Supreme Court:

No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it. Chief Justice Marshall spoke for a unanimous Court in saying that: "If the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery . . . ." United States v. Peters, 5 Cranch 115, 136. A Governor who asserts a [358 U.S. 1, 19] power to nullify a federal court order is similarly restrained. If he had such power, said Chief Justice Hughes, in 1932, also for a unanimous Court, "it is manifest that the fiat of a state Governor, and not the Constitution of the United States, would be the supreme law of the land; that the restrictions of the Federal Constitution upon the exercise of state power would be but impotent phrases . . . ." Sterling v. Constantin, 287 U.S. 378, 397 -398.

FindLaw | Cases and Codes

Consequently there is no ‘cognitive dissonance’ with regard to the 10th Amendment and the Barnette ruling; indeed, the principle of the rule of law expressed in Barnette goes to the necessity of ensuring that every American enjoy the protections established in the Bill of Rights, that no American forfeits his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence, and that the Constitution prevents the tyranny of the majority, as men are incapable of ruling justly.

You or anyone else are welcome to cite Supreme Court cases overturning the case law noted above.

If it hasn't been granted to the federal government by the states then the federal government has no jurisdiction or say so in the process. That is the tenth amendment thank you very much.
let me guess what he said....

Iran has the right to nuclear power since israel (cough, the jews) have the bomb.

China should take care of asia for us.

Russia can take care of central asia and europe for us.

We don't care about africa, the pirates and thugs can have it.

We need to quit worrying about drugs from latin america.

American troops redeployed home will help our economy by buying american inside our border.

The us military doesn't ensure free trade and flow of goods, it does more harm that good around the world.....but i do support the troops.
romney is a clone of obama. Are you supporting him just because he has an "r" by his name? :confused:

Please start a new thread and explain to us why we should vote for romney.

maybe you should be the one starting a new thread since you brought up romney. Simp.

Yeah, ron paul pushing the same crap hes' pushed for 30 years and can't get anyone to buy. Not a single bill passed in the house that he introduced. He is the ralph nader of the right, except nader actually did something. And paul is from the left.

why do you pretend you are concerned with anything other than money for israel ???
He actually is largely ignored by everyone in the GOP.

To there own detriment. Ignoring a man who 10 years ago predicted the current 'state of affairs' is pretty stupid...
I don't have enough posts to insert the video, but you can find it easy enough...

Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) on Youtube...

I'm sorry........didn't nhe predict that we'd have crazy inflation?

That's the NEXT course in our Last Supper... It's only been avoided so far by the incredible amount of manipulation by the Fed. You can't keep printing money out of thin air and expect prices not to rise...
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romney is a clone of obama. Are you supporting him just because he has an "r" by his name? :confused:

Please start a new thread and explain to us why we should vote for romney.

maybe you should be the one starting a new thread since you brought up romney. Simp.

Yeah, ron paul pushing the same crap hes' pushed for 30 years and can't get anyone to buy. Not a single bill passed in the house that he introduced. He is the ralph nader of the right, except nader actually did something. And paul is from the left.

why do you pretend you are concerned with anything other than money for israel ???
Actually I dont think I've ever mentioned Israel in any post connected to Ron Paul.
Neg rep for stupidity and lying.
That was awful. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or die of boredom. Remind me why anyone in the GOP should care about this senile leftist?
Senile? Dr. Paul can remember more than 3 things, something the Gov of Texas can't seem to do.

Why is your only defense of ROn Paul predicated on attacking other people? Isn't Paul defensible on his own merits?
Oh, no. He isn;t
That was awful. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or die of boredom. Remind me why anyone in the GOP should care about this senile leftist?
Senile? Dr. Paul can remember more than 3 things, something the Gov of Texas can't seem to do.

Why is your only defense of ROn Paul predicated on attacking other people? Isn't Paul defensible on his own merits?
Oh, no. He isn;t

oh but yes he is.
maybe you should be the one starting a new thread since you brought up romney. Simp.

Yeah, ron paul pushing the same crap hes' pushed for 30 years and can't get anyone to buy. Not a single bill passed in the house that he introduced. He is the ralph nader of the right, except nader actually did something. And paul is from the left.

why do you pretend you are concerned with anything other than money for israel ???
Actually I dont think I've ever mentioned Israel in any post connected to Ron Paul.
Neg rep for stupidity and lying.

Maybe..maybe not prefer the indirect approach that much is true
[ame=]'We Like Ron Paul' - Fox News Focus Group and Fox Five Panel - YouTube[/ame]
That was awful. I had to turn it off after 5 minutes or die of boredom. Remind me why anyone in the GOP should care about this senile leftist?
Senile? Dr. Paul can remember more than 3 things, something the Gov of Texas can't seem to do.

Why is your only defense of ROn Paul predicated on attacking other people? Isn't Paul defensible on his own merits?
Oh, no. He isn;t
You call Ron Paul senile yet I point out that he's mentally sharper than the candidate YOU supported. What does that say about your judgement?

Also, show us where Dr. Paul is a leftist.

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