Ron Paul too old?

You know as well as any of us that running third party is pointless considering that the Republicans and Democrats work together to keep any and all third party candidates from even getting on the ballot if at all possible.

Yes, it might seem pointless after the second run if the issues you'd been talking about for your 30 year career hadn't suddenly become monumentally important in the political dialogue. The Federal Reserve is finally an issue, the debt is finally an issue, and even more Republicans are now questioning our militarism than in 2008. Who has more credibility on these issues than Ron Paul, the man who brought them to the forefront?

Except you're giving all this credit to Ron Paul. There are other reasons why these issues have suddenly become important. And they all have very little to do with Paul.

Paul's idea of what he wants for America is fantasy based, not reality based.

The Federal Reserve has never been an issue since its inception, and after Ron Paul brings it up it suddenly becomes an issue. That has very little to do with Ron Paul? Really? The debt is essentially the same. Bush doubles the debt, and then some, during his Presidency and we don't hear a peep about it or any "Tea Parties" until Ron Paul runs for President, and you say that has little to do with Ron Paul?
^ This is a good point, Modbert. I would have thought you would have understood this by now. You keep asking the same question about Paul and the R party and the Paul supporters keep trying to explain to you his reasoning, and it's like you're not listening.

Do you want us to tell you WHY, or are you waiting for us to just tell you what you want to hear?

Oh I understand what the Paul supporters tell me, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it however. Like I said, it's his third time in the arena and he's still polling around 10% at best in the GOP. My point is if Ron Paul really wanted to make a difference, he'd mount a third party run. Even if he doesn't win, polling enough will send a message to Washington and can help gain momentum to a new movement.

However, he never did do that and it's very unlikely he's going to do so now. As long as he runs under the GOP ticket, he is still very much beholden to the GOP in some form or another.
Go tell that to Israel, and get back to me.

Israel has plenty of nuclear weapons itself, and is economically superior to Iran. Israel is perfectly capable of defending themselves from a third-world tinpot dictator as well.
Israel is suroounded by those who wish to destroy them.........It's best that Iran never has the capability to even try.......Iran's leaders are crazy enough, too include the Ayatollah, to launch if given the opportunity, thereby undoubtedly starting WW3.

They can never have the means to do so.........And we are the means to make sure it doesn't happen, while staying protected within our own borders.......Israel does not have that luxury.

You know this idea that Iran is crazy has no basis in reality. If Iran's government really was nuts they'd be openly trying to create a nuclear weapon, or would have already done so, and began test launching them. Now if any government is "crazy" I'd say it would be North Korea, but we never hear about how we need to go in and get their nuclear weapons or enact some kind of regime change there. The fact of the matter is that the Iranian government isn't as crazy as people would have them made out to be, and they know that if they tried to launch a nuclear weapon, that probably wouldn't even work, at Israel they would be the ones wiped off the map.
Guns meaning a monopoly on the use of violence.

Which means they have...

I believe you're fishing for the term "hierarchy," but again that doesn't really answer the question. Like you said, businesses are hierarchical, but that doesn't mean they have a monopoly on the use of violence or the right to use violence in any manner whatsoever.

Power. The answer I was looking for is power. You both have been dancing around it. They have systems to control things the way they want. Hierarchies (a leader or government or organization who tells people what to do) are implemented to maintain and propagate systems of control. Anarchists oppose the state because they abuse power and consolidate it into authoritarianism, which it then uses to oppress people.

That's also why anarchists are anti-capitalism, because capitalism has been used to oppress people. There is the authority between management and labor, look at the late nineteenth century. Look at wage slavery, in modern times you see it in third-world countries. In fact, sometimes it's possible for corporations to use oppressive tactics one would often attribute to governments. Look up banana republics, and I don't meant the clothing retailer.
Tea baggers hijacked the Ron Paul movement.
Gay males hijacked the Ron Paul movement?

Interesting.......But, judging from several of you on this board, I guess you're right.

So, not only does nutter Paul have the troofer loons, the racist stormfront types, the youngin's seeking legal dope and hookers, he now has the perv's.

Way to go Paul!

I salute your ability to draw in the fringers!:salute:
I love how fucking idiots resort to "If Ron Paul wanted to make a difference, he would run as a third party"

Pure fucking BS and it is a deflection to actually discuss the issues.
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Tea baggers hijacked the Ron Paul movement.
Gay males hijacked the Ron Paul movement?

Interesting.......But, judging from several of you on this board, I guess you're right.

So, not only does nutter Paul have the troofer loons, the racist stormfront types, the youngin's seeking legal dope and hookers, he now has the perv's.

Way to go Paul!

I salute your ability to draw in the fringers!:salute:

No offense, but you are a fucking idiot. Why did you lose your Mod status?
He's also acknowledging the fact he's willing to play along. I have no problem with agreeing that he's unlike his party in a lot of ways. However, trying to paint him as someone who has never given in to party politics is laughable at best.

