Ron Paul's Last hurrah

It's sad the amount of faith these Ron Paul people put into that whack job Paul you'd think they'd aim a little higher.

This is coming from a fucking pussy and a coward. Your a chicken shit little punk who lobbies the government to protect your little shit stain religious center in the middle of the desert. Fuck you, fuck Israel, Fuck Jesus. Fucking asshole.

Among the best of the Ron Paul loons:cuckoo:

Fuck you. Fuck your religion. You are no better then the Muslims. Fucking nitwit. Your the loon, not Ron Paul. Your god is a fantasy. He is not real. He is an invention. A mixture of failed pagan religions. Your dedication to Israel proves to every sane person that there is no rational reason to continue to support them financially or militarily.

Jesus is the sun, literally. Your an astrology worshiping dumbfuck.
Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.



Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.

I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.

You'd be wrong. Persuading a close minded person like you isn't possible and you're the kind of voter that continually hurts the cause of liberty and true conservatism. Obama would much rather face someone like Santorum than Paul. Why? Because Santorum is a social conservative and if we end up with a social conservative as the nominee, we lose the independent vote. The independent vote is the swing vote for both parties. Independents aren't going to vote for a guy who finds abortion and gays more important than the financial well being of our nation. You can't win the presidency without the independent vote. Get a Santorum and you literally hand another four years to Obama. Get any other candidate other than Paul and you just get another 4 years of what Bush and Obama have given us.
April Glaspie is a Zionist agent? Who knew?
We didnt invade Iraq because of Iraqi support of terrorism, although that would become valid in 2001. We did it because Iraq threatened the rest of the middle east.

I heard that anti-semitism makes people stupid but never saw that until this thread.

Wow. You almost got near an argument there,

Point is, April Glaspie told Saddam, we wouldn't take a side if he attacked Kuwait. just like we didn't take a side when he invaded Iran in 1980. So he figured he had a green light.

When it turned out that the Kuwaitis were too fat and lazy to defend their own country for more than a day, the Zionists figured, "Hey, now we can get Washington to take out Saddam for us!"

Why was this our problem? I mean, does it really matter which petty tyrannt controlled Kuwait? NOPE. We got punked into fighting a war that was none of our business.

A great comfort for all those guys who came back with Gulf War Syndrome.

I didnt know you and Saddam were friends.
Iraq had the largest army in the region. Kuwait had one of the smallest. I dont think laziness had much to do with it.
You seem to have a disconnect as to what point the Zionist conspiracy came into play. Was it suborning Amb. Glaspie or was it coercing the UN and the Congress to vote for war?
Kuwait is an oil exporting state. Stability in the region is a vital US interest. Saddam would have gone for Saudi Arabia next.
Actually you could spin it that the Saudis coerced Bush into attacking Saddam. That would make as much sense.
But a bigot like you is just jealous of the Jewish people so that's where your hatred goes.
This is coming from a fucking pussy and a coward. Your a chicken shit little punk who lobbies the government to protect your little shit stain religious center in the middle of the desert. Fuck you, fuck Israel, Fuck Jesus. Fucking asshole.

Among the best of the Ron Paul loons:cuckoo:

Fuck you. Fuck your religion. You are no better then the Muslims. Fucking nitwit. Your the loon, not Ron Paul. Your god is a fantasy. He is not real. He is an invention. A mixture of failed pagan religions. Your dedication to Israel proves to every sane person that there is no rational reason to continue to support them financially or militarily.

Jesus is the sun, literally. Your an astrology worshiping dumbfuck.

That is some seriously embarrassing, self-indulgent hate right there. Lashing out like a hurt child.
Among the best of the Ron Paul loons:cuckoo:

Fuck you. Fuck your religion. You are no better then the Muslims. Fucking nitwit. Your the loon, not Ron Paul. Your god is a fantasy. He is not real. He is an invention. A mixture of failed pagan religions. Your dedication to Israel proves to every sane person that there is no rational reason to continue to support them financially or militarily.

Jesus is the sun, literally. Your an astrology worshiping dumbfuck.

That is some seriously embarrassing, self-indulgent hate right there. Lashing out like a hurt child.

It's all he's got.
In truth you have to cut them a break. Their messiah is revealed as an also-ran. It's like finding out there is no Santa Claus.
April Glaspie is a Zionist agent? Who knew?
We didnt invade Iraq because of Iraqi support of terrorism, although that would become valid in 2001. We did it because Iraq threatened the rest of the middle east.

I heard that anti-semitism makes people stupid but never saw that until this thread.

