Ron Paul's Last hurrah

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Paul vs. Obama

Obama ahead between 5 and 13 points is not strong polling.

Damn, does being attracted to Ron Paul make you stupid or is it the other way around?

He polls 2nd behind Romney. Everyone else is getting creamed, especially none other than YOUR boy Rick Perry who's like 13% behind, and you call ME stupid? :lmao:

He polls second behind Romney.
Thank you.

Yeah. And? Newt and Huntsman have both called him "unelectable", as well as the entire media, but yet only Romney polls better against Obama.

Sounds like you're endorsing Romney, which is pretty funny for a guy who calls himself a conservative.
He polls 2nd behind Romney. Everyone else is getting creamed, especially none other than YOUR boy Rick Perry who's like 13% behind, and you call ME stupid? :lmao:

He polls second behind Romney.
Thank you.

Yeah. And? Newt and Huntsman have both called him "unelectable", as well as the entire media, but yet only Romney polls better against Obama.

Sounds like you're endorsing Romney, which is pretty funny for a guy who calls himself a conservative.
He polls behind Romney. That's the important information here.
He polls second behind Romney.
Thank you.

Yeah. And? Newt and Huntsman have both called him "unelectable", as well as the entire media, but yet only Romney polls better against Obama.

Sounds like you're endorsing Romney, which is pretty funny for a guy who calls himself a conservative.
He polls behind Romney. That's the important information here.

Well then you better ditch Perry and hurry up and flip flop your way on over to his side! :lol:
Whether he wins or not there is a movement afoot, Ron Paul is going to stay until the end and he is going to have an impact on the GOP platform if nothing else. The idea that he has a few core followers is becoming increasingly obvious as an outright lie. He received a few thousand less votes than Romney, in terms of elections thats paltry especially considering that the full might of the GOP insiders and establishment is behind Romney.

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

It's not that, you said something good about Paul, even if it's a fact Unko will disagree with it and counter with something that isn't backed by facts.

It's what partisans do.

Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%
yeah....damn constitution and liberty! Those are wack job terms! We need another spend whore that loves to kill our young servicemen! That's not wacky at all!

Seriously, consider removing the heroin needle from your jugular, Jroc.

The cult followers, I know it's hard for you people, get some help man.:cuckoo:

War is the Health of the State. You can't be a conservative who bashes Obama for not following the Constitution when it comes to Socialized Medicine, but then come around and ignore the Constitution when it comes to warfare.

The Congress authorizes force, not the executive branch. Ron Paul responds time and time again that when The Congress declares war, we hit them hard, win, and come home.

Who sounds like a cult, the one's who preach fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, following the constitution, sound money, the founders foreign policy, or the ones that occupy over 100 countries, place sanctions that starve and enrage nations, launch wars on substances and tactics, and squander a great nations wealth to impoverish generations to come?

The support Ron Paul gets is from those who believe in America's Greatness, but recognize the fact that even with good intentions, the path we are down is destructive to our prosperity and way of life.

Most of us are well versed and educated on sound economic principles, foreign policy, The Founders and Constitution. And yet, we are told that the greatest minds of the liberty movement are Hannity and Mark Levin?:doubt:

...truth is really treason in the nation of lies.
Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

It's not that, you said something good about Paul, even if it's a fact Unko will disagree with it and counter with something that isn't backed by facts.

It's what partisans do.

Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%

I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.
It's not that, you said something good about Paul, even if it's a fact Unko will disagree with it and counter with something that isn't backed by facts.

It's what partisans do.

Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%

I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.

He would beat Obama in a land-slide.

We got a taste of that in Iowa - Ron Paul pulled in moderates and independent votes at a margin of 8 to 1. The media lies and distorts, tune into the facts.
Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%

I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.

He would beat Obama in a land-slide.

We got a taste of that in Iowa - Ron Paul pulled in moderates and independent votes at a margin of 8 to 1. The media lies and distorts, tune into the facts.

I'd like to believe it, but it should've been easy to defeat liberal McCain and no record Obama and even then he had no chance.

You or I have a better chance than Ron Paul, sadly. Too many special interest groups and corporations who bought off the 2 parties decades ago wouldn't let it happen even if he had the votes to be the nominee (which he won't).
I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.

He would beat Obama in a land-slide.

We got a taste of that in Iowa - Ron Paul pulled in moderates and independent votes at a margin of 8 to 1. The media lies and distorts, tune into the facts.

I'd like to believe it, but it should've been easy to defeat liberal McCain and no record Obama and even then he had no chance.

