Ron Paul's Last hurrah

That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!

I have no problem with that, but as I said Ron Paul is done.. Good luck moving on:D
And if he somehow does get the nomination, you'll vote for him just like a good little party man prole. :lol:

Fairy tales don't really come true.:(
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

Ron Paul has got some real racist issues going on. It's kind of hard to believe that newsletters that were sent out from his office with his name on it--and all those racist statements--he didn't know about--LOL. He claimed over that 10 year period he never read one of his own newsletters? BUT--certainly his staff did--and one would think that a staff member or secretary would have brought to his attention these kind of racists wild statements in his newsletters.

Secretary--Mr. Paul--this comment here in your newsletter states: That African Americans will stop rioting when they get their welfare checks. Mr. Paul do you really want me to send this out? 10 years of this going on--Com--ON! Give us a break--none of us were born yesterday.

Then LAST week Ron Paul was caught tweeting on his tweeter--making a statement that Abe Lincoln was responsible for killing 500,000 Americans in the civil war.

Of course--Ron Paul can also blame the tweet on someone else-like someone-who may have hacked into his personal account--and of course he has claimed no RESPONSIBILITY what-so-ever of what was the content in his OWN racist newsletters. But it's all there--and I doubt too many people actually believe Ron Paul. Personally I think he is the ring wing of the left wing nut case senator KKK Byrd.

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Hysterical watching the Paul-bots spin the obvious to their fantasies.
Yeah,Ron Paul is gonna pull out the nomination.
Yeah Ron Paul is going 3rd party and Americans will flock to him in mass uprising.

Hint: If he can't win primaries with GOP voters who tend to be conservative, he isn't winning anything going third party except another 4 years of Obama.
You mean the war started because Saddam invaded Kuwait?

That would be the Kuwait that we didn't have any formal treaty with an our ambassador, April Glaspie, told Saddam we didn't have a side in their fight over the Rumalia Oil Fields.

Yeah, the Zionists started that for sure. Saddam was a known friend of Isreal. That's why he paid Palestinian suicide bombers's families $10k each.
The whole Arab world did not side with Israel. Jordan and the Palis were on the Iraqi side. Everyone else saw that the entire world was against Saddam and acted accordingly.

But funny, we were the only ones who did much of the fighting.

I should point out the Saudis also pay money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel, and oddly, we aren't invading them over it.

Do you limit your bigotry to Jews and Mormons or is anyone who professes a faith also your target?

For the record, anyone who believes in an invisibile sky friend is a valid target for my scorn, because nobody should still believe in that kind of crazy shit in the modern age. God is obsolete. We know how the universe works, and he's not needed. That there are people out there still fucking each other over because an Imaginary Sky Pixie tells them to should be treated like a mental illness.
Hysterical watching the Paul-bots spin the obvious to their fantasies.
Yeah,Ron Paul is gonna pull out the nomination.
Yeah Ron Paul is going 3rd party and Americans will flock to him in mass uprising.

Hint: If he can't win primaries with GOP voters who tend to be conservative, he isn't winning anything going third party except another 4 years of Obama.

So be it. I think there's going to be a third party regardless that will ensure another Obama win.
You mean the war started because Saddam invaded Kuwait?

That would be the Kuwait that we didn't have any formal treaty with an our ambassador, April Glaspie, told Saddam we didn't have a side in their fight over the Rumalia Oil Fields.

Yeah, the Zionists started that for sure. Saddam was a known friend of Isreal. That's why he paid Palestinian suicide bombers's families $10k each.
The whole Arab world did not side with Israel. Jordan and the Palis were on the Iraqi side. Everyone else saw that the entire world was against Saddam and acted accordingly.

But funny, we were the only ones who did much of the fighting.

I should point out the Saudis also pay money to the families of suicide bombers in Israel, and oddly, we aren't invading them over it.

Do you limit your bigotry to Jews and Mormons or is anyone who professes a faith also your target?

For the record, anyone who believes in an invisibile sky friend is a valid target for my scorn, because nobody should still believe in that kind of crazy shit in the modern age. God is obsolete. We know how the universe works, and he's not needed. That there are people out there still fucking each other over because an Imaginary Sky Pixie tells them to should be treated like a mental illness.

April Glaspie is a Zionist agent? Who knew?
We didnt invade Iraq because of Iraqi support of terrorism, although that would become valid in 2001. We did it because Iraq threatened the rest of the middle east.

I heard that anti-semitism makes people stupid but never saw that until this thread.
That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!

I have no problem with that, but as I said Ron Paul is done.. Good luck moving on:D

Depends on what you mean by "done". I suspect you mean something like "sit down and shut up", and of course, that ain't gonna happen. We'll keep building, keep working, keep seeking out the people are ready to dismantle the warfare/welfare state. As long as our numbers keep growing like they have been, I see good things on the horizon.

Shouldn't you be handing out flowers at the airport?

[ame=]Airplane Missionaries - YouTube[/ame]
April Glaspie is a Zionist agent? Who knew?
We didnt invade Iraq because of Iraqi support of terrorism, although that would become valid in 2001. We did it because Iraq threatened the rest of the middle east.

I heard that anti-semitism makes people stupid but never saw that until this thread.

Wow. You almost got near an argument there,

Point is, April Glaspie told Saddam, we wouldn't take a side if he attacked Kuwait. just like we didn't take a side when he invaded Iran in 1980. So he figured he had a green light.

When it turned out that the Kuwaitis were too fat and lazy to defend their own country for more than a day, the Zionists figured, "Hey, now we can get Washington to take out Saddam for us!"

