Ron Paul's Last hurrah

no one puts israel's interest above america's...

not even israel (given that they back down and don't finish what they need to every time the U.S. asks... )

Israel is America's whore - they do as they are told, or they don't get paid.

You takes the money, then you gots to perform.

ask israeli's what it was like to take SCUD missiles during Gulf I because daddy bush asked them to so his "coalition" of arabs wouldn't cry.

but you and the other anti-semitic paulian idiots can keep lying... but there's a reason that racists and anti-semites adore ron paul... what's not for them to love in a guy who hates israel and hates the civil rights laws.

but good to know your hate isn't only directed at mormons.


I support Israel, as you know. But your portrayal of Paul is false, even if some of his supporters are as you say.
What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.

LOL, actually the 2nd or 3rd post in that thread provided the entire list of bills he wrote or sponsored, you could fill a university library with it.

Of course, you ignored that post, and went on to blame Paul for your beloved neocons not voting to cut spending.

Once your party has more than one fiscal conservative, I'll support more than one person.

He had a list of vanity bills a mile long. Not one of them passed.
The biggest failure since TPaw.

And the only republican of course who deserves blame for his spending cuts and gov't cuts not passing is Ron Paul. Certainly none of the republicans you support. And when they vote for spending increases and gov't growing and Paul doesn't, that's Paul's fault too, not theirs.

I'm on board now.
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So in other words, you have no response. :thup:

That's what happens when Unko gets overwhelmed with too many facts, fact based debates aren't what he's into.

Insults, attacks, talking points, video clips, that's his forte.

Nevertheless, I'm somehow still surprised that people don't understand Paul's appeal to independents. Polls all over show he has wide support there.

The only explanation I guess is that even though he's been getting regular media coverage, they aren't really talking much about his independent support and his strong polling against Obama.

He scares the hell out of the good old boys club on both sides as evidenced here.

Hot Mic At Pentagon Presser Catches Reporter: "See This Room, Two-Thirds Of Us Laid-Off When Ron Paul Is President" | RealClearPolitics
The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

Not a "supporter," a 'follower of the master.' Get it right or they'll take away your matching jumpsuit and sneakers.
Ron Paul never had a chance of winning the nomination, he never does., He hs some good ideas, some not so good, but that's like everyone else as well. His weakness, I believe, is that he lacks that presidential appeal needed to be elected - he is a good guy to sit on the side and complain about what others do, but doesn't really project leadership.
It's not that, you said something good about Paul, even if it's a fact Unko will disagree with it and counter with something that isn't backed by facts.

It's what partisans do.

Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%

I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.

Whatever, Ron Paul would crush Obama in a general election. Just think of what he would do to any of the liberals in a debate where he is actually allowed to speak.
LOL, actually the 2nd or 3rd post in that thread provided the entire list of bills he wrote or sponsored, you could fill a university library with it.

Of course, you ignored that post, and went on to blame Paul for your beloved neocons not voting to cut spending.

Once your party has more than one fiscal conservative, I'll support more than one person.

He had a list of vanity bills a mile long. Not one of them passed.
The biggest failure since TPaw.

And the only republican of course who deserves blame for his spending cuts and gov't cuts not passing is Ron Paul. Certainly none of the republicans you support. And when they vote for spending increases and gov't growing and Paul doesn't, that's Paul's fault too, not theirs.

I'm on board now.
Ron Paul utterly failed to persuade his fellow congressmen of his position.
He couldn't sell condoms in a whorehouse.
Latest Rasmussen:

Obama 39% Romney 45%

Obama 43$ Paul 35%

I'm a Paul supporter, I fully admit he wouldn't beat Obama. There'd be neocons like you rushing to support Obama.

But if you actually think that Romney would beat Obama by 6% and you fully buy into that poll, YIKES.

Whatever, Ron Paul would crush Obama in a general election. Just think of what he would do to any of the liberals in a debate where he is actually allowed to speak.

He failed to crush the other Republicans. Why would he do any better against one of the master bullshitters of our day?
A lone voice of freedom in a room full of corruption, what do you expect to happen. What you need to understand is he brought the central bank center stage and we discovered how much American wealth has been transferred overseas. HR1207 was more important then any of these other small battles combined.

Iowa told you he will beat Obama - won independent and moderate votes 8 to 1
They're opinions. They are valid opinions too, as the Paul-bots and Wookie-Suiters demonstrate with every post.
The country is doomed. The country is falling apart. Only Ron Paul can save us. Everyone else is our enemy.

Germans probably said the same about Hitler in the 1930s.

And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.
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A lone voice of freedom in a room full of corruption, what do you expect to happen. What you need to understand is he brought the central bank center stage and we discovered how much American wealth has been transferred overseas. HR1207 was more important then any of these other small battles combined.