You or I have a better chance than Ron Paul, sadly. Too many special interest groups and corporations who bought off the 2 parties decades ago wouldn't let it happen even if he had the votes to be the nominee (which he won't).

Maybe, that was true in 2008 and decades prior.

Our time has come
Some of the Ron Paul zombies are so far gone they won't even listen to a moderated voice of one of their own.

Ever wonder what kind of people join those wierd cults that end up committing mass suicide waiting for the space ship to come get them? Well now you know.
Some of the Ron Paul zombies are so far gone they won't even listen to a moderated voice of one of their own.

Ever wonder what kind of people join those wierd cults that end up committing mass suicide waiting for the space ship to come get them? Well now you know.

I thought you got laid? There was one day where you weren't extremely bitter and hating life, so I assumed you finally got your dick wet.

I guess I was wrong :lol:
Some of the Ron Paul zombies are so far gone they won't even listen to a moderated voice of one of their own.

Ever wonder what kind of people join those wierd cults that end up committing mass suicide waiting for the space ship to come get them? Well now you know.

Like I said your posts are always fact-free, nothing but 3rd grade insults.

Calling yourself a small gov't conservative and fiscally responsible, then voting for people like Bush/McCain/Romney, now THAT'S what makes perfect sense.
Some of the Ron Paul zombies are so far gone they won't even listen to a moderated voice of one of their own.

Ever wonder what kind of people join those wierd cults that end up committing mass suicide waiting for the space ship to come get them? Well now you know.

Like I said your posts are always fact-free, nothing but 3rd grade insults.

Calling yourself a small gov't conservative and fiscally responsible, then voting for people like Bush/McCain/Romney, now THAT'S what makes perfect sense.

They're opinions. They are valid opinions too, as the Paul-bots and Wookie-Suiters demonstrate with every post.
The country is doomed. The country is falling apart. Only Ron Paul can save us. Everyone else is our enemy.

Germans probably said the same about Hitler in the 1930s.
Some of the Ron Paul zombies are so far gone they won't even listen to a moderated voice of one of their own.

Ever wonder what kind of people join those wierd cults that end up committing mass suicide waiting for the space ship to come get them? Well now you know.

Like I said your posts are always fact-free, nothing but 3rd grade insults.

Calling yourself a small gov't conservative and fiscally responsible, then voting for people like Bush/McCain/Romney, now THAT'S what makes perfect sense.

They're opinions. They are valid opinions too, as the Paul-bots and Wookie-Suiters demonstrate with every post.
The country is doomed. The country is falling apart. Only Ron Paul can save us. Everyone else is our enemy.

Germans probably said the same about Hitler in the 1930s.

And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.
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Like I said your posts are always fact-free, nothing but 3rd grade insults.

Calling yourself a small gov't conservative and fiscally responsible, then voting for people like Bush/McCain/Romney, now THAT'S what makes perfect sense.

They're opinions. They are valid opinions too, as the Paul-bots and Wookie-Suiters demonstrate with every post.
The country is doomed. The country is falling apart. Only Ron Paul can save us. Everyone else is our enemy.

Germans probably said the same about Hitler in the 1930s.

And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
They're opinions. They are valid opinions too, as the Paul-bots and Wookie-Suiters demonstrate with every post.
The country is doomed. The country is falling apart. Only Ron Paul can save us. Everyone else is our enemy.

Germans probably said the same about Hitler in the 1930s.

And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.

LOL, actually the 2nd or 3rd post in that thread provided the entire list of bills he wrote or sponsored, you could fill a university library with it.

Of course, you ignored that post, and went on to blame Paul for your beloved neocons not voting to cut spending.

Once your party has more than one fiscal conservative, I'll support more than one person.
I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.

It depends on what you want in the way of qualifications. I agree, Ron Paul isn't overly qualified for the executive spot. But the most important qualifications, from my perspective, are principled integrity, and a genuine concern for the future of our nation. In my view, Romney, Gingrich, Obama, Santorum, etc, etc... fail miserably on those two points. Leadership skills don't count for much if you don't want to go where the leader is heading.
And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.

LOL, actually the 2nd or 3rd post in that thread provided the entire list of bills he wrote or sponsored, you could fill a university library with it.

Of course, you ignored that post, and went on to blame Paul for your beloved neocons not voting to cut spending.

Once your party has more than one fiscal conservative, I'll support more than one person.

He had a list of vanity bills a mile long. Not one of them passed.
The biggest failure since TPaw.

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