Wow. You almost got near an argument there,

Point is, April Glaspie told Saddam, we wouldn't take a side if he attacked Kuwait. just like we didn't take a side when he invaded Iran in 1980. So he figured he had a green light.

When it turned out that the Kuwaitis were too fat and lazy to defend their own country for more than a day, the Zionists figured, "Hey, now we can get Washington to take out Saddam for us!"

Why was this our problem? I mean, does it really matter which petty tyrannt controlled Kuwait? NOPE. We got punked into fighting a war that was none of our business.

A great comfort for all those guys who came back with Gulf War Syndrome.

I didnt know you and Saddam were friends.
Iraq had the largest army in the region. Kuwait had one of the smallest. I dont think laziness had much to do with it.
You seem to have a disconnect as to what point the Zionist conspiracy came into play. Was it suborning Amb. Glaspie or was it coercing the UN and the Congress to vote for war?
Kuwait is an oil exporting state. Stability in the region is a vital US interest. Saddam would have gone for Saudi Arabia next.
Actually you could spin it that the Saudis coerced Bush into attacking Saddam. That would make as much sense.
But a bigot like you is just jealous of the Jewish people so that's where your hatred goes.

So if bigotry causes jealousy, you're jealous of blacks and muslims.


Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.

I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.

You'd be wrong. Persuading a close minded person like you isn't possible and you're the kind of voter that continually hurts the cause of liberty and true conservatism. Obama would much rather face someone like Santorum than Paul. Why? Because Santorum is a social conservative and if we end up with a social conservative as the nominee, we lose the independent vote. The independent vote is the swing vote for both parties. Independents aren't going to vote for a guy who finds abortion and gays more important than the financial well being of our nation. You can't win the presidency without the independent vote. Get a Santorum and you literally hand another four years to Obama. Get any other candidate other than Paul and you just get another 4 years of what Bush and Obama have given us.

This is all very true, except that Romney does have a decent shot at beating Obama, because he's probably the only other candidate besides Paul who can get the independents.
Wow. You almost got near an argument there,

Point is, April Glaspie told Saddam, we wouldn't take a side if he attacked Kuwait. just like we didn't take a side when he invaded Iran in 1980. So he figured he had a green light.

When it turned out that the Kuwaitis were too fat and lazy to defend their own country for more than a day, the Zionists figured, "Hey, now we can get Washington to take out Saddam for us!"

Why was this our problem? I mean, does it really matter which petty tyrannt controlled Kuwait? NOPE. We got punked into fighting a war that was none of our business.

A great comfort for all those guys who came back with Gulf War Syndrome.

I didnt know you and Saddam were friends.
Iraq had the largest army in the region. Kuwait had one of the smallest. I dont think laziness had much to do with it.
You seem to have a disconnect as to what point the Zionist conspiracy came into play. Was it suborning Amb. Glaspie or was it coercing the UN and the Congress to vote for war?
Kuwait is an oil exporting state. Stability in the region is a vital US interest. Saddam would have gone for Saudi Arabia next.
Actually you could spin it that the Saudis coerced Bush into attacking Saddam. That would make as much sense.
But a bigot like you is just jealous of the Jewish people so that's where your hatred goes.

So if bigotry causes jealousy, you're jealous of blacks and muslims.

I have no bigotry against either group. You couldn't point to a single post of mine that exhibits that. You're just making shit up because you've run out of taking points, now that your messiah is revealed as a third rater.
I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.

You'd be wrong. Persuading a close minded person like you isn't possible and you're the kind of voter that continually hurts the cause of liberty and true conservatism. Obama would much rather face someone like Santorum than Paul. Why? Because Santorum is a social conservative and if we end up with a social conservative as the nominee, we lose the independent vote. The independent vote is the swing vote for both parties. Independents aren't going to vote for a guy who finds abortion and gays more important than the financial well being of our nation. You can't win the presidency without the independent vote. Get a Santorum and you literally hand another four years to Obama. Get any other candidate other than Paul and you just get another 4 years of what Bush and Obama have given us.

This is all very true, except that Romney does have a decent shot at beating Obama, because he's probably the only other candidate besides Paul who can get the independents.

Yeap thats true. When indipendants are presented with the option of 'proven socialist dictator' and 'known fraud and liar' they will choose the criminal.
I didnt know you and Saddam were friends.
Iraq had the largest army in the region. Kuwait had one of the smallest. I dont think laziness had much to do with it.
You seem to have a disconnect as to what point the Zionist conspiracy came into play. Was it suborning Amb. Glaspie or was it coercing the UN and the Congress to vote for war?
Kuwait is an oil exporting state. Stability in the region is a vital US interest. Saddam would have gone for Saudi Arabia next.
Actually you could spin it that the Saudis coerced Bush into attacking Saddam. That would make as much sense.
But a bigot like you is just jealous of the Jewish people so that's where your hatred goes.