Why was this our problem? I mean, does it really matter which petty tyrannt controlled Kuwait? NOPE. We got punked into fighting a war that was none of our business.

A great comfort for all those guys who came back with Gulf War Syndrome.
Budgets are passed by Congress, not the president.
Yes, under Bush the GOP started thinking it was really the Democratic PArty and spent like hell. But that was then, this is now. Bush didnt have a credit downgrade in his past. Romney will.
Bush was never a small gov't conservative. That what 'compassionate conservatism" was all about.

Presidents sign budgets.

Exact same thing happened under Reagan, my entire life republicans have been big spenders.

Romney is a big gov't fiscal liberal, same as Bush and Obama.

You idiot Reagan got screwed he tried to cut spending but the libs and some fake ass republicans wouldn't corporate get your facts straight your stupid Ron Paul talking points are a joke

He tried cutting spending as you say, then was presented with 8 years of record breaking spending budgets with enormous deficits and huge increases in debt and he signed all of them. 8 for 8.

My entire life republicans have been big spenders. I'll only vote for fiscal conservatives, once there's more than one in the republican party I'll happily support more than one person.
Ron Paul was expected to finish 1st or 2nd, he finished 3rd, and his 22% is the best he'll ever do... He's done:cool:
I'm convinced you don't know jack shit about politics outside of what the tv teaches you.

for the more retarded in here...

In caucus states, the final vote totals are not indicative of who wins what delegates. There are several more convention processes before delegates are chosen and pledged.

Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

Is that evidenced by his upward curve of support. You know, the upward curve that represents exponential growth?
It's sad the amount of faith these Ron Paul people put into that whack job Paul you'd think they'd aim a little higher.
Ron Paul was expected to finish 1st or 2nd, he finished 3rd, and his 22% is the best he'll ever do... He's done:cool:
I'm convinced you don't know jack shit about politics outside of what the tv teaches you.

for the more retarded in here...

In caucus states, the final vote totals are not indicative of who wins what delegates. There are several more convention processes before delegates are chosen and pledged.

Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

Because he didn't win a non-binding straw poll??

LOL you're a fucking retard. All accounts of what happened precinct by precinct point to Paul taking a lion's share of delegates into the county conventions.

But I wouldn't expect you to even know what the means, since you obviously have no clue about how this process works.
It's sad the amount of faith these Ron Paul people put into that whack job Paul you'd think they'd aim a little higher.

This is coming from a fucking pussy and a coward. Your a chicken shit little punk who lobbies the government to protect your little shit stain religious center in the middle of the desert. Fuck you, fuck Israel, Fuck Jesus. Fucking asshole.
I'm convinced you don't know jack shit about politics outside of what the tv teaches you.

for the more retarded in here...

In caucus states, the final vote totals are not indicative of who wins what delegates. There are several more convention processes before delegates are chosen and pledged.

Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

Because he didn't win a non-binding straw poll??

LOL you're a fucking retard. All accounts of what happened precinct by precinct point to Paul taking a lion's share of delegates into the county conventions.

But I wouldn't expect you to even know what the means, since you obviously have no clue about how this process works.

Straw poll? Michele Bachmann won the Straw poll.
Here's what's going to happen..

Bachmann dropped, and Perry probably isn't far behind.

So that leaves Romney, Newt, Santorum, and Paul.

Newt is done unless he pulls a McCain, but I think he's pretty much had his moment. Santorum will never win moderate states, and has ZERO funding or organization, so there's no way he'll be able to compete. His supporters are mostly the people who've been jumping around looking for a candidate to pull a lever for, and they have no idea how the delegate process works. This said, Santorum is likely to get no delegates out of his 2nd place finish.

Only Romney and Paul have the organization on the ground, and the money. It's going to be Romney getting the 1144 delegates, but Paul will come in 2nd because his organization is about as good as it gets, and his supporters are some of the most informed about the political process.

Paul will have a huge impact at the national convention, but you guys get your establishment guy in Romney.

Enjoy your flip flopping liberal :thup:
It's sad the amount of faith these Ron Paul people put into that whack job Paul you'd think they'd aim a little higher.

This is coming from a fucking pussy and a coward. Your a chicken shit little punk who lobbies the government to protect your little shit stain religious center in the middle of the desert. Fuck you, fuck Israel, Fuck Jesus. Fucking asshole.

Among the best of the Ron Paul loons:cuckoo:
Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

Because he didn't win a non-binding straw poll??

LOL you're a fucking retard. All accounts of what happened precinct by precinct point to Paul taking a lion's share of delegates into the county conventions.

But I wouldn't expect you to even know what the means, since you obviously have no clue about how this process works.

Straw poll? Michele Bachmann won the Straw poll.


You REALLY don't know anything about this process, do you?

The vote count at the caucuses the other night was simply another version of a straw poll. The vote count was NON-BINDING. There have been ZERO national delegates awarded so far. Any numbers you read about in the media indicate projected totals based on the candidates continuing the same momentum throughout the whole convention process. They still have county, and then state conventions before delegates commit. 25 of the 28 delegates available in Iowa are not bound, so whoever has any projected ones has not even secured them yet.

The only thing that's for sure is that Santorum will probably get little to no delegates, because not only are the majority of his support the other night just regular people who mostly left after they cast their vote and will not be involved in the delegation process, but he will likely not even be in the race still when the state convention happens.

Educate yourself jroc. You're making yourself look like a moron, and it's embarrassing.
It's sad the amount of faith these Ron Paul people put into that whack job Paul you'd think they'd aim a little higher.

Do you ever post based on facts or intellect or is everything you say insult and/or emtion based?

Is it a good thing for those who want fiscal responsibility and small government conservatism that Romney beat Paul?

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