Ron Paul on Demagogy

ron paul taking the constitutional position? shocking!

And I so respect him for that. I love this line in his speech on this.

“We now have an epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both the right and the left who are all for freedom, as long as there’s no controversy and nobody is offended."

Ron Paul: Left and the Right Demagogue Mosque, Islam | Business Wire

I don't actually disagree with him at all. Legally, they have an absolute right to build there. Morally, they have no right at all to do so.
Ah, yes.....'cause, that's what The Good Book says.....

It's hard to take RP seriously about much of anything with his annoyingly whiney voice. I always think he's going to need a tissue at any second.
ron paul taking the constitutional position? shocking!

And I so respect him for that. I love this line in his speech on this.

“We now have an epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both the right and the left who are all for freedom, as long as there’s no controversy and nobody is offended."

Ron Paul: Left and the Right Demagogue Mosque, Islam | Business Wire

I don't actually disagree with him at all. Legally, they have an absolute right to build there. Morally, they have no right at all to do so.

The problem for many is they don't seem to understand the difference between 'legal' and 'moral'. That's why they assume we're all rabidly anti-Muslim when, in fact, most of us just have different morals.... or, rather, we still have some morals... which it appears many on the left do not.

Morally they have every right. There's nothing immoral about property rights.
ron paul taking the constitutional position? shocking!

And I so respect him for that. I love this line in his speech on this.

“We now have an epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both the right and the left who are all for freedom, as long as there’s no controversy and nobody is offended."

Ron Paul: Left and the Right Demagogue Mosque, Islam | Business Wire

This is why I like Ron Paul. He speaks his mind, and doesn't let the right tell him how to think.
ron paul taking the constitutional position? shocking!

And I so respect him for that. I love this line in his speech on this.

“We now have an epidemic of “sunshine patriots” on both the right and the left who are all for freedom, as long as there’s no controversy and nobody is offended."

Ron Paul: Left and the Right Demagogue Mosque, Islam | Business Wire

I don't actually disagree with him at all. Legally, they have an absolute right to build there. Morally, they have no right at all to do so.

The problem for many is they don't seem to understand the difference between 'legal' and 'moral'. That's why they assume we're all rabidly anti-Muslim when, in fact, most of us just have different morals.... or, rather, we still have some morals... which it appears many on the left do not.

Many of the posts I read from the right present a clear exercise of moral relativism. Examples abound, especially with wedge issues, the red meat for RWers.
By "care", I don't think they do but other adjectives come to mind such as "anger" and perhaps even "fear" that more and more are listening to him and less and less are believing what the neo cons are feeding them or at least that is my hope.

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