Ron Paul's Last hurrah

No, you will be helping Obama by not supporting ron paul. Because, unlike Mitt, Rick, etc. supporters...RP supporters are going to just write him you might as well make him your nomination.

Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.
Gave up reading after three pages when the Stupid Attacks started thumping hard.

Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

I like your sig. Let's see

Man is not free unless government is limited. - Ronald Reagan
Who touts Reagan the loudest? The Constitutionalist who wants to actually shrink the Government, the Business Guru that put people out of work, the guy that wants to regulate your personal life, or the Speaker that ponied up 300K in ethics violations.

We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot. ~Abraham Lincoln
Kinda like printing money out of thin air? Banks to big to fail? Sending $$ to Europe to bail them out?

"You shall not desire your neighbor's house"—Deuteronomy 5:18
But it is ok to desire another woman, and another, yadablahetcetera while impeaching a President for essentially the same thing? It should read that you shall not desire to regulate what goes on in your house.

Please. Ron Paul was not and is not the only route to liberty in this nation.

In fact, we need to avoid the cult of personality if we are to remain free.

Well said. In fact, the best thing that could happen for the cause of liberty is a Santorum nomination for the Republicans.

The same Santorum whose tolerance level is about a half point higher than the talibans? The guy who is so dense that he isn't willing to admit that the domino effect is real.... ya know...... the ol saw about actions having consequences?

All y'all need to take a look and ask yourself this question: Which candidate has done the most harm?
Gave up reading after three pages when the Stupid Attacks started thumping hard.

Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:

I like your sig. Let's see

Man is not free unless government is limited. - Ronald Reagan
Who touts Reagan the loudest? The Constitutionalist who wants to actually shrink the Government, the Business Guru that put people out of work, the guy that wants to regulate your personal life, or the Speaker that ponied up 300K in ethics violations.

Kinda like printing money out of thin air? Banks to big to fail? Sending $$ to Europe to bail them out?

But it is ok to desire another woman, and another, yadablahetcetera while impeaching a President for essentially the same thing? It should read that you shall not desire to regulate what goes on in your house.

Please. Ron Paul was not and is not the only route to liberty in this nation.

In fact, we need to avoid the cult of personality if we are to remain free.

Well said. In fact, the best thing that could happen for the cause of liberty is a Santorum nomination for the Republicans.

The same Santorum whose tolerance level is about a half point higher than the talibans? The guy who is so dense that he isn't willing to admit that the domino effect is real.... ya know...... the ol saw about actions having consequences?

All y'all need to take a look and ask yourself this question: Which candidate has done the most harm?
I took dblack's post to mean that he would welcome that because it would drive more people to vote independent, I could be wrong though.
No, you will be helping Obama by not supporting ron paul. Because, unlike Mitt, Rick, etc. supporters...RP supporters are going to just write him you might as well make him your nomination.

And thats the truth. The GOP had better had get behind paul. He will be on the final ballot, be it GOP or third party.

Better decide right now if the GOP is a conservative party, or if it really is just a bunch of liars and hypocrites. Better decide right now if its going to be President Ron Paul, or if its going to be more of the socialist dictator.
No, you will be helping Obama by not supporting ron paul. Because, unlike Mitt, Rick, etc. supporters...RP supporters are going to just write him you might as well make him your nomination.

Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.



Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.
No, you will be helping Obama by not supporting ron paul. Because, unlike Mitt, Rick, etc. supporters...RP supporters are going to just write him you might as well make him your nomination.

Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.



Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.

Ill take my chances.
I was fed the same lie about Bush replacing Clinton was a great victory for small gov't conservatism and fiscal responsibility, I won't eat it up this time.

Romney will have bigger budgets than Obama, expand on Obamacare and grow gov't to heights even Obama couldn't reach.
Budgets are passed by Congress, not the president.
Yes, under Bush the GOP started thinking it was really the Democratic PArty and spent like hell. But that was then, this is now. Bush didnt have a credit downgrade in his past. Romney will.
Bush was never a small gov't conservative. That what 'compassionate conservatism" was all about.

Presidents sign budgets.

Exact same thing happened under Reagan, my entire life republicans have been big spenders.

Romney is a big gov't fiscal liberal, same as Bush and Obama.

You idiot Reagan got screwed he tried to cut spending but the libs and some fake ass republicans wouldn't corporate get your facts straight your stupid Ron Paul talking points are a joke
Reps gotta win me back, once they have any history of cutting spending, balancing budgets and cutting debt, I'll happily come back.

Oh and pigs have to fly too.

Well, they can't do that without having some kind of control, capeche?

What's the difference in me voting for reps with a history of big spending to undo their past or me voting for dems with a history of big spending to undo their past?

Only way I'll vote for a rep is if he/she has a history of voting against big spending budgets submitted by both parties. In other words showing they're against big spending in general, not just showing they're against the other teams big spending.

Then vote for Newt becouse thats what he did, He cut spending and balanced the budget... well close enough anyway
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:
Ron Paul won just as many delegates as Romney and Santorum. So in terms of delegates, the number of which will decide the nominee, Ron Paul is in a tie for first.

He got more than double the votes this time around than in 2008, and Romney saw no growth in support whatsoever and may have even gotten less. Santorum is just another Huckabee, the religious choice that nobody else out of Iowa will vote for.

So no, Ron Paul is not out of it. He is essentially tied for first. But enjoy being spoon-fed propaganda by the mainstream media outlets. Hope it tastes good.