So if bigotry causes jealousy, you're jealous of blacks and muslims.

I have no bigotry against either group. You couldn't point to a single post of mine that exhibits that. You're just making shit up because you've run out of taking points, now that your messiah is revealed as a third rater.

My messiah lol, your entire political position is voting for whoever the GOP props up, the GOP is your messiah.

I've never thought Ron Paul has had any tiny chance in my entire life, he's a fiscal conservative and wants a small federal gov't, the american people have been convinced fiscal liberalism and big gov't is the way to go.

Refresh my memory on what you think of blacks in position of leadership in government. Hopefully your view has changed.
I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.

You'd be wrong. Persuading a close minded person like you isn't possible and you're the kind of voter that continually hurts the cause of liberty and true conservatism. Obama would much rather face someone like Santorum than Paul. Why? Because Santorum is a social conservative and if we end up with a social conservative as the nominee, we lose the independent vote. The independent vote is the swing vote for both parties. Independents aren't going to vote for a guy who finds abortion and gays more important than the financial well being of our nation. You can't win the presidency without the independent vote. Get a Santorum and you literally hand another four years to Obama. Get any other candidate other than Paul and you just get another 4 years of what Bush and Obama have given us.

This is all very true, except that Romney does have a decent shot at beating Obama, because he's probably the only other candidate besides Paul who can get the independents.

LOL @ suggesting Paul "can get the independents"! He can 'get' what he's already 'got,' a small core of (as clearly demonstrated here) utterly maniacal followers, and that's about it. I say 'followers' rather than supporters because that is what they are; rabid, slavish adherents who absolutely lose their fucking minds at the suggestion that their 'master' isn't the answer to all of life's problems. Your classic Koolaide drinkers.
You'd be wrong. Persuading a close minded person like you isn't possible and you're the kind of voter that continually hurts the cause of liberty and true conservatism. Obama would much rather face someone like Santorum than Paul. Why? Because Santorum is a social conservative and if we end up with a social conservative as the nominee, we lose the independent vote. The independent vote is the swing vote for both parties. Independents aren't going to vote for a guy who finds abortion and gays more important than the financial well being of our nation. You can't win the presidency without the independent vote. Get a Santorum and you literally hand another four years to Obama. Get any other candidate other than Paul and you just get another 4 years of what Bush and Obama have given us.

This is all very true, except that Romney does have a decent shot at beating Obama, because he's probably the only other candidate besides Paul who can get the independents.

LOL @ suggesting Paul "can get the independents"! He can 'get' what he's already 'got,' a small core of (as clearly demonstrated here) utterly maniacal followers, and that's about it. I say 'followers' rather than supporters because that is what they are; rabid, slavish adherents who absolutely lose their fucking minds at the suggestion that their 'master' isn't the answer to all of life's problems. Your classic Koolaide drinkers.

Paul won the independents in Iowa by far. He had 44% going in, with Romney a distant 2nd with only 18%.
ROOoooonnnnnn PAaaaauuuuullll....

[ame=]2 zombies walking towards camera - YouTube[/ame]
So in other words, you have no response. :thup:

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.
So in other words, you have no response. :thup:

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.
So in other words, you have no response. :thup:

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

It's not that, you said something good about Paul, even if it's a fact Unko will disagree with it and counter with something that isn't backed by facts.

It's what partisans do.
So in other words, you have no response. :thup:

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Paul vs. Obama

Obama ahead between 5 and 13 points is not strong polling.

Damn, does being attracted to Ron Paul make you stupid or is it the other way around?

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Paul vs. Obama

Obama ahead between 5 and 13 points is not strong polling.

Damn, does being attracted to Ron Paul make you stupid or is it the other way around?

He polls 2nd behind Romney. Everyone else is getting creamed, especially none other than YOUR boy Rick Perry who's like 13% behind, and you call ME stupid? :lmao:
Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Paul vs. Obama

Obama ahead between 5 and 13 points is not strong polling.

Damn, does being attracted to Ron Paul make you stupid or is it the other way around?

He polls 2nd behind Romney. Everyone else is getting creamed, especially none other than YOUR boy Rick Perry who's like 13% behind, and you call ME stupid? :lmao:

He polls second behind Romney.
Thank you.

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