Iowa told you he will beat Obama - won independent and moderate votes 8 to 1

You forgot the part about lions and lambs lying down together and unicorns flying out of his ass.
And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.

I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.
What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.

I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.
And you can stand up and run your mouth on Ron Paul being unqualified, but that doesn't make you right.
I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.

I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"
I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.

I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"

The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.
And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.

He's every bit as qualified. Much more qualified than Perry. There are 3 reasons but we forget the last one.
I can stand up and run my mouth on the flag, mom and apple pie. But that doesn't make me qualified for the work of governing.
And ron Paul is unqualified for the work of governing.

I've never voted for Ron Paul for any office.

But what do you claim him to be unqualified about? He appears more dedicated to the constitution than 80% of the congress. Only the Tea Party matches his dedication, and they have not been sticking to principle, cowed by the savage media. So Paul ranks ahead of even them.

There are many things I disagree with Paul on, many more I disagree with Romney on. Both are better than Obama. So what, precisely makes Paul "unqualified?"

The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.
What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.
But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.
Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.
So a person is only qualified to be president if they sponsor bills that will pass Congress even if those bills are unconstitutional. In other words, to be the president you must be a liar. Much of Ron Paul's bills did not pass Congress because Congress is corrupt and only passes bills that rip off the american public in favor of interest groups.

Your argument is utterly absurd. The fact that you don't see that is concerning at best and pitiful at worst.
The fact that he sat on his ass for 30 years in Congress and doesn't have a single sponsored bill that actually passed.

I see. So failure to flow with the status quo is unqualified?

But let's look at some of this legislation, shall we?

Kosovo, 1999–2000: Prohibits the Department of Defense from using troops in Kosovo unless specifically authorized by law.

Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2009. H.R. 1146, 2009-02-24, originally H.R. 1146, 1997-03-20. Ends U.S. participation and membership in the United Nations and its activities.
World Trade Organization, 1999-2000: Withdraws U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization.

Get us out of the UN and out of the WTO - agree of disagree? Why?

Terror Immigration Elimination Act of 2007. H.R. 3217, 2007-07-27, originally H.R. 488, 2003-01-29. Limits the issuance of student and diversity immigrant visas in relation to Saudi Arabia, countries that support terrorism, and countries not cooperating fully with United States antiterrorism efforts.

Birthright citizenship: H.J.Res. 46, 2007-06-13, originally H.J.Res. 46, 2005-04-28. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to deny United States citizenship to individuals born in the United States to parents who are neither United States citizens nor persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States. Clarifies the Fourteenth Amendment in accord with Paul's opposition to birthright citizenship.

Trans-Texas Corridor: H.R. 5191, 2008-01-29. To prohibit the use of Federal funds to carry out the highway project known as the "Trans-Texas Corridor".

Damn, how could any non-democrat oppose these?

What, exactly, has he done? I can stand up and run my mouth too.

A hell of a lot. Too bad there weren't a few more congress critters with principle. Seriously - he had the guts to propose an end to Anchor Babies, one of the predominant problems of our time.

But governing involves persuading others of your position, negotiating with others, garnering support, making your case, and getting your bills passed.
LBJ, hardly a model of what I'd want, nontheless was very effective as president because he knew how to work people.

I'm tired of these left leaning fools like Bush, who move us to socialism, just a little bit slower than Obama. Time for a conservative who supports the constitution.

Paul has no idea. Some people love him, others hate him. But he cannot persuade anyone of his position. And the more he talks, the less sense he makes and the less sympathetic he becomes.

Utter nonsense - you sound just like the dims. All sound and fury, no substance.
And here come the Hitler connections, only made by the brightest intellectuals.

The easiest way to be a Paul supporter is to read the debate tactics of Paul haters. They avoid facts and voting records like the plague.

What a joke.

I post a thread about Ron Paul abysmal record of failure in the House and I get a stream of invectives and conspiracy theories.
The facts are simply that Ron Paul is the most unqualified candidate running, while his whack-o followers do him no credit.
So he is unqualified because he has been the only person in Congress standing up for the Constitution they all took an oath to defend?

He is unqualified because he was the only one who said no to the big spending and big government of the welfare warfare state while the rest of Congress was making money off of it at the expense of the rest of us trying to scrape by?

He is unqualified because he has been elected in his district by a landslide over and over again, whereas Rick Santorum lost his recent Senate bid by a 10 point margin?

The only evidence you have that Ron Paul is unqualified are soundbites from the media. Then again, if standing alone for what is right, upholding the constitution even when it is unpopular, voting to protect the interests of the American people rather than elites and special interest groups, and remaining consistent honest through decades of political experience is what makes a candidate "unqualified" to be president, then you are absolutely right--Ron Paul is the most "unqualified" candidate there is.

Umm...there's a big difference between getting elected in a small district as opposed to state wide. Paul could not win a statewide election let alone a federal one

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