Ron Paul wants to give Israel back to the Arabs? Where would the Jews go?

far right... just like the kkk'rs and john birchers.


You are dead wrong, His Foreign policy has nothing to do with the Right. His Stance on Israel is just one shinning example of that.

RP is a Liberal, Libertarian. Which believe it or not is possible :)

really? so pat buchanan who shares most of ronnie's foreign policy ideas, is a leftie?

he'd wash your mouth out with soap if he heard you call him that.

ron paul is an idiot... it wouldn't matter which side of the aisle he was on... he'd still be an idiot.

Statement from fmr. Ron Paul staffer on Newsletters, Anti-Semitism | Right Wing News

Fmr. Senior Aide, US Cong. Ron Paul, 1997 – 2003
Campaign Coordinator, Ron Paul for Congress, 1995/96
National Organizer, Draft Ron Paul for President, 1991/92
Travel Aide/Personal Asst. Ron Paul, Libertarian for President

I have been asked by various media the last few days for my comments, view of the current situation regarding my former boss Ron Paul, as he runs for the presidency on the Republican ticket.

He is however, most certainly Anti-Israel, and Anti-Israeli in general. He wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all. He expressed this to me numerous times in our private conversations. His view is that Israel is more trouble than it is worth, specifically to the America taxpayer. He sides with the Palestinians, and supports their calls for the abolishment of the Jewish state, and the return of Israel, all of it, to the Arabs.


Oh, and he won't shake hands with gay men or use the same bathroom. Maybe his thinks "gay" is "catching". Can right wingers catch "gay"? They seem to think they can.

For a "libertarian", he's not very "libertarian". Against women's rights and gay marriage? B B But libertarians don't care. Oops.

Ron Paul is the most far left loon Candidate on either side of the isle when it comes to Foreign Policy.

We need a candidate who is to the right of Attila the Hun. We are ONLY 15 TTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars in the hole.


Well, Paul is the only one that will do everything in his power to turn that around.
Ron Paul is the most far left loon Candidate on either side of the isle when it comes to Foreign Policy.

far right... just like the kkk'rs and john birchers.


You are dead wrong, His Foreign policy has nothing to do with the Right. His Stance on Israel is just one shinning example of that.

RP is a Liberal, Libertarian. Which believe it or not is possible :)

How in the fuck has the last decade of nation building turned out? Stupid failed foreign polcy. Time to give paul a chance.
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the skinheads and the KKKers are just very visible. The folks you have to worry about are the Ward Chuchills and their ilk. The skinheads are subnormals with the organizational skills of the three stooges. That they are Paul's friends is not much a recommendation.

But the folks you have to worry about are the psychos on the campus who are into Palestinian solidarity. They may have mental issues too, but it isn't a low IQ
KKK and Skinheads don't like Palestinians either. They like White Europeans only.
I know this is unimportant,but Ron Paul has never said he hated Jews or wanted to give Israel back to the Arabs. I know this little dose of reality is interrupting this hysterical feeding-frenzy,but the man has never said this. Ok,back to the hysteria. Don't want to let facts get in your way. Enjoy.
the skinheads and the KKKers are just very visible. The folks you have to worry about are the Ward Chuchills and their ilk. The skinheads are subnormals with the organizational skills of the three stooges. That they are Paul's friends is not much a recommendation.

But the folks you have to worry about are the psychos on the campus who are into Palestinian solidarity. They may have mental issues too, but it isn't a low IQ
KKK and Skinheads don't like Palestinians either. They like White Europeans only.

Right, but we believe that everyone should be left the fuck alone. Whites within our homelands, palestinians in theres. period. You people want to police the fuckign world. So who's the crazy one?:badgrin:
Not all of Ron Paul's ideas are completely crazy - even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while...
Not all of Ron Paul's ideas are completely crazy - even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while...

Actually I think he has many sound ideas, and just a couple totally fucking bat shit out of this world crazy ones that are a deal breaker.
I know this is unimportant,but Ron Paul has never said he hated Jews or wanted to give Israel back to the Arabs. I know this little dose of reality is interrupting this hysterical feeding-frenzy,but the man has never said this. Ok,back to the hysteria. Don't want to let facts get in your way. Enjoy.

that's not true according to his former aid...

but lookie... the kkk'er loves you. :thup:
I know this is unimportant,but Ron Paul has never said he hated Jews or wanted to give Israel back to the Arabs. I know this little dose of reality is interrupting this hysterical feeding-frenzy,but the man has never said this. Ok,back to the hysteria. Don't want to let facts get in your way. Enjoy.

that's not true according to his former aid...

but lookie... the kkk'er loves you. :thup:


I respect a man that has standard for civiilization that doesn't want to turn it into a third world crap hole. Of course Obama sat in a black nationalist church for 20 years with wright, but that means nothing to you peope. It is a fact that blacks cause 10 times the murder, rape and crime as whites where ever they're. Prove me wrong. Seriously, if you disagree then prove me wrong. Where is Paul wrong? We should fight to improve our society in not make excuses for a certain part of it. As that will slowly destroy it.

Ron Paul is right all around. Why shouild we put up with bs.
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I believe we should allow every nation to handle there affairs the way they wish. The jews are welcome to fight for there own land, but if they get into a war they can't count on the US to be there personal army. America must handle our business and Israel must handle theres.

Do you agree?

I don't see why Ron Paul wants to butt into their business and tell them what they can do. Even through, I think he is a good choice.

You have to understand that Israel poses a problem for the US. Yes, we stand by Israel, and we should. However, even if we wanted to step aside and allow Israel to go on their own with zero American support, we could be asking for trouble.

Think about this for a moment. Let us say that Iran attacks Israel and starts an all out war, with Syria attacking from the ground and Iran attacking from the air. At this point, a couple of scenarios could develop. On one hand, Israel might just hit Iran hard enough that they back off, while at the same time walking right over Syria and taking it over. Next step is to expand Israel with their newly won territory. Oh would the Arabs scream then. Maybe they would attack with greater force from many Arab countries. Now Israel is taking a beating. They decide to put and end to it by launching a number of nuclear warheads at their enemies.

With the US as Israel's ally, Israel should never be put in a situation where they might feel compelled to use nuclear weapons. In fact, over the years, Israel has shown great restraint in dealing with its enemies. Had the US not been by her side though, I'm not certain that Israel could afford to show the restraint that she does. Israel does not need the US, but the US needs to keep Israel under its wing just to keep everyone calm.

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