Ron Paul was expected to finish 1st or 2nd, he finished 3rd, and his 22% is the best he'll ever do... He's done:cool:
No, you will be helping Obama by not supporting ron paul. Because, unlike Mitt, Rick, etc. supporters...RP supporters are going to just write him you might as well make him your nomination.

Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.



Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.

I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.
Ron Paul isn't getting the nomination. There was never any chance of that whatsoever.
Denial. Not just a river in Egypt.



Its that simple dumbass. Its Ron Paul or its Obama. You decide.

I've been a Republican probably longer than you've been alive.
If Paul can't persuade someone like me he has no, zero, chance at the nomination. Even if nominated he would have no, zero, chance of getting elected. He is the candidate Obama wants to face. His views are so obnoxious to most people the GOP would go the way of the Whigs.
Only people outside the Paul-bubble can see this.
He does persuade people like you. Just not you in particular, because you lack impartial judgement.
I won't vote for establishment fakes.

I'm sick of having 2 liberal parties, 1 that wears it's liberalism on its sleeve and one that just hides it up its sleeve.

I'm standing against this bullshit and I'm voting for the only candidate that doesn't have a record of growing government. If I have to write his name on the ballot, fold it into a paper airplane, and fly it into my precinct captain's eye I will.

and I know about 15% of my fellow electorate whos going to do the same thing.

You deserve what you get.
Tonight is the last time Ron Paul actually had a chance to win anything. It's all down hill from here for that wack job...Thank G-d.:cool:
Ron Paul won just as many delegates as Romney and Santorum. So in terms of delegates, the number of which will decide the nominee, Ron Paul is in a tie for first.

He got more than double the votes this time around than in 2008, and Romney saw no growth in support whatsoever and may have even gotten less. Santorum is just another Huckabee, the religious choice that nobody else out of Iowa will vote for.

So no, Ron Paul is not out of it. He is essentially tied for first. But enjoy being spoon-fed propaganda by the mainstream media outlets. Hope it tastes good.

Ron Paul was expected to finish 1st or 2nd, he finished 3rd, and his 22% is the best he'll ever do... He's done:cool:
I'm convinced you don't know jack shit about politics outside of what the tv teaches you.

for the more retarded in here...

In caucus states, the final vote totals are not indicative of who wins what delegates. There are several more convention processes before delegates are chosen and pledged.
Please. Ron Paul was not and is not the only route to liberty in this nation.

In fact, we need to avoid the cult of personality if we are to remain free.

Well said. In fact, the best thing that could happen for the cause of liberty is a Santorum nomination for the Republicans.

The same Santorum whose tolerance level is about a half point higher than the talibans? The guy who is so dense that he isn't willing to admit that the domino effect is real.... ya know...... the ol saw about actions having consequences?

Sorry. I meant to follow up on this and didn't. My point was that Santorum as the nominee will ensure a strong showing for the Libertarian party - whether they have Gary Johnson or Ron Paul as their candidate. Not enough to win election, but hopefully enough to build momentum. That's what I meant by furthering the cause of liberty. Santorum will drive the maximum number of liberty minded people out of the Republican party and into a genuine alternative. If they nominate someone relatively sane, like Huntsman, libertarians might be persuaded to choose the Republican over Obama.
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Ron Paul won just as many delegates as Romney and Santorum. So in terms of delegates, the number of which will decide the nominee, Ron Paul is in a tie for first.

He got more than double the votes this time around than in 2008, and Romney saw no growth in support whatsoever and may have even gotten less. Santorum is just another Huckabee, the religious choice that nobody else out of Iowa will vote for.

So no, Ron Paul is not out of it. He is essentially tied for first. But enjoy being spoon-fed propaganda by the mainstream media outlets. Hope it tastes good.

Ron Paul was expected to finish 1st or 2nd, he finished 3rd, and his 22% is the best he'll ever do... He's done:cool:
I'm convinced you don't know jack shit about politics outside of what the tv teaches you.

for the more retarded in here...

In caucus states, the final vote totals are not indicative of who wins what delegates. There are several more convention processes before delegates are chosen and pledged.

Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon
Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!
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Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!

I have no problem with that, but as I said Ron Paul is done.. Good luck moving on:D
Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!

I have no problem with that, but as I said Ron Paul is done.. Good luck moving on:D

Depends on what you mean by "done". I suspect you mean something like "sit down and shut up", and of course, that ain't gonna happen. We'll keep building, keep working, keep seeking out the people are ready to dismantle the warfare/welfare state. As long as our numbers keep growing like they have been, I see good things on the horizon.
Ron Paul is done accept it and move on loon

That's the plan!

Most of us, especially those of us who supported Paul on his first two campaigns for president, accepted from the beginning that he wasn't going to win the Republican nomination, much less the general election.

We're building a legitimate movement for peace and freedom. Given the recent history of our nation, none of us believe this will be quick or easy. But we are making significant progress. In 2008 RP got less than 10% in Iowa, this year it was more than double that.

The most important thing is that most of the people supporting Ron Paul will not play the lesser-of-two-evils game. We're sick of evil. And we're going to keep fighting, keep speaking up and keep causing trouble for the status quo warmongers. Move on indeed!

I have no problem with that, but as I said Ron Paul is done.. Good luck moving on:D
And if he somehow does get the nomination, you'll vote for him just like a good little party man prole. :lol:

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