Yup. I'll buy that. I doubted his decision when he became a Republican. I'm still not sure it's the best approach. But he gets a lot more press giving Republicans the middle finger in their own backyard than he did running third party as a Libertarian.
Which means they have...

I believe you're fishing for the term "hierarchy," but again that doesn't really answer the question. Like you said, businesses are hierarchical, but that doesn't mean they have a monopoly on the use of violence or the right to use violence in any manner whatsoever.

Power. The answer I was looking for is power. You both have been dancing around it. They have systems to control things the way they want. Hierarchies (a leader or government or organization who tells people what to do) are implemented to maintain and propagate systems of control. Anarchists oppose the state because they abuse power and consolidate it into authoritarianism, which it then uses to oppress people.

That's also why anarchists are anti-capitalism, because capitalism has been used to oppress people. There is the authority between management and labor, look at the late nineteenth century. Look at wage slavery, in modern times you see it in third-world countries. In fact, sometimes it's possible for corporations to use oppressive tactics one would often attribute to governments. Look up banana republics, and I don't meant the clothing retailer.

That's why some anarchists are opposed to capitalism.
^ This is a good point, Modbert. I would have thought you would have understood this by now. You keep asking the same question about Paul and the R party and the Paul supporters keep trying to explain to you his reasoning, and it's like you're not listening.

Do you want us to tell you WHY, or are you waiting for us to just tell you what you want to hear?

Oh I understand what the Paul supporters tell me, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it however. Like I said, it's his third time in the arena and he's still polling around 10% at best in the GOP. My point is if Ron Paul really wanted to make a difference, he'd mount a third party run. Even if he doesn't win, polling enough will send a message to Washington and can help gain momentum to a new movement.

However, he never did do that and it's very unlikely he's going to do so now. As long as he runs under the GOP ticket, he is still very much beholden to the GOP in some form or another.

He gains new support everyday while running with the republicans, because even the MSM can't ignore him 100% of the time. As long as he climbs in the polls, regardless of how slow it happens, he gets recognition from new supporters.

If he just sat out primary season and jumped in 3rd party for the general, he'd have thrown away any opportunity to grow his support base leading into it.

Just because he's a different republican than the establishment media-backed candidates, doesn't mean he's not still a republican. It's not a secret that there are many shades of republicans throughout the system. Why should Paul sell himself short?
The Federal Reserve has never been an issue since its inception, and after Ron Paul brings it up it suddenly becomes an issue. That has very little to do with Ron Paul? Really? The debt is essentially the same. Bush doubles the debt, and then some, during his Presidency and we don't hear a peep about it or any "Tea Parties" until Ron Paul runs for President, and you say that has little to do with Ron Paul?

The public awareness of the Federal Reserve rose after the financial crash of 2008. A lot of people including myself hold the Federal Reserve at least somewhat responsible for what happened. However, this coupled with Anti-Government sentiment, it comes as no surprise that the Federal Reserve is a bigger issue.

Ron Paul has been railing against the Federal Reserve for how long now? If it was because of him, then it would have become a bigger issue when he started to talk about it.

The debt has become an issue all of a sudden because the Republican Party manufactured a crisis (debt ceiling crisis) which completely backfired and blew up in their face. You have a lot of people who are calling for a balanced budget amendment among other things who have absolutely no idea what these things entail.

Again, Ron Paul is not the reason that these things are suddenly issues.
I believe you're fishing for the term "hierarchy," but again that doesn't really answer the question. Like you said, businesses are hierarchical, but that doesn't mean they have a monopoly on the use of violence or the right to use violence in any manner whatsoever.

Power. The answer I was looking for is power. You both have been dancing around it. They have systems to control things the way they want. Hierarchies (a leader or government or organization who tells people what to do) are implemented to maintain and propagate systems of control. Anarchists oppose the state because they abuse power and consolidate it into authoritarianism, which it then uses to oppress people.

That's also why anarchists are anti-capitalism, because capitalism has been used to oppress people. There is the authority between management and labor, look at the late nineteenth century. Look at wage slavery, in modern times you see it in third-world countries. In fact, sometimes it's possible for corporations to use oppressive tactics one would often attribute to governments. Look up banana republics, and I don't meant the clothing retailer.

That's why some anarchists are opposed to capitalism.

That's why anarchism is defined as being opposed to authoritarian systems of control. That's why they oppose the state, and capitalism because they are both capable of imposing control.

There are no anarchists who are not opposed to capitalism. Those anarcho-capitalists are just laissez-faire capitalists calling themselves anarchists. There's a reason they don't get along with the other anarchists.
^ This is a good point, Modbert. I would have thought you would have understood this by now. You keep asking the same question about Paul and the R party and the Paul supporters keep trying to explain to you his reasoning, and it's like you're not listening.

Do you want us to tell you WHY, or are you waiting for us to just tell you what you want to hear?

Oh I understand what the Paul supporters tell me, that doesn't mean I have to agree with it however. Like I said, it's his third time in the arena and he's still polling around 10% at best in the GOP. My point is if Ron Paul really wanted to make a difference, he'd mount a third party run. Even if he doesn't win, polling enough will send a message to Washington and can help gain momentum to a new movement.

However, he never did do that and it's very unlikely he's going to do so now. As long as he runs under the GOP ticket, he is still very much beholden to the GOP in some form or another.

He gains new support everyday while running with the republicans, because even the MSM can't ignore him 100% of the time. As long as he climbs in the polls, regardless of how slow it happens, he gets recognition from new supporters.

If he just sat out primary season and jumped in 3rd party for the general, he'd have thrown away any opportunity to grow his support base leading into it.

Just because he's a different republican than the establishment media-backed candidates, doesn't mean he's not still a republican. It's not a secret that there are many shades of republicans throughout the system. Why should Paul sell himself short?

Exactly. We hear the cries of "unelectable" now, this thread is a perfect example, and that would be by far worse if he ran third party. For starters people simply wouldn't vote for him because they see third parties as a wasted vote. Secondly he wouldn't get half the media attention he gets now. He also wouldn't be in any of the debates. So instead of broadening his base he'd simply be preaching to the choir.
I believe you're fishing for the term "hierarchy," but again that doesn't really answer the question. Like you said, businesses are hierarchical, but that doesn't mean they have a monopoly on the use of violence or the right to use violence in any manner whatsoever.

Power. The answer I was looking for is power. You both have been dancing around it. They have systems to control things the way they want. Hierarchies (a leader or government or organization who tells people what to do) are implemented to maintain and propagate systems of control. Anarchists oppose the state because they abuse power and consolidate it into authoritarianism, which it then uses to oppress people.

That's also why anarchists are anti-capitalism, because capitalism has been used to oppress people. There is the authority between management and labor, look at the late nineteenth century. Look at wage slavery, in modern times you see it in third-world countries. In fact, sometimes it's possible for corporations to use oppressive tactics one would often attribute to governments. Look up banana republics, and I don't meant the clothing retailer.

That's why some anarchists are opposed to capitalism.

We are not opposed to capital. We are opposed to usury, which create unfair power structures.
He gains new support everyday while running with the republicans, because even the MSM can't ignore him 100% of the time. As long as he climbs in the polls, regardless of how slow it happens, he gets recognition from new supporters.

If he just sat out primary season and jumped in 3rd party for the general, he'd have thrown away any opportunity to grow his support base leading into it.

Just because he's a different republican than the establishment media-backed candidates, doesn't mean he's not still a republican. It's not a secret that there are many shades of republicans throughout the system. Why should Paul sell himself short?

Rick Perry also gains new support everyday. I'm not saying he has to sit out the GOP primary. I'm saying once he loses (which he will), he should mount a third party campaign. After all, he's going to be retiring from Congress. He has absolutely no reason to not run under a third party banner. Him and Johnson can run on a ticket together.
Tea baggers hijacked the Ron Paul movement.
Gay males hijacked the Ron Paul movement?

Interesting.......But, judging from several of you on this board, I guess you're right.

So, not only does nutter Paul have the troofer loons, the racist stormfront types, the youngin's seeking legal dope and hookers, he now has the perv's.

Way to go Paul!

I salute your ability to draw in the fringers!:salute:

No offense, but you are a fucking idiot. Why did you lose your Mod status?
I was a mod?

That's a new one on me.

If you have no clue what you're talking about, ya' might want to just STFU......'cause you just made yourself look pretty damn stupid, yet again.

No wonder "anarchists" get laughed at, and their heads bashed in with billy clubs.

I was a mod........Now that's too damn funny!:lol:
Power. The answer I was looking for is power. You both have been dancing around it. They have systems to control things the way they want. Hierarchies (a leader or government or organization who tells people what to do) are implemented to maintain and propagate systems of control. Anarchists oppose the state because they abuse power and consolidate it into authoritarianism, which it then uses to oppress people.

That's also why anarchists are anti-capitalism, because capitalism has been used to oppress people. There is the authority between management and labor, look at the late nineteenth century. Look at wage slavery, in modern times you see it in third-world countries. In fact, sometimes it's possible for corporations to use oppressive tactics one would often attribute to governments. Look up banana republics, and I don't meant the clothing retailer.

That's why some anarchists are opposed to capitalism.

We are not opposed to capital. We are opposed to usury, which create unfair power structures.

Loaning money is not required to make power structures within capitalism.

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